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CBF40'S Look at '09 recruiting

crazybuckfan40;1162504; said:
Just have one or two enroll early...

It doesn't matter when they enroll, really. All that matters is the 85 scholarship limit; if they go over that, other guys need to leave the program.

I'd like to see them take more than 25, if possible. The amount of talent they're in on at this point is ridiculous! I just don't know how they can possibly fit everyone, and meet the quota's they seem to have for a few positions. They want a qb, although no names have really popped up thus far. They want 2 tight ends. 4 Olineman. 3-4 receivers. 2 more RB's. 4-5 Dlineman. Possibly 6 db's.

Someone's gonna get left out...just not sure who.
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westbuck04;1162516; said:
It doesn't matter when they enroll, really. All that matters is the 85 scholarship limit; if they go over that, other guys need to leave the program.

Actually it does. There are two conditions here that must be met: 1) we can only have 85 players on scholarship at any given time and 2) we cannot take more than 25 players in any one class. If we do want to sign say, 27 players in one class, then 2 players have to enroll early and will then count against the 25 limit for the previous class, and still count against the 85 limit total.
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BengalsAndBucks;1162517; said:
Actually it does. There are two conditions here that must be met: 1) we can only have 85 players on scholarship at any given time and 2) we cannot take more than 25 players in any one class. If we do want to sign say, 27 players in one class, then 2 players have to enroll early and will then count against the 25 limit for the previous class, and still count against the 85 limit total.

Doesn't the Big 11 allow teams to over-sign by two, or something like that?
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So just a hypothetical question:

Assuming we are looking at taking 4 wide reciever prospects in this class, with Fields and Jackson already being two. If all 5 of Duron Carter, Marlon Brown, Shaquelle Evans, Andre Debose, and Jheranie Boyd want to come and we only have two spots, who do we take? Whoever comes first, or does any one of these guys stand out above the others? Do we guarantee a spot for Carter and the other four fight it out for the last schollie? And where does that leave Kraig Appleton?
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BengalsAndBucks;1162798; said:
So just a hypothetical question:

Assuming we are looking at taking 4 wide reciever prospects in this class, with Fields and Jackson already being two. If all 5 of Duron Carter, Marlon Brown, Shaquelle Evans, Andre Debose, and Jheranie Boyd want to come and we only have two spots, who do we take? Whoever comes first, or does any one of these guys stand out above the others? Do we guarantee a spot for Carter and the other four fight it out for the last schollie? And where does that leave Kraig Appleton?

I understand it is a hypothetical, but if all those guys want to come I would take Boyd and Debose...Both are just explosive...

Evans and Brown are very good as well, and bring more of the big type receiver to go up and get balls, but Boyd and Debose, can make plays all over the field...

BTW throw in Rueban Randle and Logan Heastie and we are talking about the top 6 WR's nationally...

Just one would be great...
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westbuck04;1162526; said:
Doesn't the Big 11 allow teams to over-sign by two, or something like that?
They might send out more than 25 LOIs on signing day as do many of the SEC schools but they get only take 25 in that class. As was stated earlier, it is an NCAA rule that you can only take 25 per class with an 85 limit. When you send out more "letters" than 25 the school is sort of hedging its bets is that a couple of those guys will probably not many grades.
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pnuts34;1163080; said:
Isn't Heastie going to WVU? Or were you being sarcastic?

He was saying that Reuben Randle and Heastie are two of the top 5-6 WRs in the country...it had nothing to do with OSU being in the picture. It was more a testament to the fact that OSU is in on 4 of the top 5-6 WRs (in cbf40's opinion) in the entire nation in Brown, Evans, Debose and Boyd. Add Randle and Heasite to that list with those four and cbf40 is saying that is the top 5-6 WRs in the whole country.
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wadc45;1163082; said:
He was saying that Reuben Randle and Heastie are two of the top 5-6 WRs in the country...it had nothing to do with OSU being in the picture. It was more a testament to the fact that OSU is in on 4 of the top 5-6 WRs (in cbf40's opinion) in the entire nation in Brown, Evans, Debose and Boyd. Add Randle and Heasite to that list with those four and cbf40 is saying that is the top 5-6 WRs in the whole country.

Is 45 on 40's payroll, now?
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This fear of lack of pt at DB is truly baffling. For one, Jenkins, plus two key reserves in O'Neil and Patterson are gone after this season. Then the rest of the starters are gone the year after that. This is prime for those who want early pt and step into the shoes of star dbs, like Ashton Youboty, Malcolm Jenkins, Chris Gamble, Donte Whitner, etc.

Right now all the prospects that we have offered look good. Banks, Hunter, Emilien, Clarke and McGee all look like budding stars. I wouldn't be disappointed if any of them becomes a Buckeye.
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Is it just me, or does the staff seem like they want four wide receivers this year?

We have two in the bag already, and Duron Carter seems like a sure bet at this point, yet we're still going hard after some other prospects. Granted, those prospects are among the elite of the elite, but it still seems like the staff definitely wants another wide receiver.

Do we only take one tightend and pick up a fourth receiver?
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I don't believe the TE is really used in the type of spread offense we'll run with Pryor at QB, and if so Stoneburner can allways funnel down and play the position of "field-stretching" TE if need be. We'll have Ballard, DiLillo and most likely Fragel here at TE in '09 when we switch exclusively to the pro-style-spread-option-whatever-it's-called. Plus, when was the last time our 4th string TE ever caught a pass?

For the WRs we're after, the guys are we have are top notch, andthe guys we're going after are can't miss guys you take if they want in. Judging by our success recently in California and the time we spend out there recruiting (next to none), I am going to call Evans a long-shot, but Marlon Brown, Jheranie Boyd and Andre Debose are all guys who are difference makers/game breakers at the WR position.
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BGriffBuckeye;1163824; said:
I don't believe the TE is really used in the type of spread offense we'll run with Pryor at QB, and if so Stoneburner can allways funnel down and play the position of "field-stretching" TE if need be. We'll have Ballard, DiLillo and most likely Fragel here at TE in '09 when we switch exclusively to the pro-style-spread-option-whatever-it's-called. Plus, when was the last time our 4th string TE ever caught a pass?

I wouldn't get too caught up in the idea that the '09 offense is suddenly going to be completely different from '08.
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