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Children out of Wedlock

BucyrusBuckeye;1467378; said:
I never advocating letting children starve, I said we should hold people accountable for their actions and not be give them a blessing and uninterupted financial aid.
We should stress to women , since you touched on it, that they should be more responsible to society and think before they spread their legs.
Both men and women should have a responsibility to society to not be a drain.
Women want to be as independant as men, fine let them be but not at a cost to society. I don't want to have to pay for some dumb ass mom's drunken one night stand pregnancy and life just so she can be independant and women do not have a right to demand that from me or society.

I have a difficult enough time raising my own kids without having to bail out someone else so I hope you don't mind if I would like to hold that charity down as much as possible. Either that or I should at least get to be the next guy to get between her legs.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRm-Rcm65SM]YouTube - Uh What?[/ame]
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BucyrusBuckeye;1467378; said:
I never advocating letting children starve, I said we should hold people accountable for their actions and not be give them a blessing and uninterupted financial aid.
We should stress to women , since you touched on it, that they should be more responsible to society and think before they spread their legs.
Both men and women should have a responsibility to society to not be a drain.
Women want to be as independant as men, fine let them be but not at a cost to society. I don't want to have to pay for some dumb ass mom's drunken one night stand pregnancy and life just so she can be independant and women do not have a right to demand that from me or society.

I have a difficult enough time raising my own kids without having to bail out someone else so I hope you don't mind if I would like to hold that charity down as much as possible. Either that or I should at least get to be the next guy to get between her legs.

"No offense..."
FIFY :biggrin:
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Has there been some advance in cloning that only women can use? How is making a baby no longer a function of the actions of both genders with equal responsibility?

Any time anyone has sex, there is the chance that you are with the future parent of your future child, and will spend the rest of your life parenting with that person. A dear friend and his wife have a beautiful child who was determined to make an appearance despite two forms of contraception. This is why I will never understand why anyone would have a one-night stand or casual sexual relationships regardless of urges. Children, even vaguely imagined potential children, deserve better.
What? There are consequences to my actions? Since when? You mean to tell me that the choices I make don't only affect me? That maybe just maybe instant gratification may have consequences?

I know nothing other than instant gratification.

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Taosman;1466555; said:
Dang! Keep your daughters locked up! The results can be frightening!

Obligatory Taos thread picture:

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OCBuckWife;1467361; said:
If I understand your statements correctly, all women with children out of wedlock are ignorant, impoverished welfare recipients, full of fire and brimstone fanatic feminism rhetoric and should all be given a quick smack to the head. Should they also be barefoot and get in the kitchen and get you a chicken pot pie?

I am appalled. Such generalizations about women are so rude on a board that has a large number of not only women, but self-sufficient and educated women besides.

Regardless of that last part, would you say these things about women to a woman's face? If so, come see me in California, I look forward to our animated discourse.

If not, why is it ok to say these things about women on the internet, in a forum you KNOW women are an active part of?

Looks like we can add "don't know when to keep their fucking trap shut" to his post also.
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My son was born out of wedlock, NEVER been in legal trouble, NEVER been a dad, NEVER sold drugs. Works whenever he can, and is a decent student who's paying for his own tutoring to improve his grades! And there are more out there like him that you think!

I worked since I was 15 aside from the 18 months during and after pregnancy, and when I was married for about 4 years to stay at home with my son. I NEVER sat down and said "I'm going to have a baby all by myself with no help from the genetic donor whatsoever". And STILL doing it after 16 years without a single dime of child support either.

GUYS who NEVER had to stick around and deal with the consequences of BOTH parties, yet try to sit in judgement of women wear me out, Y'all can walk away and simply leave someone else to deal. And to those posters whining about how they have to foot the bill? Most of the women I know who are single parents are WORKING mothers, who pay their taxes just like me and everyone else. Try handling all of the needs of a just one of your children [if you have any] plus the basic everyday expenses all on ONE salary.

Do I believe in letting welfare queens [most of whom are NOT Black or Latina mind you, how can those two groups be the majority when they are not even the majority of the population? Think about it! Anyone who has taken a stats class can tell you that anyone can make the numbers say anything they want, so I do not take stock in statistics especially] sit on their ass all day while I bust mine? Hell no! But I think that those who are out there working, taking care of their kids with NO financial support other than her own paycheck, can use a little help since its OBVIOUS most of you do not think that the so called men who were part of the situation should bear no responsibility. :roll2:

If more daddies would stop chasing the next piece of tail, and actually be an active and financially responsible figure in their child[rens] lives, most of this problem could be solved, so if you are not just bitching and want to be part of the solution, tell your buddy who knocked a girl up and bounced to man up the PAY up, that is how you can do your part.:pissed:

But the women are knuckleheads? Really?
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My son was born out of wedlock, NEVER been in legal trouble, NEVER been a dad, NEVER sold drugs. Works whenever he can, and is a decent student who's paying for his own tutoring to improve his grades! And there are more out there like him that you think!

I worked since I was 15 aside from the 18 months during and after pregnancy, and when I was married for about 4 years to stay at home with my son. I NEVER sat down and said "I'm going to have a baby all by myself with no help from the genetic donor whatsoever". And STILL doing it after 16 years without a single dime of child support either.

GUYS who NEVER had to stick around and deal with the consequences of BOTH parties, yet try to sit in judgement of women wear me out, Y'all can walk away and simply leave someone else to deal. And to those posters whining about how they have to foot the bill? Most of the women I know who are single parents are WORKING mothers, who pay their taxes just like me and everyone else. Try handling all of the needs of a just one of your children [if you have any] plus the basic everyday expenses all on ONE salary.

Do I believe in letting welfare queens [most of whom are NOT Black or Latina mind you, how can those two groups be the majority when they are not even the majority of the population? Think about it! Anyone who has taken a stats class can tell you that anyone can make the numbers say anything they want, so I do not take stock in statistics especially] sit on their ass all day while I bust mine? Hell no! But I think that those who are out there working, taking care of their kids with NO financial support other than her own paycheck, can use a little help since its OBVIOUS most of you do not think that the so called men who were part of the situation should bear no responsibility. :roll2:

If more daddies would stop chasing the next piece of tail, and actually be an active and financially responsible figure in their child[rens] lives, most of this problem could be solved, so if you are not just bitching and want to be part of the solution, tell your buddy who knocked a girl up and bounced to man up the PAY up, that is how you can do your part.:pissed:

But the women are knuckleheads? Really?
personally i applaud you. raising children is difficult, doing it on your own must be so much harder. my intent of the thread was not to degrade or belittle single mothers, yet point out and discuss a societal trend. when 2 of 5 babies are born to single mothers that is surprising, to me.

lets hope your son can make it so you dont have to worry about college tuition! :wink2:
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