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CBF40'S Look at '09 recruiting

Napoleonbuck;1160602; said:
Seems like we could take both now, assuming Hunter really can play cornerback.

Ideally, this is how our defensive back class would look:

CB: Barnett
CB: Hunter
CB: McGee
S: Emilian
S: Wood
S/LB: Telfort

We could take both of course, but that would be "squeezing" out someone else. A problem I see in everyones "mock recruiting classes" though.

Where does that leave Marc or Banks? Will that take away from a spot on the Dline for someone like Carradine (if grades get in order).

Anyway, I'm getting off the point. I was just wondering which one, of the two, people preferred if they HAD to choose.
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I honestly think we'd fine room for both. I actually think we'd squeeze out Carradine before we don't take one of the uncommitted prospects above. That's just my take. We had a good dline class last year, we have the makings of a good one this year, and you know the staff is aware of Jamel Turner and Gholston next year.

That's just my take on the situation.
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crazybuckfan40;1161059; said:
Right now I am thinking Wood, Barnett, Vlad, McGee, Hunter, and Banks...

I take Hunter over Telfort, just because he has more of a position, but if Telfort wants in a also find room for him...

Nothing specific, but I have just never got a good vibe from Hunter on his interest in the Buckeyes. For some reason, I don't see him being a part of this class.

I really like Telfort though and think we have a better chance than many think. I was checking out some Youtube video of Jaamal Berry at a Nike camp and it showed a bunch of one-on-one matchups betweens RBs and LBs and Telfort was amazing in coverage. He is really fast and smooth. I think he is a completely different player than guys like Moeller and Hines who we have tried to move. He looks like a natural in coverage. I would be as excited about him as almost any player in this class if he does end up coming here.
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crazybuckfan40;1161059; said:
Right now I am thinking Wood, Barnett, Vlad, McGee, Hunter, and Banks...

I take Hunter over Telfort, just because he has more of a position, but if Telfort wants in a also find room for him...

Not to pile on, 40, but I look at Telfort as a safety, pure and simple. A player w/Bob Sanders type of unlimited potential. Hits like a truck, but w/ a swift & adroit set of skeeeells. Hunter is a great corner, on that I think we agree.
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tlinc;1161668; said:
Nothing specific, but I have just never got a good vibe from Hunter on his interest in the Buckeyes. For some reason, I don't see him being a part of this class.

We really had not hurt a lot from Jackson either...Then bam...I don't see reason why if the staff sent an offer to an Ohio kid they wouldn't push the interest even if we haven't heard a lot about it...I mean are you really worried about IU being a team to beat and if a kid says I want to go to IU due to pt, which is probably one of the only reason a kid picks IU over tOSU, is that the kid we want...NIMHO...Much like Wad, Grad, and I said about Givens, heart and swagger...I take a kid that wants to give it is his all, compete and earn the spot even if there are 10 guys on the roster over him, than a guy that while ranked higher wants to go to a school where there are only 2 guys ahead of him, or no guys with his talent level at all...

I really like Telfort though and think we have a better chance than many think. I was checking out some Youtube video of Jaamal Berry at a Nike camp and it showed a bunch of one-on-one matchups betweens RBs and LBs and Telfort was amazing in coverage. He is really fast and smooth. I think he is a completely different player than guys like Moeller and Hines who we have tried to move. He looks like a natural in coverage. I would be as excited about him as almost any player in this class if he does end up coming here.

As for Telfort you won't catch me saying anything bad about him other than maybe him being a tweener, but he is a player...Give him a couple years in the weightroom, and you can see where he fits better...Then you concentrate him on that...Whether it be at S or LB...If he wants to come he is a no brainer IMO...

Will try and get an update up sometime soon with the decommit of Givens, and commitment of Jackson...
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Napoleonbuck;1160602; said:
Seems like we could take both now, assuming Hunter really can play cornerback.

Ideally, this is how our defensive back class would look:

CB: Barnett
CB: Hunter
CB: McGee
S: Emilian
S: Wood
S/LB: Telfort

Replace Telfort with Banks at S/CB and i think that would be ideal..

