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Buckeye Buh Nim;733406; said:
Problem with the last two episodes. Jack hasn't killed anyone.

He is getting antsy. Now we know that the kill count next week will be at least 2. I say he works a bit of agression out of his system.

And after he takes out the henchman, dad will pat him on the head and say That'll do Jack, That'll do.

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Romanowski;733411; said:
Jack and his bro really got screwed with height genes...their mom must have been dinky...no wonder why his brother is mad at the world, he has little man syndrome, probably got picked on throughout grade school, high school and I'm sure college...pussy

Family get togethers must be hell for him........" so your brother saved the America once again this year....what did you do?."

"So your brother is in a chinese prison.....I wish they would have taken you instead"

Surprised he hasn't gone postal yet....well other than runnign the super secret group :)
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BB73;734040; said:
I had to look up the character's name. I'll bet you didn't. :wink2:

All I knew was that he was the drunk astronaut from First Contact. My wife would've come up with the character's name. Talk about a nerd.
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I love watching this show, but it just keeps getting worse and worse.

You could tell once Morris got "the call" that he was going to be the engineer they were looking for.

How bad have things got when Daddy Bauer outs himself as a baddy and offs Jack's brother, and it doesn't even cause me to raise an eyebrow? The hyperbolic twists are killing the enjoyment of watching this show.
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The problem with the show is that their isn't anyone to replace the old actors we loved. I'm sorry but Chloe, Milo, Morris, and Buchanan do not replace the old CTU crew. All I care about is watching Jack scenes. Everything else is a waste of time.
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jlb1705;741464; said:
I love watching this show, but it just keeps getting worse and worse.

You could tell once Morris got "the call" that he was going to be the engineer they were looking for.

How bad have things got when Daddy Bauer outs himself as a baddy and offs Jack's brother, and it doesn't even cause me to raise an eyebrow? The hyperbolic twists are killing the enjoyment of watching this show.
cosigned... they are going too far, and it's ruining it. i never even knew that Jack had a family, other than his daughter Kim (i thought Jack sprang fully armored from Zeus' forhead) and all the sudden the Bluetooth Bandit from last year is his brother. at the same time, i knew that Daddy was going to off Graham. i knew that Morris was the engineer. it's just gotten way out of control with the ridiculous twists. i know about the whole 'suspension of disbelief' thing, but they're taking it too far.
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lvbuckeye;742046; said:
cosigned... they are going too far, and it's ruining it. i never even knew that Jack had a family, other than his daughter Kim (i thought Jack sprang fully armored from Zeus' forhead) and all the sudden the Bluetooth Bandit from last year is his brother. at the same time, i knew that Daddy was going to off Graham. i knew that Morris was the engineer. it's just gotten way out of control with the ridiculous twists. i know about the whole 'suspension of disbelief' thing, but they're taking it too far.

I disagree. I think that the twists have still been solid. I've been surprised by almost everything. I'm still waiting to find out that Jack's brother's son is actually Jack's son.

The biggest surprise is that Jack's dad was able to kill his own son, but failed at killing Babe the pig.
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Problem isn't that they off the good characters, it is that they are replacing them with other good characters.

Case in point.
Good move- getting rid of Chase and next season we get Curtis.

Good move- getting rid of Palmer then replacing him with the evil poor mans richard nixon.

Even trade- Edgar for Milo.

Bad moves- Getting rid of George Mason replacing with Bill Buchanon

Bad move- Getting rid of Sherry Palmer replacing her with various dumb chiefs of staff.

Bad move- getting rid of Peter Weller. Very good bad guy imo.

Bad moves are piling up. Let's hope that Rick Schroeder does OK. If not this summer I will pick up the Heroes DVD set and start with that show.
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Like CTU would allow Graeme and Jack's father alone in that room. Yawn. And oh! Look! The interrogation kit just happens to be set up! Give me a break. I'm not ready to give up on the show -- I think it will get exciting. It's just starting out slower than the previous seasons.
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