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I thought that when they said that Jack's father was away without his cell phone, and knowing Jack's brother from before and how he was in the show, I thought the brother and the father were behind something, but when I saw Jacks dad helping Jack in the previews for next week, I'm second guessing it.

I was shocked to see Greg (i think thats his name) as Jacks brother.
Awesome show!
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Just for laughs....:tongue2:

Jack Bauer's vanity plate reads: IKIL4CTU.
Jack Bauer once tortured his mother to find out the location of his Christmas presents.
"The valley of the shadow of death", refers to anywhere within a 25 mile radius of Jack Bauer.
Jack Bauer was conceived by torturing the other sperm until they gave up the location of the egg.
Jack Bauer ended The Never Ending Story.
When Jack Bauer turns on an Xbox the screen just says "You Win" and turns itself off again.
Jack Bauer doesn't breathe. The air hides in his lungs for protection.
When Chuck Norris files his taxes, he sends in a blank return and a picture of himself, crouched and ready to attack. Chuck Norris has never had to pay taxes. This year, however, the IRS sent him back a picture of Jack Bauer wearing his dark sunglasses. The next day, Chuck Norris pled guilty to multiple counts of tax evasion.
The United States government implemented Daylight Savings Time so Jack Bauer could kill more terrorists.
When David Palmer took the oath of office, he raised his right hand and placed his left hand on Jack Bauer.
In grade school, a little boy punched Kimberly Bauer, and Kimberly ran home to tell her dad. That little boy's name? Stephen Hawking.
Jack Bauer does not use birth control; he simply demands that you not get pregnant.
Jack Bauer's cell phone battery went dead 12 years ago. It has run on pure adrenaline ever since.
When Jack takes his knife out, the terror alert level automatically drops to green.
Jack Bauer's blood type is testosterone.
Jack Bauer never needs to wear a raincoat. Rain knows better than to fall on Jack Bauer.
Jack Bauer irons his own clothes... while he's wearing them.
Season 5 of 24 was supposed to be Jack Bauer fighting Chuck Norris and Vin Diesel. This idea was abandoned when Jack defeated them and nothing else could be found to fill the other 23 hours and 59 minutes.
To stop the Japanese in WWII Truman was going to drop Jack Bauer out of a Bomber. Instead he went with a nuke because it was more humane.
Jack Bauer did not hire clowns for Kim's birthday parties. He stood in front of the children and demanded they enjoy themselves.
Jack Bauer doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.
Jack Bauer prefers windows...doors are for women, children, and people he kicks through them.
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Things I've learned, by Jack Bauer
(actually by two of 24's writers)

Fuck diplomacy.
Actions speak louder than words. Though shouting can also be effective.
If you shoot a man's wife in the knee and he still doesn't give you the information, he's bad.
Revenge is the cruelest trick. I've seen it taken out on others, I've been victim to it, I've even done it myself. But it doesn't change anything, and it doesn't bring comfort.
Trust is the key to survival. And by trust, I mean getting out of the way and letting me do what I need to do.
The only thing harder than racing to stop a madman from releasing a deadly virus that will kill thousands of people is doing it while simultaneously trying to kick heroin.
I've been beaten, kidnapped, gassed, and shot at, but the most terrifying thing I've ever been through was facing my daughter after I made her believe I was dead.
I eat a lot of bananas. They're a good source of vitamin B and potassium. They're also easy to take on the move.
Love is a privilege.
If you have to trust someone, make it a quirky computer genius.
If I say "dammit," either something bad just happened, something bad is about to happen, or I'm going to do something drastic.
Any man can make a mistake. It's what he does to remedy that mistake that shows his character.
You better know who you are before you go undercover. If you don't, you could easily lose yourself.
Always carry at least one spare fully charged cell-phone battery.
So many times when I thought there was no more time, there was.
When interrogating a suspect, I've often found it effective to ask the question loudly and repeat it several times.
Remember, terrorists use the phone as much as we do.
In the event of a highway landing, always fasten your seat belt and return your chair and tray table to their upright and locked positions.
It's all key cards and thumb drives these days.
If the president of the United States ever orders you to shoot your boss in the head at point-blank range in cold blood, take a deep breath, ask God to forgive you, and just do it.
Without conscience, a man becomes his worst enemy.
Sometimes it's necessary to create a believable diversion, even at the risk of others thinking you're an asshole.
A cell phone can sometimes be used to activate a secondary detonator on a terrorist's explosive vest regardless of how many minutes are left on your plan.
Dead terrorists can often be effectively used as human shields. So can live ones.
Bureaucrats want results but never want to get their hands dirty.
The safety of the people I love is worth any sacrifice. Even their trust.
Some people don't deserve to die, but that's not my call.
Serbs have a different word for everything.
If you don't have a Taser gun, the wires from a lamp will deliver the current needed to shock your subject just enough to get him to give up the information you need without doing any permanent damage.
Sometimes you have to do the wrong thing for the right reasons.
You can't save everyone.
If you see me running down the street, it's probably a good idea to take cover. Don't piss off the Chinese.
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Buckin' A;727369; said:
I looked at them. Hell, they are $50.00 per season! Plus, I have grown quite comfortable being the ovulating little bitch that I am.

Blockbuster has every season on DVD--you can even sign up for Blockbuster Online, get about 6 mailed DVDs and trade them in for 6 free in-store rentals, and cancel before the free trial period is up.
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