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CBF40'S Look at '09 recruiting

BGriffBuckeye;1163831; said:
I would. Boeckman and Pryor are on complete opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of game and ability.

Troy and Zwick were on opposite ends of the spectrum as well, but the offense didn't change drasticly depending on who was in the game (at least in 05-06). Plus, we do need at least few TE's for goal line sets. Don't forget that we offered Hageman as well as Fragel.
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I'd say it's pretty clear that the staff wants 4 WRs...but I have Evans a little higher on the probability chart than BGriff does...there has been a little glimmer of hope there, at least moreso than anything I've seen out of Marlon Brown. I don't know what it is but I get a good feeling from both Evans and Boyd...I would love to have either one, although I would prefer Boyd, mainly because to me Evans is a carbon copy of Devier Posey whereas Boyd brings a little something different to the table. The fact that Boyd has all but committed to making an official to OSU is definitely a good sign. I don't know enough about Debose at this point to speculate on him at all...
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MUBuck;1163834; said:
Troy and Zwick were on opposite ends of the spectrum as well, but the offense didn't change drasticly depending on who was in the game (at least in 05-06). Plus, we do need at least few TE's for goal line sets. Don't forget that we offered Hageman as well as Fragel.

Exactly. As Pryor (or Bauserman or Henton) grows into the position more packages will be introduced to take advantage of his strengths but it's still the same base offensive...and those packages are already in the playbook.
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wadc45;1163847; said:
I'd say it's pretty clear that the staff wants 4 WRs...but I have Evans a little higher on the probability chart than BGriff does...there has been a little glimmer of hope there, at least moreso than anything I've seen out of Marlon Brown. I don't know what it is but I get a good feeling from both Evans and Boyd...I would love to have either one, although I would prefer Boyd, mainly because to me Evans is a carbon copy of Devier Posey whereas Boyd brings a little something different to the table. The fact that Boyd has all but committed to making an official to OSU is definitely a good sign. I don't know enough about Debose at this point to speculate on him at all...

Agreed on everything said here...I really have hope that we will land one of these 4 guys...all are very very good receivers, and would be welcomed additions here on top of Fields, Jackson, and Carter...

Boyd is number 1 receiver on my board as well...He plays like a big receiver with small receiver speed and separation...
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wadc45;1163847; said:
I'd say it's pretty clear that the staff wants 4 WRs...but I have Evans a little higher on the probability chart than BGriff does...there has been a little glimmer of hope there, at least moreso than anything I've seen out of Marlon Brown. I don't know what it is but I get a good feeling from both Evans and Boyd...I would love to have either one, although I would prefer Boyd, mainly because to me Evans is a carbon copy of Devier Posey whereas Boyd brings a little something different to the table. The fact that Boyd has all but committed to making an official to OSU is definitely a good sign. I don't know enough about Debose at this point to speculate on him at all...

Safe to say Brown is all DB then?
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Agree with everything Wad said...I would love to convince myself we have a shot with Marlon Brown, but it ain't happenin'. Evans has showed a lot of interest in us, despite it seeming like we haven't pursued that hard. I like Boyd much better and I'm really hoping we stand a chance. DuBose seems the most probable to me out of the 3 (based on mostly speculation), but I really have no preference between DuBose and Boyd...either one would be a huge playmaker. I see us taking Carter and one of Evans/DuBose/Boyd, in addition to Fields and Jackson...if that happens, book it as the best WR class in the country. Not to mention, you are adding that to Stoney, Thomas, and Posey from '08 :biggrin:
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brutus2002;1164371; said:
IMO you take any of them if they commit. IMO you cannot turn that much talent away. I agree that we will only get 1 or 2 anyways.

That's my thinking...of course you take any of them but I say we get one at most out of DuBose, Boyd, and Evans.
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Update time...:biggrin:

I was really wrong with I thought things were going to slow down...They are only picking up...The only thing holding some of the florida guys back is getting up here for a visit or getting their parents up here for a visit...

