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Cincinnati Bengals (Just Burrow In)

Finally a complete performance. Hopefully not too late. But if they can play like that they can definitely beat Buffalo next week at home. And nobody has 1 loss anymore in the AFC so it's wide open.

Have been waiting for Burrow to do that but the defense was even more impressive. What a game changing INT by Pratt.

But yeah, the tight ends are hot garbage. Irv...ugh.

And the Clowns losing a heart breaker was icing on the cake. As was Kenny Pickett looking like crap
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Finally a complete performance. Hopefully not too late. But if they can play like that they can definitely beat Buffalo next week at home. And nobody has 1 loss anymore in the AFC so it's wide open.

Have been waiting for Burrow to do that but the defense was even more impressive. What a game changing INT by Pratt.

But yeah, the tight ends are hot garbage. Irv...ugh.

And the Clowns losing a heart breaker was icing on the cake. As was Kenny Pickett looking like crap
Most definitely our best game of the year and a great performance on both sides of the ball even with some of the mistakes. Love seeing a run game, Mixon was exploding through the line and equal credit due to the OL creating some space to run. OL as a whole did a great job, SF has a tough defensive front and we did a great job. On defense, we really played well and Pratt/Wilson are the best LB combo in the NFL imo...they never seem to have a down game.

We have to try and make a trade for a TE...Irv Smith is awful, Sample is nothing more than a glorified OT but not as good as one, and then there's nothing. No way we can't look at TE play under Uzomah and Hurst, and not see the cataclysmic drop off. To me that is really the position that we need to improve on for a playoff push...and I believe we have to cap space to do it. Really gotta push all the chips into the middle of the table on this season.

Definitely helps the Browns and Steelers lost. Ravens have the Seahawks, Browns and then us the next few games, so there can be serious ground made up in the division now at 4-3. Would've been nice to have a better start, but if we stay healthy and keep playing like this we are going to be tough to beat. SF is no joke and that was a really impressive win for the boys.
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Watched the game on key plays and Logan Wilson is unreal in pass coverage. How a man that big is so good in coverage amazes me, but man I'm glad we have him and Pratt. Incredible game from both. Also, Nick Scott has not been terrible...but Battle is better and a step quicker every play, just make the change. You can still play Scott and have him contribute, but Battle is the future (and present) imo.
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Burrow had a hot start, but played a poor 3rd quarter. Missed a wide open Jamaar Chase deep down the middle of the field (in which Chase took a hit and got hurt), and on a subsequent drive on 4th-and-5, throws a 2-yard pass into triple coverage and turns it over on downs, giving the Bills great field position. The Chase miss was an easy touchdown.
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