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BuckeyeNation27;725746; said:
Who is more annoying....the First Lady from last year or the President's sister from this year?

I could care less...hell, I never even watch the show...but you can bet I am watching it tonight now that I can watch it in HD!
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BuckeyeNation27;725746; said:
Who is more annoying....the First Lady from last year or the President's sister from this year?

So, this douchebag who is Jack's brother, this is the same "puppetmaster" from the last few episodes of last season? Could the producers really not get Donald Sutherland to play Jack Bauer's dad? How weak! Donald Sutherland kicks ass. :(
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Dryden;725984; said:

So, this douchebag who is Jack's brother, this is the same "puppetmaster" from the last few episodes of last season? Could the producers really not get Donald Sutherland to play Jack Bauer's dad? How weak! Donald Sutherland kicks ass. :(

Yes this is the same guy. He is naturally not acting alone. Last season TWOP called them the "Bluetooth Man Group" FWIW, the actor is the same guy who played Dr. Romano on ER. (so now he is Dr. Evil)

Probably with the same group behind the scenes from season 1. I thought they tried to get Donald Sutherland but couldn't for some reason or the other. Still James Cromwell.... good choice.
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StadiumDorm;726059; said:
Wow. 24 hit an all-time low last night. Please tell me this isn't turning into "Days of Our Lives."

How was it an all time low? Certainly makes sense that the guy from the group last year is his brother, since last year he seemed to know how dangerous Jack was.
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vBet on Jack's nephew actually being his own son?

I get that feeling also.....

Wow. 24 hit an all-time low last night. Please tell me this isn't turning into "Days of Our Lives."

I disagree, I like the idea of knowing how Jack became who he is today....I think it's a good move at this point......

Who is more annoying....the First Lady from last year or the President's sister from this year?

President's sister this year by far......

Could the producers really not get Donald Sutherland to play Jack Bauer's dad? How weak! Donald Sutherland kicks ass. :(

They offered the part to him but eventually he turned it down.....
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ScarletBlood31;726080; said:
President's sister this year. Damn she is annoying.
Screenwriting 101. Every character should be at least as intelligent as the average viewer. There is nothing that can bring a story to a halt like a character whose sole purpose for being there is to get in everybody else's way and make every conceivable wrong conclusion. She's worse than annoying, she's (so far) completely useless to the script.
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