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Game Thread BCS Championship Game, tOSU vs. Florida - Jan 8th

Interesting bit from SI Mandel's mailbag - he had us ranked 4th in his pre-season list, but this comment concerning the game indicates he is setting up an escape route. One dependent on the number of returning players.
Is the title game loss to Florida something that can completely derail a team? Ohio State played the worst game they've played in years on the biggest stage. They lose Troy Smith and likely Ted Ginn Jr. and Antonio Pittman. Can a team get over an embarrassing thrashing like that, even if they have the whole offseason?
-- Miles, Cedar Falls, Iowa
There's no question this coming year is going to be a huge challenge for Tressel and his staff because of exactly what you just said. A loss of that magnitude has the potential to be extremely sobering. Just look at Oklahoma. The stigma of that 55-19 loss to USC hung over the Sooners the entire next year, which the coaches knew going in was going to be a rebuilding season (one that promptly began with a home loss to USC). I'm not a coach, so I don't know what you tell your players who will have to spend the next eight months reliving that night, but it's definitely going to require something special to regain that swagger after you've suffered your most lopsided loss in 12 years on the biggest possible stage.
The good news is that Tressel and the Buckeyes will be operating under lower (at least by Columbus standards) expectations next season. While I had them fourth in my initial preseason list, that will change in a hurry if in fact the players you mentioned, and/or Anthony Gonzalez, turn pro. Michigan, Wisconsin and possibly Penn State will likely be picked ahead of OSU in the Big Ten next season. It won't be like this season where anything less than the national title was going to be considered a disappointment.
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footballfanatic;713580; said:
I can't help but think you are overstating the impact Ginn would have had. Sadly, due to some incredibly buffoonish endzone antics, we'll never know what Ginn would have done, but the breakdown in the o-line, coupled with TS's loss of confidence proved fatal. Florida had so completely whipped your team on both sides of the ball that it seems Ginn's impact would have been small. On offense, Florida moved the ball effortlessly, and confused your team to the point of desperation. On defense, the pressure knocked TS off of his game. I believe when he realized that the defensive line was faster than he was, he began rushing his throws. Ginn couldn't have caught those balls--no one could have. The most telling moment of the game was when TS tried to rally the offensive line in the second half. No one responded to his urgings. They all stood looking sullen, and ashamed. Ohio State was a team whipped.

the despatch: Gators coach Urban Meyer said Ginn's absence allowed Florida to better cover the Buckeyes' remaining wideouts and put more pressure on Smith.

I wasn't trying to imply that ginn would of caught any of those 10 incompletions, but there would have been more looks and options, smith would have gotten some leniency and could have been able to work in the POCKET as a QUARTERBACK and not a helpless hitstand.
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footballfanatic;713580; said:
I can't help but think you are overstating the impact Ginn would have had. Sadly, due to some incredibly buffoonish endzone antics, we'll never know what Ginn would have done, but the breakdown in the o-line, coupled with TS's loss of confidence proved fatal. Florida had so completely whipped your team on both sides of the ball that it seems Ginn's impact would have been small. On offense, Florida moved the ball effortlessly, and confused your team to the point of desperation. On defense, the pressure knocked TS off of his game. I believe when he realized that the defensive line was faster than he was, he began rushing his throws. Ginn couldn't have caught those balls--no one could have. The most telling moment of the game was when TS tried to rally the offensive line in the second half. No one responded to his urgings. They all stood looking sullen, and ashamed. Ohio State was a team whipped.

And I can't help but think going overboard. If you seriously think that the presence of a 100% healthy Tedd Ginn would not have made a noticeable shift in Florida's defensive scheme, then maybe you go back to playing tidily winks. Now, would we have won the game with a healthy Ginn? I'm saying no. But, I think Ginn would've forced a looser coverage which would've allowed either him or another WR to get open occasionally and thus move the ball and improve our chances of scoring along with giving our defense much needed rest...the game would've been much closer. As it was, Florida just jammed our WRs near the line which gave their DL the ability to tee off. Urban Meyer himself said Ginn's absence played a big roll in their defensive pressure.
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Jason Lloyd is quickly becoming one of my favorites...

Morning Journal

Gators exposed Bucks' problems
Jason Lloyd, Morning Journal Writer


ENOUGH time has passed now to take an honest look back at what happened Monday night.

The Buckeyes got clobbered.

