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Buckeye Buh Nim;742137; said:
Problem isn't that they off the good characters, it is that they are replacing them with other good characters.

Case in point.
Good move- getting rid of Chase and next season we get Curtis.

Good move- getting rid of Palmer then replacing him with the evil poor mans richard nixon.

Even trade- Edgar for Milo.

Bad moves- Getting rid of George Mason replacing with Bill Buchanon

Bad move- Getting rid of Sherry Palmer replacing her with various dumb chiefs of staff.

Bad move- getting rid of Peter Weller. Very good bad guy imo.

Bad moves are piling up. Let's hope that Rick Schroeder does OK. If not this summer I will pick up the Heroes DVD set and start with that show.

I think I disagree with all those points except for trading Chase for Curtis, and of course now he's dead.

I love 24 but it's getting so predictable that I could figure it out at the age of 15.
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Getting rid of Tony and Curtis both sucked. They should have atleast left us one of them, even though Tony's death was part of a very good season.

They need a new "badass" kind of guy to put on there with Jack. Jack is really the only guy going around and killing people. They need more colorfull personalities and more likeable characters if they want people to stay excited about their show.
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I'm a die hard, but last night's show was awful. You could tell Jack's dead was sour when he shot the guy in the chest instead of letting Jack interrogate him.

And good points about the interrogation unit being set up or CTU leaving him alone with his son. That's an absurd lead into a twist.
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Group: TV torture influencing real life

AP Television Writer

NEW YORK (AP) -- Demanding information, Jack Bauer faces a terrified man tied to a chair in front of him. Through a window over Bauer's shoulder, the man sees his two children bound and gagged.

Tell me where the bomb is, Bauer orders, or we'll kill your family. Silence. The prisoner watches as a thug kicks down the chair his son is tied to and fires a gun at point-blank range. He screams but still doesn't relent - until the gun is pointed at his second son. Having gotten what he needed, Bauer whispers that the execution was staged.

That's how Jack Bauer works! He gets the job done.:wink2:

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2-Hour episode tonight.

gotta figure the Jack kill count sky rockets. (it is a sweeps period after all)

One plot point will be that Jack kills Chloes man. (don't think they have ever met, and he is working with the baddies right now)
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I was trying to hang in there. Leaving the Dad in the room strained the credilbility last week, but I wasn't yet ready to trash the show's credibility.

But then, all of these things strained credibility this week:

- They let the Dad wander around CTU and destroy evidence near his dead son's body
- The helicopter with Jack in it couldn't land close enough to the underpass to see which vehicle they switched into
- They allowed the lead terrorist to escape via the basement through a sewer
- They couldn't track the helicopter in which he flies away
- Jack didn't think to ask the sister-in-law if she ever heard her husband say anything about Grdenko
- They let the Dad leave CTU on his own when his company has been involved with Grdenko, and he had been the only guy in the room when his son had the 'heart attack'
- They criticized Jack in the report about his brother's death, citing the interrogation drug in his bloodstream, and got testimony from the technician that actually injected the drug; but he didn't notice that the level was more than it should have been based on the amount Jack had him inject

And now they're resorting to the old "let's have a conspiracy to get rid of the 'weak' President in time of a national crisis".
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StadiumDorm;749391; said:
Yeah, Morris is gonna take a drill to the shoulder, and then reprogram the nuke as fast as he can before CTU arrives when he knows they will be there any minute.

Whatever. This show is getting stupid.

Agreed. I've loved 24 from day 1, but it's getting worse and worse. It appears the writers are trying to appeal to a far dumber crowd (the type of person who watches American Idol or Survivor and thinks it's decent TV) as the seasons have worn on. I've found myself far more interested in Heroes at this point b/c the plot is actually more realistic. I won't completely quit on 24 just yet, but I'm not too sure I can hang with its lame soap opera-esque storylines much longer. I think it's safe to say that if Josh is Jack's kid, I'm out. If I wanted to watch Days of Our Lives, I would.
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