As for Hunter.. i still thinks it gonna be hard for him to turn down OSU if we put the pressure on and the fall rolls around and Indians has a 3-4 win season.. while we are competing for an NC
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Of all the remaining DB recruits we've offered, I think Telfort is second behind McGee. McGee is an elite athlete, but Telfort is right with him IMO. Both will have to learn new positions I think in college(McGee going from QB to CB and Telfort from LB to S), but their athleticism is what sets them apart. I'd then go Hunter, Banks, and Emilien.
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WAD ... would this be your updated projection list??

Is Hyde in there??
Is Watt out of there??
A DB out and a TE in??
What about Telfort??

what you think??

Bold = Offered
Bold and Red = Verbal

RB - Jamaal Berry
RB - Jordan Hall
RB - Carlos Hyde
FB - Zach Boren
FB - Adam Homan (could play LEO or TE)
WR - Duron Carter
WR - Chris Fields
WR - James Jackson
OL - Jack Mewhort
OL - Marcus Hall
OL - Chris Watt
OL - Corey Linsley
DE - Melvin Fellows
DE - Jonathan Newsome
DT - John Simon
DT - Pat Muldoon
LB - Jordan Whiting
LB - Storm Klein
LB - Dorian Bell
CB - D.J. Hunter
CB - Brandon McGee
CB - C.J. Barnett
S - Vlad Emilien
S - Jamie Wood
S - E.J. Banks
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stoody24;1161858; said:
WAD ... would this be your updated projection list??

Is Hyde in there??
Is Watt out of there??
A DB out and a TE in??
What about Telfort??

what you think??

Bold = Offered
Bold and Red = Verbal

RB - Jamaal Berry
RB - Jordan Hall
RB - Carlos Hyde
FB - Zach Boren
FB - Adam Homan (could play LEO or TE)
WR - Duron Carter
WR - Chris Fields
WR - James Jackson
OL - Jack Mewhort
OL - Marcus Hall
OL - Corey Linsley
DE - Melvin Fellows
DE - Jonathan Newsome
DT - John Simon
DT - Pat Muldoon
LB - Jordan Whiting
LB - Storm Klein
LB - Dorian Bell
CB - D.J. Hunter
CB - Brandon McGee
CB - C.J. Barnett
S - Vlad Emilien
S - Jamie Wood
S - E.J. Banks
ATH - Victor Marc

Not Wad, but I think with that list we will have 4 OL...I would put Watt on the list for now...From the looks of some of the last offers, the staff might be pushing for another DE???...I have not turned the corner on Marc yet...I will believe it when he gets an offer...Think that the staff could take a 4th WR if it is the right one...Like Boyd, Brown, Evans, etc...

I would add Watt to the list, and then take Marc off...Still think you gotta have Fragel in there or at least a spot for a TE...Then I think that with the way recruiting is going, Pryor in house, and a big year this fall that we will attract a big time player, that is not on the list right now...I just continue to get that feeling...

Seems we go farther into the recruiting season and there becomes more questions that we thought we had a grasp on...
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crazybuckfan40;1161863; said:
Not Wad, but I think with that list we will have 4 OL...I would put Watt on the list for now...From the looks of some of the last offers, the staff might be pushing for another DE???...I have not turned the corner on Marc yet...I will believe it when he gets an offer...Think that the staff could take a 4th WR if it is the right one...Like Boyd, Brown, Evans, etc...

I would add Watt to the list, and then take Marc off...Still think you gotta have Fragel in there or at least a spot for a TE...Then I think that with the way recruiting is going, Pryor in house, and a big year this fall that we will attract a big time player, that is not on the list right now...I just continue to get that feeling...

Seems we go farther into the recruiting season and there becomes more questions that we thought we had a grasp on...

Thanks Crazy ... i appreciate your input ... i listen and read few peoples posts on this board, but your one i will always listen and learn from ...

Anyway, i agree with Watt for Marc ... also agree with Fragel being in there, but who do you take out (Muldoon?? / Banks??)

however i disagree with another DE due to prospects for the following class like Gholston ... If Lawrence Wilson has a break out year like he was projected to have last year then he might be gone, so who knows

A general question for you would be this ... If we have more than 25 open scholarships available for next year (due to all the seniors and possible early leaves or QB transfers?) can we add more than 25 players or is 25 the absolute max??

ps. i made the Watt for Marc edit in my last post due to Marc not getting an offer yet
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