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Cavs 06-07 season thread

crazybuckfan40;810842; said:
Just saw the play of the nite...If you missed it just turn into SCenter and it will be #1 play...

Z with the behind the back pass to LBJ in transistion for the dunk...

SWEET play! The Cavs have had a good third quarter and have extended their lead to 14 with about 3 minutes to play.
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I haven't been watching the game, but I've been following the scoring over the internet. It's good that the Cavs are seemingly playing like they finally realize that every game is important. Hopefully this carries through the rest of the regular and post-season
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jlb1705;810875; said:
I haven't been watching the game, but I've been following the scoring over the internet. It's good that the Cavs are seemingly playing like they finally realize that every game is important. Hopefully this carries through the rest of the regular and post-season

Well there has just been a different flow on offense in the 3rd quarter...They are out in transistion and getting to LBJ in all different parts of the court...In the paint, on the wing, and coming off screens...Which is what they should of been doing all season...
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crazybuckfan40;810842; said:
Just saw the play of the nite...If you missed it just turn into SCenter and it will be #1 play...

Z with the behind the back pass to LBJ in transistion for the dunk...

I thought that would be the #1 play of the day too, but it wasn't. ESPN gave it to the Blue Jays' second baseman who made a diving play on a ground ball and threw out the runner. It was a nice play, but not as good as Z to LeBron, IMO.

If the Cavs play like they did last night in the final three games of the season, they'll get the #2 seed. I don't see the Bulls winning all of their last three games.
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Last night was an everyone was hot (at least in the second half) feel good game. I just hope the Cavs spent their 3 days off figuring out how to get Lebron involved in the offense even when teams are focusing solely on stopping him. They did a good job getting him the ball in different places, which opened him up for some easy shots. There aren't too many players in the NBA that can defend Lebron everywhere on the floor so it is up to Brown to get Lebron the ball where he has the best chance to score. The thing I liked most about Lebron's stat line last night was 0-1 for 3pts. That shows he was getting all of his points closer to the hoop. Hopefully everyone can keep playing like this for the duration, with the exception of Gibson who needs to find his shot.
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