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Cavs 06-07 season thread

buckeyeboy;811134; said:
I thought that would be the #1 play of the day too, but it wasn't. ESPN gave it to the Blue Jays' second baseman who made a diving play on a ground ball and threw out the runner. It was a nice play, but not as good as Z to LeBron, IMO.

If the Cavs play like they did last night in the final three games of the season, they'll get the #2 seed. I don't see the Bulls winning all of their last three games.

I agree with both points...The play was actually #10 and the only bball play on the top 10...It was all about Hockey stops and some diving stops in baseball...

exhawg said:
Last night was an everyone was hot (at least in the second half) feel good game. I just hope the Cavs spent their 3 days off figuring out how to get Lebron involved in the offense even when teams are focusing solely on stopping him. They did a good job getting him the ball in different places, which opened him up for some easy shots. There aren't too many players in the NBA that can defend Lebron everywhere on the floor so it is up to Brown to get Lebron the ball where he has the best chance to score. The thing I liked most about Lebron's stat line last night was 0-1 for 3pts. That shows he was getting all of his points closer to the hoop. Hopefully everyone can keep playing like this for the duration, with the exception of Gibson who needs to find his shot.

It was really only the 3rd quarter when we shot extremely well. We struggled in the first half...In the Eastern Confrence games are usually in the mid 80's, so if we can get that one big quarter and propel our score into the 90's that will be great.

It was great to see LBJ in the post, even if he can't score it is easier to post to a guy cutting to the hole out of the post, and it also gives guys better catch and shoot oppurtunites as the defender sinks down LBJ...

The thing that made me say WTF was Brown's press confrence last nite, was did you put that in the offense and he said NO...LBJ took it upon himself, and he also said that last year he had no offense scheme it was just give the ball to LBJ and let him create and run some pick n rolls...This year there is a little bit of method to the madness they call an offense, but it is like LBJ is running the offense on the floor and Brown is just the stupid fuck on the sideline...:!
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crazybuckfan40;811343; said:
I agree with both points...The play was actually #10 and the only bball play on the top 10...It was all about Hockey stops and some diving stops in baseball...
I don't think any real thought goes into that "countdown".

The thing that made me say WTF was Brown's press confrence last nite, was did you put that in the offense and he said NO...LBJ took it upon himself, and he also said that last year he had no offense scheme it was just give the ball to LBJ and let him create and run some pick n rolls...This year there is a little bit of method to the madness they call an offense, but it is like LBJ is running the offense on the floor and Brown is just the stupid fuck on the sideline...:!
Which is precisely why I hope priority number one in the offseason is finding a new coach, and I don't mean another gamble. I want a proven coach, or at least a very polished assistant/college coach. We need somebody to be in charge, not just yell at the referees a couple times a game. If we keep changing coaches, our chance of keeping LBJ after this contract is pretty much negligible.
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Haven't been able to watch this game, but I've been keeping up with it on Gamecast. It's nice to see them really whoop the Hawks, and get LBJ some rest in the process. They're really turning it on over the last couple games. Hopefully they can win out and it's enough to grab the #2 seed.

Seven Cavs players in double figures tonight.
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LBJ is starting to score from all angles on the court...I dont know if it is b/c of other teams not being very good defensively or what it is, but that is what we are going to need against teams in the playoffs...

BTW I did here where the Bulls have lost their last 7 of 8 in Washington and like 9/10 in NJ...

They still have their handfuls...So lets hope for the best...
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crazybuckfan40;812410; said:
LBJ is starting to score from all angles on the court...I dont know if it is b/c of other teams not being very good defensively or what it is, but that is what we are going to need against teams in the playoffs...

BTW I did here where the Bulls have lost their last 7 of 8 in Washington and like 9/10 in NJ...

They still have their handfuls...So lets hope for the best...

Washington got absolutely dismantled by the Bulls today 101-68... it'll be up to NJ to determine if the Cavs even have a chance at the 2 seed.
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aurorabuckeye13;812625; said:
Washington got absolutely dismantled by the Bulls today 101-68... it'll be up to NJ to determine if the Cavs even have a chance at the 2 seed.

