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Game Thread BCS Championship Game, tOSU vs. Florida - Jan 8th


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I admire all of you who are able to remain positive after the BCSNC game. Unfortunately, I am not. I am as low (in fandom terms) as I have been since Jim Tressel took over the reins -- in fact, much lower than I have been.

This does not mean that I would prefer anyone else than Tressel to be our coach (though Urban Meyer rises to the top of the list if Tressel were to be hired away to the NFL). But the absolute domination of our team by a Florida squad that, IMO, does not have markedly better personnel is troubling and baffling to me. I hope that our staff learns many lessons from the game, since it is evident that we need to learn many lessons. (Note - I am not knowledgeable enough to have a clue what they might be.)
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This my first post about the game. I decided I am not even going to try to analyze it.
I feel there is no need to be down or whine or complain.
I just want to say thanks to the Buckeyes for a memorable year. I have heard that a lot of fans In columbus radio are down on Jt and the team.
That's a load of crap people get over it.

A big ten championship is something to hang onto.
My heart will always be with the Bucks.
Bring on Basketball and
GO BUCKS !!!!!
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1. Wow, I really didnt think that there was anything to florida speed, but uh I guess I was wrong. Their D-line ran our O-line right out of their jocks. They were WAY faster and stronger than us up front on both sides of the ball, that is a huge problem.

2. Why were we in a soft zone playing 15 yards off the ball the whole night? Did the staff not watch game film? Anyone that has seen floirda play knows Chris Leak is at his BEST when he can sit back and throw 8 yard dump passes the whole night. At least we adjusted a little on deffense in the second half, after it was too late.

3. What were we doing on offense? TG is out, and we cant block for more than 2 sec, so we drop back and pass everydown? It looked like we came in with the same plan we had against Michigan, and just hoped that floirdia wouldnt watch the game tape of that I guess. JT did something he never did before, PANIC in the first qaurter.

4. 4th and 1 call?? I can understand it, I think JT knew that it was going to get ugly unless we could establish something on offense .... we couldnt, and it did. Why not try it, we were getting our ass beat anyways, it was worth a shot. On this play the game was over, and I think JT knew it.

5. The big ten will get ZERO respect next year, and they deserve it. When two teams blow through a conference undeafeated except to eachother, then both go and get their doors blow off in their respective bowl games, its not going to make your conference look very impressive.

6. It was nice that they handled things with class, but like someone else said, its hard to bitch and gripe when you had your jock handed to you.

7. Yeah we got our ass beat by the gators, and showed the world just how fat and slow we looked compared to florida, but WE STILL BEAT MICHIGAN!

8. 42-39 BITCHES!
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I have to get this off my chest. I made the long trip home yesterday and flew into Indianapolis then drove to Columbus with plenty o time to think. I went out there as my buddies guest that I was in Iraq with. He was honored before the game (he was the last one introduced if anyone wondered). I got to meet two medal of honor winners while I was there It was a tremendous privilage. I calmed myself down during that drive thinking about the things that really matter in life. Then at work today a customer comes in (in Columbus) and asks me to order her University of Florida checks. I said you are kidding and with out knowing me she said I went to a "real school", it was horrible. I have an extreem dislike for the University of Florida now and im wondering if im mentally healthy for being so pissed about all of this. I actually cant stand the SEC, more so than any team in the big 10 including scUM.... my question is will I get over this? It truely is bothersome that I feel that Florida feels that some how they are inherantly better at football than Ohio, almost like some kind of state racism. Havnt posted in a while had to rant a little... Thanks
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bassbuckeye07;713657; said:
I have to get this off my chest. I made the long trip home yesterday and flew into Indianapolis then drove to Columbus with plenty o time to think. I went out there as my buddies guest that I was in Iraq with. He was honored before the game (he was the last one introduced if anyone wondered). I got to meet two medal of honor winners while I was there It was a tremendous privilage. I calmed myself down during that drive thinking about the things that really matter in life. Then at work today a customer comes in (in Columbus) and asks me to order her University of Florida checks. I said you are kidding and with out knowing me she said I went to a "real school", it was horrible. I have an extreem dislike for the University of Florida now and im wondering if im mentally healthy for being so pissed about all of this. I actually cant stand the SEC, more so than any team in the big 10 including scUM.... my question is will I get over this? It truely is bothersome that I feel that Florida feels that some how they are inherantly better at football than Ohio, almost like some kind of state racism. Havnt posted in a while had to rant a little... Thanks[/quote

I know that kind of pain after a loss very well and you can rest assured it will start to subside after 45 or so years.:(
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Upon further review.
1. We were definitely rusty. On both sides of the ball.

2. Teddy's loss was a turning point.

3. Forth down call was sooooo close. Where was the measurement?
It looked to me like Wells was very, very close!

4.Causing Troy's turnover near the half, which was huge!

5. Game over.
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I know that kind of pain after a loss very well and you can rest assured it will start to subside after 45 or so years.:([/quote]

Thanks, That will make me 76 so I should have a few good years left (hopefully) if I clean up my diet a little..... I have been around for some big ones but they have never really turned into extreem hatred before... well maybe they have
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Taosman;713668; said:
Upon further review.
1. We were definitely rusty. On both sides of the ball.

2. Teddy's loss was a turning point.

3. Forth down call was sooooo close. Where was the measurement?
It looked to me like Wells was very, very close!

4.Causing Troy's turnover near the half, which was huge!

5. Game over.

I'd like to add 3.5. The coaching staff's inability to make adjustments during the game. (Offense-Running game, Shotgun, Screens, Draws, etc.)(Defense-Blitzes, Man-2-Man Coverage) where was this stuff???
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A great year is not always defined by the hardware, but having the opportunity to get the hardware. Yeah, I'd much more have preferred if the score had been reversed (which, frankly, was what I was expecting) and it would have been awesome to call ourselves 2006 National Champions, but in no way did Monday's loss destroy what was a fantastic year.

I don't want to minimize what winning Monday would have meant to me personally, or the program generally, or even to take anything away from Florida (Although, they can't seem to win a football NC unless OSU is #2 :P). I just think there is more to a season than this one game.
I'd feel a lot happier if OSU had won, but the reality is - you don't always win in life.... and I am proud that the Buckeyes, to my knowledge, handled getting their assess handed to them with class in terms of congrats to Florida and not pissing, moaning and making excuses (like a certain number 20 up north)
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;713710; said:
A great year is not always defined by the hardware, but having the opportunity to get the hardware. Yeah, I'd much more have preferred if the score had been reversed (which, frankly, was what I was expecting) and it would have been awesome to call ourselves 2006 National Champions, but in no way did Monday's loss destroy what was a fantastic year.

I don't want to minimize what winning Monday would have meant to me personally, or the program generally, or even to take anything away from Florida (Although, they can't seem to win a football NC unless OSU is #2 :P). I just think there is more to a season than this one game.
I'd feel a lot happier if OSU had won, but the reality is - you don't always win in life.... and I am proud that the Buckeyes, to my knowledge, handled getting their assess handed to them with class in terms of congrats to Florida and not pissing, moaning and making excuses (like a certain number 20 up north)
For once we don't have a debate. :)
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