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BayBuck;727425; said:
Blockbuster has every season on DVD--you can even sign up for Blockbuster Online, get about 6 mailed DVDs and trade them in for 6 free in-store rentals, and cancel before the free trial period is up.

I watched the first couple of seasons on Netflix. It's only like 20 bucks a month, and i'm sure you could get through a few seasons in a month (because you'll become hooked and go right through them at about 40 minutes an episode).

And Netflix is great for all kinds of movies, if you wanted another reason to get it. If that still doesn't work for you, keep looking around for people you know who have the seasons on DVD, and try to borrow. I completely reccommend all seasons.
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ScarletBlood31;728262; said:
I watched the first couple of seasons on Netflix. It's only like 20 bucks a month, and i'm sure you could get through a few seasons in a month (because you'll become hooked and go right through them at about 40 minutes an episode).

And Netflix is great for all kinds of movies, if you wanted another reason to get it. If that still doesn't work for you, keep looking around for people you know who have the seasons on DVD, and try to borrow. I completely reccommend all seasons.
Buckeyeryn and I did that this summer, ended up going from one all the way thru ....

The bad news is, now that it's a new season, it sucks not being able to watch 4 epis in one sitting, and knowing you can pop in the next disc tomorrow.
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Fox seeks YouTube user's identity

By Andrew Wallenstein and Carl DiOrio
Jan 25, 2007
20th Century Fox served YouTube with a subpoena Wednesday, demanding that the Google-owned viral-video site disclose the identity of a user who uploaded copies of entire recent episodes of "24" and "The Simpsons."

The subpoena, which first came to light on the blog Google Watch, was granted by a judge in U.S. District Court in San Francisco after being filed Jan. 18 by the News Corp.-owned studio. It is not yet known whether YouTube has complied with the request.

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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;728266; said:
The bad news is, now that it's a new season, it sucks not being able to watch 4 epis in one sitting, and knowing you can pop in the next disc tomorrow.

So true... I watched one season on DVD with my dad, and everytime the 24-clock tinked toward a commercial and then started right back up, he would giggle like a little kid about not having commercials. The only drawback is it's so addicting you can end up watching episodes into the wee hours...
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BayBuck;728496; said:
So true... I watched one season on DVD with my dad, and everytime the 24-clock tinked toward a commercial and then started right back up, he would giggle like a little kid about not having commercials. The only drawback is it's so addicting you can end up watching episodes into the wee hours...

When we were watching it on DVD, I could only watch 3 or 4 episodes at a time or else my heart would have exploded. :p
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OSUsushichic;728695; said:
When we were watching it on DVD, I could only watch 3 or 4 episodes at a time or else my heart would have exploded. :p

Same here.

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Problem with the last two episodes. Jack hasn't killed anyone.

He is getting antsy. Now we know that the kill count next week will be at least 2. I say he works a bit of agression out of his system.

And after he takes out the henchman, dad will pat him on the head and say That'll do Jack, That'll do.
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Jack and his bro really got screwed with height genes...their mom must have been dinky...no wonder why his brother is mad at the world, he has little man syndrome, probably got picked on throughout grade school, high school and I'm sure college...pussy
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