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Children out of Wedlock

Who's getting abortions? Not who you'd think - Women's health- msnbc.com
NEW YORK - In American pop culture, the face of abortion is often a frightened teenager, nervously choosing to terminate an unexpected pregnancy. The numbers tell a far more complex story in which financial stress can play a pivotal role. Half of the roughly 1.2 million U.S. women who have abortions each year are 25 or older. Only about 17 percent are teens. About 60 percent have given birth to least one child prior to getting an abortion.
A disproportionately high number are black or Hispanic. And regardless of race, high abortion rates are linked to hard times.



Why Have Abortion Rates Fallen? - TIME
According to the Guttmacher Institute's 2005 survey of abortion providers, the abortion rate fell 9% in five years, to 19.4 abortions for every 1,000 women between the ages of 15 and 44; the 1.2 million abortions performed in 2005 numbered 25% fewer than the high of 1.6 million in 1990. That would seem to be good news, whether you view abortion as an evil, or a necessary evil, or a routine medical procedure no more morally troubling than a tooth extraction.
Meanwhile the vast majority of Americans watch from the sidelines and long for cease-fire, because the good news about falling abortion rates only illuminates the bad news underneath: Close to half of all pregnancies in the U.S. are unintended, and 40% of those end in abortion.

some info and facts to provoke some more thought.
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BigWoof31;1466243; said:
I'm was gonna try to paint a pretty sociological picture for you - but it would have been mostly bullshit.

The more "I can do anything" and empowered women get, the less they feel they need men and feel obliged to raise children on their own. All they need is one sturdy yogurt cannon to knock them up and then they're good to go.

So buy all means - let them bury themselves under waves on oppressive debt. See if I care - they knew the risk but they were empowered, damnit! Who needs a nonsensical man who brings home income, discipline and can help raise children? That's not what is on HBO or at the movies???

Women are knuckleheads. This trend will reverse eventually - they just need to get hit over the head a couple of times to come to their senses.

BigWoof31;1466575; said:
I'm pretty sure we all can judge them since our tax money supports their way of life.

If I understand your statements correctly, all women with children out of wedlock are ignorant, impoverished welfare recipients, full of fire and brimstone fanatic feminism rhetoric and should all be given a quick smack to the head. Should they also be barefoot and get in the kitchen and get you a chicken pot pie?

I am appalled. Such generalizations about women are so rude on a board that has a large number of not only women, but self-sufficient and educated women besides.

Regardless of that last part, would you say these things about women to a woman's face? If so, come see me in California, I look forward to our animated discourse.

If not, why is it ok to say these things about women on the internet, in a forum you KNOW women are an active part of?
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OCBuckWife;1467361; said:
If I understand your statements correctly, all women with children out of wedlock are ignorant, impoverished welfare recipients, full of fire and brimstone fanatic feminism rhetoric and should all be given a quick smack to the head. Should they also be barefoot and get in the kitchen and get you a chicken pot pie?

I am appalled. Such generalizations about women are so rude on a board that has a large number of not only women, but self-sufficient and educated women besides.

Regardless of that last part, would you say these things about women to a woman's face? If so, come see me in California, I look forward to our animated discourse.

If not, why is it ok to say these things about women on the internet, in a forum you KNOW women are an active part of?

Make me a sammich, bitch. :paranoid:
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OCBuckWife;1467361; said:
If I understand your statements correctly, all women with children out of wedlock are ignorant, impoverished welfare recipients, full of fire and brimstone fanatic feminism rhetoric and should all be given a quick smack to the head. Should they also be barefoot and get in the kitchen and get you a chicken pot pie?

I am appalled. Such generalizations about women are so rude on a board that has a large number of not only women, but self-sufficient and educated women besides.

Regardless of that last part, would you say these things about women to a woman's face? If so, come see me in California, I look forward to our animated discourse.

If not, why is it ok to say these things about women on the internet, in a forum you KNOW women are an active part of?

I agree with OCBW.

Of course, I hate chicken pot pies.
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Bucky Katt;1467369; said:
Make me a sammich, bitch. :paranoid:

There is nothing scary about a bunny with a pancake on it's head making threads, Mr. BuckyKatt. Wear a claymore up there instead, it works much better. :wink2:

BB73;1467370; said:
I agree with OCBW.

Of course, I hate chicken pot pies.

Oh good, now I know what flavor NOT to try to hide the poison in. Thanks! :biggrin:
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OCBuckWife;1467361; said:
If I understand your statements correctly, all women with children out of wedlock are ignorant, impoverished welfare recipients, full of fire and brimstone fanatic feminism rhetoric and should all be given a quick smack to the head. Should they also be barefoot and get in the kitchen and get you a chicken pot pie?

I am appalled. Such generalizations about women are so rude on a board that has a large number of not only women, but self-sufficient and educated women besides.

Regardless of that last part, would you say these things about women to a woman's face? If so, come see me in California, I look forward to our animated discourse.

If not, why is it ok to say these things about women on the internet, in a forum you KNOW women are an active part of?

Georgia males are about this evolved.

Notice that his pecker and gonards are covered by cloth material in a UGA color.

That is about as evolved as they get.
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BigWoof31;1466243; said:
Women are knuckleheads. This trend will reverse eventually - they just need to get hit over the head a couple of times to come to their senses.

OCBuckWife;1467361; said:
Regardless of that last part, would you say these things about women to a woman's face?


[BigWoof31] If she's doin what she's supposed to, I shouldn't see her face...[/BigWoof31]
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Gatorubet;1466829; said:
So morally we should just go let them starve to death because of their dumb ass mom's drunken one night stand leading to pregnancy?

Interesting. I disagree.

And I guess that should be 999 Points of Light. :p
I never advocating letting children starve, I said we should hold people accountable for their actions and not be give them a blessing and uninterupted financial aid.
We should stress to women , since you touched on it, that they should be more responsible to society and think before they spread their legs.
Both men and women should have a responsibility to society to not be a drain.
Women want to be as independant as men, fine let them be but not at a cost to society. I don't want to have to pay for some dumb ass mom's drunken one night stand pregnancy and life just so she can be independant and women do not have a right to demand that from me or society.

I have a difficult enough time raising my own kids without having to bail out someone else so I hope you don't mind if I would like to hold that charity down as much as possible. Either that or I should at least get to be the next guy to get between her legs.
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BucyrusBuckeye;1467378; said:
Women want to be as independant as men, fine let them be but not at a cost to society. I don't want to have to pay for some dumb ass mom's drunken one night stand pregnancy and life just so she can be independant and women do not have a right to demand that from me or society.

I have a difficult enough time raising my own kids without having to bail out someone else so I hope you don't mind if I would like to hold that charity down as much as possible. Either that or I should at least get to be the next guy to get between her legs.


OCBW just put down her swiffer..
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Has there been some advance in cloning that only women can use? How is making a baby no longer a function of the actions of both genders with equal responsibility?

Any time anyone has sex, there is the chance that you are with the future parent of your future child, and will spend the rest of your life parenting with that person. A dear friend and his wife have a beautiful child who was determined to make an appearance despite two forms of contraception. This is why I will never understand why anyone would have a one-night stand or casual sexual relationships regardless of urges. Children, even vaguely imagined potential children, deserve better.
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