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BuckeyeNation27;719408; said:
There was a question on some TV show last night asking if you'd watch 24 if they kill Jack. I don't think I would.

No way. With Curtis gone (and Tony from last season), the only other action character worth watching would be Aaron Piece, and he hasn't even appeared in the season yet. Ha, I don't think he would be enough to keep the show going, unless they introduced some new guy.
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Dayam what a season opener! (We ti-vo and watch commercial-free the next day, so I can't hang in here and read the day of.)

I keep wondering what they can possibly do for an encore, and they keep delivering. Bummer about Curtis. Good character & role. Was expecting his stock to rise this season, so the exit was totally unexpected.

Jack handled well the trauma of having been incarcerated and tortured, yet briefly enough that the action kept coming without dwelling on his Chinese detention.

Chloe didn't disappoint, either:

"I'm not the one with the character flaws."

"You mean, like I'm already doing?"​
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Chloe...hot or not ???????

http://www.imdb.com/rg/photos-name/...tml?path=pgallery&path_key=Rajskub, Mary Lynn
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OSUBasketballJunkie;720764; said:
She is not on the show because she is eye candy.......she actually is an interesting character.

You can say that again. If I want tits and ass, I'll watch Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders.

And Kim Bauer is one of the most annoying characters on tv, despite Cuthbert's hotness.
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StadiumDorm;720783; said:
And Kim Bauer is one of the most annoying characters on tv, despite Cuthbert's hotness.

Preaching to the choir.

On another note, saw an interview with Joel Surnow, he was asked about how they keep the show "fresh"

His reply, keep killing off major characters. At the end of season one, he realized that with Jack and Terri reconciled, that another season of her being kidnapped and chasing Kim around the city would be stale. One of the writers suggested that she get killed. This removes a troublesome element and adds to Jacks drama.
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