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Wow. The fourth episode was one of the best episodes I can remember. I expected Curtis to die this season, but not like that. With him being one of my favorite characters, it sucks, but he did ask for it. Also, I was expecting them to stop that bomb... but yet again, I'm wrong. Lastly, I can't remember my heart racing so fast ever when that kid had that shard of glass and I was expecting him to stab Ahmed. Wow, this is insane.
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I didn't really see Curtis being that big of an idiot, but he asked for it.

I agree with the questioning about Jack being in great shape, fresh off of 2 years of chinese torture. This season you really have to let things go and have an open mind, because they're kind of stretching it. Because the season goes on over several weeks, it makes it seem like a long time, but in reality its only 1 day. It makes it hard to believe that Jack can go from being barely able to talk, to be heading up field teams taking down suicide bombers.

With that said, it's a great show, and i'm glad its back :biggrin: .
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First off...holy shit jack ripped out a guys juggular with his teeth.

Hour four was crazy, I like how they keep pushing jackas if at any point he might just give up, but his need to save the country keeps him going.
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This show has become a complete farce, but it's still fucking awesome.

I was sad to see Curtis go. He was a badass. Chloe's gay boyfriend is annoying the hell out of me - and not in the endearing way that Edgar Stiles was annoying.

It sucks that they've killed off so much of the good characters on the show. By my count, there are only four characters on the show left from two seasons ago or earlier: Jack, Buchanan, Chloe, and Wayne Palmer. I guess the number could balloon to six if Audrey and/or Kim resurface, but I'm not counting on either.

I know Wayne Palmer's character wasn't as principled as his brother, but did they have to turn him into a complete wuss? Not only is he (gasp!) negotiating with the terrorists, but he's caving in and/or getting fleeced at every turn.
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NOOOOO! not Curtis. The look on his face when he realized that Jack shot him was gut wrenching. Much moreso than edgar, tony , etc.... I mean Jack was his brother in arms, one of the guys he could trust and he is dealing with a rat bastard who freaking beheaded members of one of his combat units.

You know if there were a White castles in LA maybe Kumar wouldn't be so mad?

Well at least next week Bluetooth Man Group member Dr. Romano is probably going to get it. So we have that going for us.

As far as cast leftovers, Chloe and Pierce will be the only old timers left. And Pierce will be back this year. As will Jean Smart.
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24 has gotten to be as realistic as Heroes any more. However, I'm still completely glued to the TV when it is on. What's kind of irritating this season (at least so far) is that the plot has been very predictable. The minute anyone saw that the actor playing Curtis was a "guest star" you knew he was going to get whacked. The only real question was when and how. Jack killing him was hardly a twist, since he's already killed a good guy in the past. When the suitcase nuke was introduced I said to my wife, "Eh, they've had nukes go off before on the series, so why not once more?" I'm just waiting for a mountain lion to show up to menace Kim again...at least that was funny I'm hoping they actually have some decent plot twists in the episodes ahead. I know that could confuse some folks who consider American Idol to be intellectually stimulating and compelling drama, but it's worth the risk. If not, I'm hoping there's more death by biting...that's just good stuff. That could be the whole damned series for all I care.
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Dear Jack,

Can you do me a favor?

I know you've spent the last two years in a Chinese prison camp and you just got off the plane from there three hours ago, but would you mind heading up the investigation to stop a deadly terrorist attack that could kill thousands of Americans?

You're not up to it? Okay, but could you do it anyway?

I know I have no right to ask you this. Not only was I willing to let you rot in that prison camp after saving my life several times before being abducted, but I also was willing to trust a terrorist and trade your life for the location of someone who wasn't behind the attacks as much as I had thought. But could you?

I do appreciate it.

Believe me, I take no joy in asking you this. What I really would have preferred would have been to gather up Audrey and Kim, send the three of you out for brunch, and pay for it. You know, eggs, toast, some kind of breakfast meat (I'm guessing sausage - am I right?) and what I imagine would be your first cup of coffee in two long, hard, torturous years. That would probably hit the spot just about now, especially since nobody has so much as offered you a glass of water since you've gotten off the plane from the Chinese prison camp. Anyway, that's what I would have liked to have done.

Unfortunately, we're having a serious national security crisis right now, and I need my best man on the job. Even though your mental, physical, and psychological states are completely unknown to us - I mean, how could we possibly, after what you've been through - I know you're the only man who can handle the physical and emotional strain of doing what needs to be done. Even though I have all four branches of the military and countless federal agencies at my disposal, I'm kind of stuck for a point man here. The stakes are just too high to trust anybody else.

So, would you mind helping us out? Is that really too much to ask?

Thanks so much.
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I find it amusing that people would complain about a TV show being realistic....regardless of the writer's liberties with the script, it is still the best show on television in my book.....we can poke holes in the show but the reality is, does any other show on TV keep you guessing as much as 24?

By the way....if you liked the first four episodes, it is only the tip of the iceberg.....many more twists and turns including a bigger bombshell than the one involving President Logan from last season......trust me. :sneaky: :paranoid:
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OSUBasketballJunkie;719036; said:
I find it amusing that people would complain about a TV show being realistic....regardless of the writer's liberties with the script, it is still the best show on television in my book.....we can poke holes in the show but the reality is, does any other show on TV keep you guessing as much as 24?

all of them...? i haven't been surprised by this season yet. maybe its because i have watched every season. but i have been all over the plot so far.

By the way....if you liked the first four episodes, it is only the tip of the iceberg.....many more twists and turns including a bigger bombshell than the one involving President Logan from last season......trust me. :sneaky: :paranoid:

this is what i was afraid of actually. every season the danger has to be bigger badder more immediate to the world as a whole. 2 seasons from now jack will be fighting aliens attempting to enslave the world.

increasing the size of the thermonuclear bomb or the body count isn't the only way to increase the suspense.
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OSUBasketballJunkie;719036; said:
we can poke holes in the show but the reality is, does any other show on TV keep you guessing as much as 24?

Actually yes. I was actually surprised (and amused) when Dwight quit his job on The Office last week.

24 has yet to surprise me with anything so far (Jack killing a friend/good guy, a nuke going off, a traitor helping a terrorist, and an overcomplicated terrorist plot aren't surprises unless you're new to the show). It's still one of the best shows on TV (in my opinion), but it's definitely not as good as it was in the beginning.
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