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Game Thread BCS Championship Game, tOSU vs. Florida - Jan 8th

Ginn injured was a huge factor! OL couldn't block!

And Heacock did a GREAT job this season with 9 new starters. Keep in mind PSU & Wisky beat the SEC teams.

Its so unpredictable, you continue to play round robin and each week you get different results.

Congrats to Florida for an excellant job.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;713797; said:
Having Ginn would have been a big difference. Enough to overcome 27 points? Hard to say.

Still, if Tress had stayed true to "tressel ball" OSU goes in to half down 6 or maybe 13... he coulda shoulda woulda punted on that 4th and 1, Fla maybe scores... maybe not... in any case, had he punted Florida likely does not score 2 TDs in less than 4 minutes or whatever it was. Don't get me wrong, the 4th and one was not the play that lost it for OSU.... but, in my mind that is the defining moment... When I knew for sure we were totally off our game... even coaching-wise.

I totally agree....Reverse the teams and I say that the Gators would have lost the game there. Not what I expected from OSU. It showed to some extent that Tressel was desperate. I think if he punts there gets a stop and puts points on the board on the next possession, OSU's mentality is different. I think you change that play that may be the result of the game is TOTALLY different. I know it is hard to say one play could change the result, but that is what I look at.
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A great year is not always defined by the hardware, but having the opportunity to get the hardware.

Great point by BKB. Sometimes, we are so intent on reaching the final destination, we miss out on the journey. That's why it is important, at least as a fan, to enjoy the great moments that each individual game provides. In 2006, we have had more than our share of outstanding moments.
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Proud is the only way to be. I think the middle finger on my right hand has grown about 1/2 an inch in the past two days. I'd say 50% of every piece of clothing I own is Buckeye gear, and wear it 365 solid. The negative comments I've heard in the stores the past 2 days are sickening. Nothing worse than a bandwagon fan.
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Losing Ginn made no difference.

1. Does Ginn play defense? No, so he wouldn't have helped. In 2002, our D gave up 17 in regulation against an offense that arguably was much better. 17 points would have given us a chance. They got 21 without breaking a sweat.

2. I don't care how great Ginn is and how horrible (they aren't) the other receivers are. That's no excuse for going 4-14. NONE. Ginn isn't the greatest WR ever and the other WRs aren't chopped liver. We talked all year about our depth..and now all of a sudden because we lose, it's because of Ginn? Ridiculous

3. Shouldn't JT have adjusted after losing Ginn? Use the run more? Use the screen more? Great coaches adjust. JT didn't for whatever reason. he's a great coach...but not on Monday.
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tibor75;713918; said:
Losing Ginn made no difference.

1. Does Ginn play defense? No, so he wouldn't have helped. In 2002, our D gave up 17 in regulation against an offense that arguably was much better. 17 points would have given us a chance. They got 21 without breaking a sweat.

2. I don't care how great Ginn is and how horrible (they aren't) the other receivers are. That's no excuse for going 4-14. NONE. Ginn isn't the greatest WR ever and the other WRs aren't chopped liver. We talked all year about our depth..and now all of a sudden because we lose, it's because of Ginn? Ridiculous

3. Shouldn't JT have adjusted after losing Ginn? Use the run more? Use the screen more? Great coaches adjust. JT didn't for whatever reason. he's a great coach...but not on Monday.

Can't disagree with any of this.
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tibor75;713918; said:
Losing Ginn made no difference.

1. Does Ginn play defense? No, so he wouldn't have helped. In 2002, our D gave up 17 in regulation against an offense that arguably was much better. 17 points would have given us a chance. They got 21 without breaking a sweat.

2. I don't care how great Ginn is and how horrible (they aren't) the other receivers are. That's no excuse for going 4-14. NONE. Ginn isn't the greatest WR ever and the other WRs aren't chopped liver. We talked all year about our depth..and now all of a sudden because we lose, it's because of Ginn? Ridiculous

3. Shouldn't JT have adjusted after losing Ginn? Use the run more? Use the screen more? Great coaches adjust. JT didn't for whatever reason. he's a great coach...but not on Monday.

Great points, but I do think that having Ginn in the game gives OSU multiple options. Because he was out, our defense was allowed to focus on covering very good receivers, but for the most part did not have to worry about being absolutely burnt as can be seen by on the kickoff return. With Ginn, I think our defense has to worry a lot more about a big play. Does that change anything? I don't know. Is he worth 27 points? Probably not. But it would have been real interesting to see.

On a side note, I was in Phoenix/Glendale for the game. I will have to say that OSU's fans are the classiest I have been around. Being around obnoxious fans from places such as LSU, Auburn, Tennessee, Georgia and FSU most of the time, it was nice to see real football fans who were there to cheer on their team and not tear down the other.
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tibor75;713918; said:
Losing Ginn made no difference.

1. Does Ginn play defense? No, so he wouldn't have helped. In 2002, our D gave up 17 in regulation against an offense that arguably was much better. 17 points would have given us a chance. They got 21 without breaking a sweat.

2. I don't care how great Ginn is and how horrible (they aren't) the other receivers are. That's no excuse for going 4-14. NONE. Ginn isn't the greatest WR ever and the other WRs aren't chopped liver. We talked all year about our depth..and now all of a sudden because we lose, it's because of Ginn? Ridiculous

3. Shouldn't JT have adjusted after losing Ginn? Use the run more? Use the screen more? Great coaches adjust. JT didn't for whatever reason. he's a great coach...but not on Monday.

#3 is the biggest thing for me still. I just can't understand why adjustments weren't made on both sides of the ball. I hate to say it but the coaching staff gets a grade of F for the job they did Monday night.
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The only defense I'd have to make for Ginn being a big factor is this... His speed and deep threat ability would have caused him to be double covered and create wider open receivers.. Only problem, the line couldn't hold up worth a damn, so I guess that's a moot point...
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JCOSU86;713942; said:
You'll find us a pretty good group here on BP, hope you stay.

But don't go too near to tibor, he bites.

... Except DON'T bash anything... Just warning you now! I've gotten my slap on the hand for that, questionable warning but no complaints, still love the boards!
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