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Game Thread BCS Championship Game, tOSU vs. Florida - Jan 8th

I know we were preseason #1 but can you honestly say you expected some of the things out of this Defense that we saw this year? Especially after all we lost the previous year. I'm damn proud of this team. Just wish they didn't miss their flight to Glendale....... :wink2:
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Not flaming...

Came to discuss the game. I have to admit I was not expecting the result that happened. The thing that gets me is that on forums that I am on, I had constant harrassment from OSU fans about how there was no chance that the Gators could win. I think that trickled down to the team. UF took OSU seriously, thinking that there was a possibility they may get blown out, whereas OSU thought we are 12-0 we will blow them out they can't win. I was at the game and it did not look like the same caliber teams. I am interested to hear why some think that is possible. Let me hear you.
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The Bowl games can tell us a lot.
Keep in mind........
Penn State beat Tennesse.
Wisconsin beat Arkansas.
Both SEC teams with "southern speed".

I believe, if we would have had Ginn for the whole game it would at least have been more competetive.

TSUN always craters after the season!
Look at their recent post season record record!

Bottom line.
We're not as bad as we looked.
I shouldn't have to tell anyone here that!
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Last year when we lost to Texas......they seemed to have a pretty good d-line as well. I can remember us having success running Troy out of the shotgun on quick draw plays. We may not have won that game but we sure as hell played good enough to win it. We knew our O-line was struggling.....and yet the coaching staff made no adjustments. I'll keep saying it but I think all we had to do is start running those quick screens, slants, draws to negate that speed.
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The simple answer is that Ohio State played like shit, Florida played very well. Ohio State made zero adjustments and for the first time in his time here, in my view, Tressel went away from "tressel ball"

Florida won because they played a better game. The Ohio State that I saw on Monday was not the same team I watched the rest of the year. Some of that - maybe even a lot of it - was because of Florida.... Some of it was just what people call a bad ... a really bad game. You hate to see that in the big ones, but it's not the first time a prohibitive favorite laid an egg.
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TampaGator;713762; said:
Came to discuss the game. I have to admit I was not expecting the result that happened. The thing that gets me is that on forums that I am on, I had constant harrassment from OSU fans about how there was no chance that the Gators could win. I think that trickled down to the team. UF took OSU seriously, thinking that there was a possibility they may get blown out, whereas OSU thought we are 12-0 we will blow them out they can't win. I was at the game and it did not look like the same caliber teams. I am interested to hear why some think that is possible. Let me hear you.

Start back tracking in this thread......i think around page 100 you'll get to post game reactions....
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Missing the Promised Land....

First post about the game and looking for some therapy.

This is the first time since I moved to Florida from Ohio that I actually hate living here. Jacksonville is really right up the road from Gainesville and every car in this town is blue and orange. Of course, tOSU gear stays on the truck regardless of the pain from the loss. The hand gestures, Gay-tor chomps and every other ignorant profane comment comes at each stop light. All I can say is, God Bless My Wife. She bought me a horn for my truck for Christmas that plays "Across the Field" and it can be heard a quarter of a mile away on the freeway. No gesture or act of stupidity has a chance of overcoming the horn. I play it with pride, I just need to add the voiceover saying "Win FIVE more NCs and then tell me you have a better program." Before the 80s, Indiana could have beat any Florida team. My biggest disappointment with this loss isn't so much that we lost, but that we don't have the scheduled opportunity to beat these SEC flamers next year. At least we had that consolation with Texas. It was an awful game that I won't forget and nor will these people let me, but hey, it comes with being a fan. I'm still wearing my favorite tOSU polo on casual Friday. If the score were reversed, they would probably run to their trucks to take the Gay-tor gear off. It's all fairweather for the Gay-tor Nation fans. Fortunately for me, I couldn't get any of them to bet prior to the game. Die-hard fans indeed.

Sorry for the long post, it just gets lonely being a Buckeye missionary to the lost Gay-tor nation.
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The hostility is based on a large volume of SEC flamers, primarily non-UF fans... taking similar approaches. If you're here to talk football, then welcome.

Honestly, I think we merely saw the byproduct of bowl season. Entirely new teams are formed in that time. For instance, PSU's QB never played a game anywhere near that level. Troy has never looked this bad in his life (on the plays where he had time).

I think Ginn would have been a major loss to the passing game (he stretches the defense and commands attention... in which Gonzo, Robo & others thrive. Without him, they are not nearly as effective). That didn't really matter however, b/c...

...our tackles were abused in The Game. As such, Troy was running for his life. For the first time in his career, I think Smith was a bit rattled. He always bounces up after big hits and missed plays and comes back for more. He never quit, but didn't seem to have 'it' upstairs, the intangible which won him the heisman.

Where "SEC Speed" dominated was up front. Your ends were terrors, and changed the entire complexion of OSU's offense.

I think your O was faster than our D, but not dramatically so. OSU surrendered short passes, and Leak is too accurate and UF too fast for that strategy. He sprinkled in just enough medium passes as well. They sat back in a soft zone with little pressure and let Leak do too much... I wish they would have taken more chances and taken our chances deep on occasion (which with your WR speed would be playing with fire).
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TampaGator;713792; said:
You are right. Sorry for the timing, just tired of having to defend our "right" to be in the game. I did not foresee in my wildest dreams the result of the game. I did not think we were good enough to dominant any game with OSU. I think we pretty much played as good of a game as we could and caught OSU on a really down night. Would be interesting to see what would happen with Ginn for 4 quarters?!
Having Ginn would have been a big difference. Enough to overcome 27 points? Hard to say.

Still, if Tress had stayed true to "tressel ball" OSU goes in to half down 6 or maybe 13... he coulda shoulda woulda punted on that 4th and 1, Fla maybe scores... maybe not... in any case, had he punted Florida likely does not score 2 TDs in less than 4 minutes or whatever it was. Don't get me wrong, the 4th and one was not the play that lost it for OSU.... but, in my mind that is the defining moment... When I knew for sure we were totally off our game... even coaching-wise.
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Our tackles got worked. That's my opinion. There were other issues (all mentioned before), but the player(s)of the game were the 2 DE's from Florida. They made our guys look like they'd never played the position before. Now from there you can start to look at adjustments (or lack thereof), poor preparation, different looks on Florida's part etc etc.
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