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I liked the way the season ended but I am curious of exactly when will season 6 start in relation to season 5. I think its pretty clear that the next season will take place soon after season 5.

Its highly unlikely that they will take the show to China and stay there for the whole season because if they wanted to leave China, well obviously it takes most of a day to get back to the U.S.

That is an excellent point. But if they find him and save him from the ship within hours of him being lost, what conspiracy would be left to solve. It wouldn't involve the Chinese because they would have just had there asses handed to them by Jack. it would be too unrealistic for a new catastrophe to occur within a couple days of the pres being arrested. It is going to be interesting to see what happens.

My idea is that next season will take place a couple years down the road. The Chinese kidnap Kim and force Jack to go back to the US and do some damage. Season six starts with Jack entering the US, picking up his phone and the Chinese consolate dude is on the phone giving him his orders. The camera pans to the left and Kim is tied up in the backround.........destruction, murder, and mayhem ensue.
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Its highly unlikely that they will take the show to China and stay there for the whole season because if they wanted to leave China, well obviously it takes most of a day to get back to the U.S.
CTU is 5 minutes away from everything at all times, hence why it doesn't take Jack Bauer more than 4 minutes to get anywhere!

And if you think that is fast, Jack's skills are nothing compared to the Chinese. After all, it only took them a mere 3 minutes to kidnap Jack from an airfield hangar, beat him to a pulp, and dump him in the bowels of a slow boat to China somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.

The writers of the show haven't bothered with logical paradoxes or continuity for five years, why would they start now?
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I think the whole China thing is just gonna be next season's backstory.

Season Two ended in a similar fashion to this - with Mandy fucking up President Palmer's hand with whatever chemical/biological agent she used in that handshake. Then, when Season Three started, there was nothing left to that story - it resolved simply with Palmer getting out of a limo and a shot of his healthy hand.

I think they'll just use it as something they can point back to it next season, in exchanges like this:

Bill Buchanan: Hey Jack, remember that time where you got kidnapped by ninjas?
Jack Bauer: Yeah, Bill. That kinda sucked, but I totally wasted those suckas. Now let me get back to work! I gotta go pistol whip that motherfucker we just arrested!
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I dunno. Let's ask this guy:

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CTU is 5 minutes away from everything at all times, hence why it doesn't take Jack Bauer more than 4 minutes to get anywhere!

And if you think that is fast, Jack's skills are nothing compared to the Chinese. After all, it only took them a mere 3 minutes to kidnap Jack from an airfield hangar, beat him to a pulp, and dump him in the bowels of a slow boat to China somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.

The writers of the show haven't bothered with logical paradoxes or continuity for five years, why would they start now?

Excellent point that I try to ignore as I watch the show.
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did anybody notice how "long" it took the president to get his freak on, then get dressed and to the helicopter?
Yes. I was giggling about that during the show. Considering the time for him to get undressed, then dressed and out to the helicopter, that must've been the best 45 seconds of Martha Logan's life.

It's no wonder she wants Aaron Pierce.
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From the NY Post:



May 25, 2006 -- Just because Jack Bauer is on a slow boat to China, that doesn't mean he'll wind up there.
That's the word from Howard Gordon, executive producer of "24," who acknowledged this week that the challenge of bringing Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) all the way back from China next season would wreak havoc with the suspense series' "real-time" format.

Following the surprise cliff-hanger which had Bauer being shanghaied by Chinese government agents at the conclusion of the season finale of "24" Monday, fans have wondered how Bauer would ever get back to the United States in time to participate in next season's 24-hour adventure, given the great distance between the two countries.

In an interview with the TV trade publication TV Week, Gordon revealed that Bauer won't be trapped in China when the new season begins next January.

"It's just an impractical thing given the real-time constraints because, even by the time we concluded that story, it would take Jack 16 hours - you know, three-quarters of the series - to get back to L.A.," Gordon said, inadvertently revealing that, somehow, Bauer escapes from the Shanghai-bound cargo ship in which he was last seen long before it gets to China.

"Unfortunately, I don't think much of the story will take place in China," Gordon said.

He revealed nothing else about how the next season of "24" will play out. "I just started writing the first [episode] this morning," he said.
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So, is it going to be a 24-hour movie???

"24" Goes Long

By Natalie Finn

Jack Bauer's bad days are about to get longer, and a lot bigger.

Following a lengthy dose of behind-the-scenes speculation, 20th Century Fox has inked a deal with the creators of 24 to turn the fast-paced Fox series into a feature film.

Details haven't been hammered out yet but, according to Variety, the proposed movie will focus more on the travails of Kiefer Sutherland's character than on the ominously ticking clock.

"It's something that we would like to shoot in between the sixth and the seventh season," Sutherland told E! Online TV columnist Kristin Veitch last month at the network upfronts in New York, when the idea of a 24 film was still a gleam in Fox's eye. "We would be able to travel a lot more, and show some different locations, and all of those things are exciting for us."

It's nice that he can maintain such a sunny outlook on exotic locales, considering the always-under-the-gun Jack appeared to be off to China at the end of season five for another bout of torture and suffering at the hands of international terrorists.

Sutherland hasn't technically signed onto the film as yet, but he told E! Online that it was "absolutely" something he wanted to be a part of. The Golden Globe winner has a series contract that keeps him up in arms until at least 2009, so while Los Angeles--and the world!--are going to be in mortal danger at least three more times, Bauer will be thwarting the evildoers at every turn.

The film's plot will reportedly take off from wherever season six leaves off, but it won't be too intertwined with the series so that people who don't watch 24 regularly can't enjoy the big-screen version. Perhaps there's no need to worry about making the plot too involved--ratings for season five were up about 14 percent from the previous year with the action drama pulling in close to 14 million viewers a week.

Series creators Robert Cochran and Joel Surnow are expected to start cranking out a script later this summer. Showrunner Howard Gordon is also on board, and he, Cochran and Surnow will produce the pic with Imagine Entertainment's Brian Grazer.

This will not be the first time that 24 has changed screen size. Last year Fox pioneered the "mobisode" with 24: Conspiracy, a spin-off tailored for teeny-tiny cell phones. Yes, there were 24 installments. Episodes of 24 are also available for downloading from Apple's iTunes Music Store and via MySpace.com.

Another Fox show making its long-awaited big-screen debut is The Simpsons, slated for a summer 2007 release. A teaser featuring a scantily clad Homer hit theaters in March.

If the studio tries a similar tactic featuring Jack Bauer, it will probably go over pretty well.

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I found this today...

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=3 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=post2 vAlign=top width="100%">From the new Ask Ausiello:

Question: Any news on the sixth season of 24? — Jordan

Ausiello: As a matter of fact, yes — and it's huge! The show may head to the Big Apple next season. The real Big Apple, not some lame New York-looking studio backlot in Los Angeles. "We are in converations about shooting some stuff in New York for this [coming] season," exec producer Joel Surnow tells me. If a deal can be worked out, this would be the first time in the show's five-year history that it went on location outside of California. Surnow also hints that there's a decent chance Gregory Itzin and Jean Smart will be back as the disgraced first family. "We love them," he says. "They're alive. We certainly want to try to bring them both back, because they were just such fabulous characters for us." For exclusive scoop on the in-the-works 24 feature film, pick up the June 26 issue of TV Guide magazine, on sale next Thursday. (It's juicy stuff, kids.)

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