It's really not much more difficult than that. Were they outcoached? Absolutely. For the first time since he arrived in Columbus, Jim Tressel stood on the sideline and seemed bewildered, rubbing the tooth marks where the Gators took a giant chomp out of his aura.
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Wynn's got words for OSU
Normally quiet Gators RB says Bucks not up to SEC's standards
GLENDALE, Ariz. - During most of his time at the University of Florida, tailback DeShawn Wynn never was eager to do media interviews.

Wynn, who was recruited by Ohio State but never seriously considered playing for the program, took a few verbal shots at the Buckeyes.
"I'd probably say there are at least four teams in the SEC that are better (than Ohio State)," he said. "We were prepared for this game because of all the teams we played in our conference."
And then he smiled and took one more jab at his home-state team.
"If Ohio State had been in the SEC, they might have lost three or four games," he said.
A parting shot from an Ohio native who, typical of his career, quietly played a major role one final time for the Gators.
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We had a bad game, thats all...

You can bet that Tressel wouldnt be allowing his players to say something like this if we won the game.

EDIT: Have fun in the NFL.... oh wait... your work ethic is so crappy that even your coach has called you worthless...
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Antidote for SEC speed argument

I have found a way to confound the SEC speed crowd. Basically, you answer the SEC speed comments with some variation of "You're right, the SEC is fast. We haven't seen speed like that since General Sherman. Thank God he played for the Union." Or the less PC variant of "Hopefully one day there will be opportunities in the South for some people that don't require a 4.3 forty". Works pretty well.
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Me Monday Morning

:groove: :groove:

Me Tuesday Morning

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tibor75;713918; said:
Losing Ginn made no difference.

Tibor that is crazy talk to say that losing him made no difference. See Urban Meyer's quote:

Gators coach Urban Meyer said Ginn's absence allowed Florida to better cover the Buckeyes' remaining wideouts and put more pressure on Smith. That's where Florida likely won the game. Defensive ends Derrick Harvey (three sacks) and Jarvis Moss (two) harassed Smith into a 4-of-14 passing night for 35 yards, with no touchdowns and one interception.

Losing Teddy hurt us bad, I won't say it is the absolute reason we lost the game, but with Teddy in, the outcome IMO would have been a better game. I do agree though that our coaches did not adapt well to losing him, nor did they adapt the defense in time to make much of a difference. Although holding them to only 7 points in the second half, if our offense had been playing to their ability would have made things interesting, IMHO.
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osugrad21;714007; said:
...and the rats are always the first to jump...


Some fans shed no tears for overhyped Buckeyes

By Sean McClelland
Staff Writer

Thursday, January 11, 2007
Seeking to gauge national reaction to Ohio State's loss Monday night to the University of Florida, I turned to my friend Ursula.

Sean McClelland is, and always has been, a big fat bag of negativity, always looking for the worst in things, and on top of that, he doesn't understand football at all, other than probably how many beers you can drink while watching a game.
I hate his coverage of the Browns, and hope he is never allowed to utter a peep about the Buckeyes ever again.
Between this and what Marc Katz wrote yesterday, the DDN should be ashamed of themselves for hiring these two dumbasses.
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nwbuckeye;713035; said:
I just realized that we came within 1 point (on the basketball side) of losing to Florida by 27 points in both basketball and football. Unlike the thought of losing to those other two major florida schools, I can't get too fired up about that humiliation coming at the expense of the Gators. And also unlike that jackass Jarrett from USC who was seen taunting scUM on two separate occasions, I did not see anything but class from UF players in the championship game and so my wish to get "even" is just that; a wish not a burning desire. That being said I do hope that sometimes in the near future we can return the favor and put a whoopen on them in basketball (this year?) and hopefully football too (another BCS match-up in the next few years)

Have you visited the Gator sites? There's a bit more going on there than mere celebratory high-5s. They're not content to dump on Ohio State...no...it's the entire Big 10. And they are savoring the OSU band playing the Titanic theme at halftime, drawing the none-too-flattering parallel.

Now switch roles....had we won by a similar margin, would people here be slamming the entire SEC? Mocking Florida, their band, and their fans? I know I am too biased to answer, but maybe the non-Buckeye fans who post here would like to give us an objective opinion about how we stack up to the Gator web sites. (It needs to be said that those who traveled to Glendale have reflected very positively on the Florida fans there.) And hell...the site I visited is reserved for SEC-East! When registering, you have the option of indicating your favorite team...if it's not an SEC-East team, it's not on the drop-down list. How frikkin narrow-minded is that?
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