RB: Berry (looking very good, not sure on time, get his mom here and it is over with IMO)

RB: Hall (Hall is a great player to utilize in a spread offense and in space...He is not the type of running back that you just pound up the middle like Beanie as he is only 5'9'' 180, but he is very shifty, has the ability to make guys miss, he also has the ability to be a slot receiver or a receiver out of the backfield and there has been talk about DB a little as well. I really like Hall's game, just watching TP you just can't help but notice Hall)

RB: Hyde (Another one, get him up here for a visit and it should be over...)

FB: Boren (I am not going to lie, I really think the fact that his brother was transferring helped him get the offer, but Boren is a bad dude on the field...He just lacks in the area of overall quickness, side to side to really be relied on to be a LB at this level, and we had already brought in Homan...With that said I am not going to sell him short, he has qualities to like, like his 240 lb frame, his ability to hit. I think he will make an impact here before he leaves tho...)

FB: Homan (I am not ruling out LB or DL just yet...Some did that with A.J. Hawk and they were majorly wrong...He is builty like a truck, maybe the most impressive physically pound for pound in this class...As a FB he will get up in there and open holes, and fills great from the LB position, just like his brother at the high school level it seems they know where they play is going before it starts as they get to the ball so quick...Just a very good football player, that isn't going to get high rankings, but the kind you love to have on your team...Also sports a 3.9 GPA)

WR: Jackson (Well I thought this one was going to play out a little bit longer, but Jackson just loved it here and he got it over with, he is a blazer, was the top WR on the board, will be a huge playmaker here, some are saying he is comparable to Teddy, not me, but that doesn't mean he isn't going to be good, Teddy was just on another level, but Jackson has 10.5100 time, and once again I will mention how much the staff liked this guy and targeted him from the start...Huge get IMO...)

WR: Fields (It took a little longer then some would like, but he got his offer, which is well deserved...He is such a great athlete, he runs well after the catch, has solid hands, and could provide great ability in the return game...He has very godo speed as well and is a threat anytime he touches the ball...I see him playing in the slot here...)

WR: Carter (Before his senior season??)

WR: Boyd/Debose/Evans/Brown (Think we have a good shot at pulling one of these guys...)

TE: Fragel (soon to make sure his spot is there??)

OL: Linsley (He is another one that is a bad dude...He is ranked the number 4 guard in the country and soon to be a 4 star on scout as well...He picked up offers from Michigan, Notre Dame, and Miami few days before his verbal...He has that nasty in his game you look for in an olineman, he will be a lock to play inside somewhere, probably one of the guard spots, and he has good technique and gets to the next level very well...Really like this pick up...)

OL: Mewhort (Gotta love his versatility...I think he could play anywhere along the line...he plays C for his high school team and you have to love a kid that can snap the ball and still get to the next level with ease...He has a great frame, could play C, G, T...I eventually see him as an interior guy, but I am not ruling out RT with his frame, and quickness off the ball, just not sure if he would be a mauler type that you look for at RT, that say a Shugarts, Browning, etc are...Some are down on him, but he was injured off and on this season and those that saw him late in the season were very impressed...)

OL: Hall (late, but to the good guys)

OL: Watt (Added him, still think that ND is a big player here, but we still have a solid shot...No real update here, but still looks like a solid shot...)

DE: Fellows (#1 player in the state and a 5 star player IMO...Glad we were able to get him to switch his veral and stay with the home team...He is a little raw in his technique in terms of playing a little too high but that is about the only thing anyone would be down on...he arrives in the backfield with bad intentions...At times in his film he is getting blocked by 3 guys and still makes the play...He is very quick off the edge, and doesn't stop until the whistle blows...He blows up fullbacks all the time that try to block him...He has the potential to add about 30 lbs to his frame and could end up inside or he could stay on the outside, but he provides lots of versatility and will be a beast here...)

DE: Newsome (See Hall)

DT: Muldoon (Same as Fragel??, over the summer??)

DT:Simon (Simon is a man amongst boys...He has unreal numbers in the weight room...Has been mentioned as the best player in the state last year as only a junior with guys like Adams, Posey, Stoney on the list...He shows great leverage, and is just a bull on the inside, add 20 more lbs to his 270 lb frame he will be a great 3 technique tackle for our defense. No one is going to want to block him. Rivals is a joke with his ranking as the number 98 player in the country...Might not be the jacobi McDaniel, or McFarland type Dt who are ranked in the top 10, but he is a top 30 player and a 5 star talent...Always great to see a talent like this that wants to verbal early as Simon did...Also sports a 3.5 GPA...)