On the bright side NJ is fighting the Wizards for the 6th spot in the playoffs so they should be playing hard against Chicago on Wednesday. Lets just hope that NJ can pull a great game out of their ass, and the Bulls have an off night.
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exhawg;812728; said:
On the bright side NJ is fighting the Wizards for the 6th spot in the playoffs so they should be playing hard against Chicago on Wednesday. Lets just hope that NJ can pull a great game out of their ass, and the Bulls have an off night.

Well it all comes down to this...The Nets need the win to stay in the 6th spot unless the Wizards lose to the Pacers, but they play at the same time, so the Nets are going to have to come to play...

I still believe that if we win tonite that we will end up in the 2 spot...

Either way you have to love the movement we have been getting on offense, the ability to get LBJ the ball in different spots on the floor in the last couple game...Now if only we would of got that 2 weeks ago against the Bobcats or if we could of beat the Celtics, we would have to be worrying about all this shit...
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crazybuckfan40;814858; said:
Well it all comes down to this...The Nets need the win to stay in the 6th spot unless the Wizards lose to the Pacers, but they play at the same time, so the Nets are going to have to come to play...

I still believe that if we win tonite that we will end up in the 2 spot...

Either way you have to love the movement we have been getting on offense, the ability to get LBJ the ball in different spots on the floor in the last couple game...Now if only we would of got that 2 weeks ago against the Bobcats or if we could of beat the Celtics, we would have to be worrying about all this shit...

The only bad thing about this coming down to the wire like this is that the Heat aren't playing for anything and resting up, while the Cavs are fighting tooth and nail to win every game to get the 2 seed. I really hope the Bulls choke under the pressure tonight.
I really hope they change the playoff seeding next year so it is totally based on record and all winning your division gets you is a spot in the playoffs. If that were the case I bet Lebron would be resting up these last couple games since there isn't as much difference in the 2 and 3 seeds. Lets hope they come out strong tonight and get him some rest in the 4th.
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We'll see if the nets can do us a favor tonight. If I had to predict what's going to happen I would say both the cavs and bulls win tn keeping us at the 5. Thankfully, what I say doesn't mean shit concerning these 2 games. I'll probably shoot myself if the nets win and the bucks beat the cavs. GO NETS!
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exhawg;814897; said:
The only bad thing about this coming down to the wire like this is that the Heat aren't playing for anything and resting up, while the Cavs are fighting tooth and nail to win every game to get the 2 seed. I really hope the Bulls choke under the pressure tonight.
I really hope they change the playoff seeding next year so it is totally based on record and all winning your division gets you is a spot in the playoffs. If that were the case I bet Lebron would be resting up these last couple games since there isn't as much difference in the 2 and 3 seeds. Lets hope they come out strong tonight and get him some rest in the 4th.

I totally agree with what you are saying...
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Cavs can still be 2nd seed

Win over 76ers keeps race alive; Hughes is glad in 2 million ways

By Terry Pluto

Beacon Journal sports columnist


AP Photo/Rusty Kennedy
Cleveland Cavaliers' Eric Snow, left, goes over Philadelphia 76ers' Louis Williams for a layup in the first half of their basketball game Tuesday, April 17, 2007, in Philadelphia.
PHILADELPHIA - Larry Hughes is $2 million richer, and the Cavaliers are still alive in the race for the second spot in the East.
That's what Tuesday's 98-92 victory at Philadelphia meant to the Cavs, who are still hoping to grab the No. 2 seed in the Eastern Conference.
To do that, they must beat Milwaukee in tonight's regular-season finale at Quicken Loans Arena. Then the Chicago Bulls must lose at New Jersey.

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Hell Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Playoffs pairings...

1 Detroit
8 Orlando

4 Miami
5 Chicago

3 Toronto
6 New Jersey

2 Cleveland
7 Washington

That means we will get the Wizards in the first then the winner of NJ/Toronto in the 2nd...

I see us with maybe a sweep over Washington or a 5 game series, then a fairly easy 2nd series against Toronto or NJ...Maybe a 5 or 6 game series...

Then we will get a worn down Miami, Detroit, Chicago team that had to go thru each other...

Must say it looked bleak there for a couple weeks, but we are playing much better and hopefully we have learnt how to get LBj the ball in different places on the floor...

Anything less than the Conference Finals would be a huge dissapointment...
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