LB: Bell (Probably the best player that we have committed...#1 SLB in the country...Overall LB goes to Te'o...He is built like a truck, runs well, works well in traffic or in space, great at blitzing the QB, running down plays, meeting ball carriers in the hole..Same high school as Shayne Hale and most if not all will tell you he was the best player on their team last year...He is a 5 star player for sure and should be a fixture in the top 20 on most lists all years)

LB: Whiting (The first verbal of the class...He is another impressive backer...He has great weightroom numbers, is also a very good wrestler wrestling at his weight in the 285 lb class and going to state...The best thing I have seen written about him was from a combine last year "he was described as having DB speed with DL strength and aggression." He will be a monster here to just add to our great LB depth...Should be a fixture in the top 100 on most lists all year...)

LB: Klein (Klein is another one of those football type guys that you just want to go to war with...The thing is alot of those guys aren't always quite as talented as Klein...the injury he played thru in the state finals is phenomal, just shows this kids toughness...he seems to live in opponents backfields, and just trucks people when running the ball...Many are underrating his ability, partially I think because of the talk about him just being a warrior type and not really evaluating what his film shows...Also leading up alot of the recruiting efforts for others in the class...)

CB: Brown(Lose Givens add Brown...Not a bad situation...Should be within the month or so that he pulls the trigger, maybe after his visit to Michigan this weekend...BTW really like this offer and he will compliment Barnett and McGee well...)

CB: Barnett (Another very good player from the state of Ohio...Top 5 CB in the country and top 5 player in the state...He reminds many of Jenkins...Big corner with great speed, great ball skills, hip turn, an physical...He also holds a 4.0 GPA...I see a 5 star player on film, maybe a little biased, but it is what it is...Rivals has him at 50 some which isn't bad either...)

CB: McGee (sooner or later??...He is also the type of player you wait on if he wants to wait...)

S: Hunter (most underrated player on the board, hope to hear more some time...Said he would like to make a couple visits...I just hope they don't fill his spot if he doesn't jump soon...He better get on board as the train will be leaving the station soon...)

S: Emilien (soon??, I think he will be the first from Florida to pull the trigger...)

S: Wood (He is one of the best safeties in the country...At least top 10, maybe top 5. Rivals loves Wood, has him as the best player in Ohio, I have him in the top 5 of Ohio...I really like his ability to come up and play the run from the safety prospect...Reminicent of Doss...he hits like a ton of bricks, doesn't shy away from contact...Will need another 15-20 lbs to his 190 lb frame to really take his game to the next level and come up and stick the big backs in the hole. Great athlete to go along with great ball skills as well...)

ATH: Telfort (will the florida guys be able to talk us up enough??)


The guys I want to add to the list are Adams (good things to say about us lately, and would be top player on my board if he really showed strong interest), Carradine (needs grades, then the offer...But I really like him still), Hageman (If the staff really wants to TEs?)...

This is shaping up to be a great class...On top of 14, if we pulled the list I have we would pull in 3 5 stars (Berry, WR from list and Hall) with 8 4 stars (Hyde, McGee, Vlad, Telfort, Hunter, Brown, Newsome, Watt) and 2 3 stars (Fragel, Carter, and Muldoon) and we are still after Adams who is another 4/5 star guy...

I know that is 28 guys and that is wishful thinking as at the most it will probably be 26, but I am just not ready to cut the list yet...But like I said in anther thread, this class is going to have at least 20 guys by the time the season starts...
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I agree with almost all of that, great post. The only disagreement I have is that I think Adams has shown plenty of interest. He consistently mentions as towards the top of his list, mentions+has strong ties to Ohio, and we are the only official he has scheduled. I think we get Adams personally (though it's early to say he is a sure bet) but I think the main question is who gets left out. We are at 14 right now and I think you can count on:
15. Jamaal Berry
16. Vlad Emilien
17. Marcus Hall
18. Duron Carter
19. Corey Brown
20. Pat Muldoon
21. Carlos Hyde
22. Jonathan Newsome
23. Brandon McGee
- That leaves 2-4 more spots for:
Corey Adams (good chance), DJ Hunter (seems like we have the lead, will there be room?), Frankie Telfort (solid chance with so much Florida flavor), Chris Watt (great chance and we land him imo), Dominic Clarke (I guess we stand a chance) Fragel (great chance, he better hop aboard), Andre DuBose (seems like we have a legit shot and we take him no matter what), Jehranie Boyd (decent chance if he visits, still say it's a bit on a longshot), Hageman (too early to tell but it seems like he is plenty interested), and Carridine (he's ours if we offer but whats the hold up?). That is 10 players who seem like decent-great chances, with only 4 spots at the max left. Will Newsome's spot be held is my question...he isn't seem like a must-get that we will wait on if we run out of room, so he might have to pull the trigger earlier.

On top of all of this, I doubt we won't offer anyone else between now and NLOID. To me, the only players that would have to jump aboard to ensure a spot from the sure bets would be Muldoon and Newsome, possibly Carter. DB is the obvious intrigue to this class, as to who gets in. We have 2 studs committed, with Brown, McGee and Vlad being almost positive bets. That is 5, with Hunter, Telfort, and Clarke fighting it out for the last 1-2 spot (s). Plenty of fun still to be had with this class (though with limited numbers left), and with a seemingly loaded '10 class in Ohio, it would be nice to get an early start on guys like Jamel Turner and Spencer Ware.
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RB07OSU;1164551; said:
I agree with almost all of that, great post. The only disagreement I have is that I think Adams has shown plenty of interest. He consistently mentions as towards the top of his list, mentions+has strong ties to Ohio, and we are the only official he has scheduled. I think we get Adams personally (though it's early to say he is a sure bet) but I think the main question is who gets left out. We are at 14 right now and I think you can count on:
15. Jamaal Berry
16. Vlad Emilien
17. Marcus Hall
18. Duron Carter
19. Corey Brown
20. Pat Muldoon
21. Carlos Hyde
22. Jonathan Newsome
23. Brandon McGee
- That leaves 2-4 more spots for:
Corey Adams (good chance), DJ Hunter (seems like we have the lead, will there be room?), Frankie Telfort (solid chance with so much Florida flavor), Chris Watt (great chance and we land him imo), Dominic Clarke (I guess we stand a chance) Fragel (great chance, he better hop aboard), Andre DuBose (seems like we have a legit shot and we take him no matter what), Jehranie Boyd (decent chance if he visits, still say it's a bit on a longshot), Hageman (too early to tell but it seems like he is plenty interested), and Carridine (he's ours if we offer but whats the hold up?). That is 10 players who seem like decent-great chances, with only 4 spots at the max left. Will Newsome's spot be held is my question...he isn't seem like a must-get that we will wait on if we run out of room, so he might have to pull the trigger earlier.

On top of all of this, I doubt we won't offer anyone else between now and NLOID. To me, the only players that would have to jump aboard to ensure a spot from the sure bets would be Muldoon and Newsome, possibly Carter. DB is the obvious intrigue to this class, as to who gets in. We have 2 studs committed, with Brown, McGee and Vlad being almost positive bets. That is 5, with Hunter, Telfort, and Clarke fighting it out for the last 1-2 spot (s). Plenty of fun still to be had with this class (though with limited numbers left), and with a seemingly loaded '10 class in Ohio, it would be nice to get an early start on guys like Jamel Turner and Spencer Ware.

Agree with everything said here...I will consider Adams strong interest when he steps foot on campus...All the other guys other than Telfort, Hyde and the 4 WR's have stepped foot on campus...Telfort has the florida guys in his ear, and I have heard good things about him...Same with Hyde...I put the 4WR's on the list because the staff seems to want to get a 4th if it is the right one...

Other than interviews I haven't heard anything on Adams, and he hasn't visited yet...When he does we will be able to gauge his interest for sure...
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