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StooGrimson;719068; said:
Actually yes. I was actually surprised (and amused) when Dwight quit his job on The Office last week.

24 has yet to surprise me with anything so far (Jack killing a friend/good guy, a nuke going off, a traitor helping a terrorist, and an overcomplicated terrorist plot aren't surprises unless you're new to the show). It's still one of the best shows on TV (in my opinion), but it's definitely not as good as it was in the beginning.

I have to agree with Stoo on this one. I think it was the 3rd season that was also pretty week in the "keep you guessing" factor. I don't think their could have been anymore foreshadowing of Curtis going down. Actually, they made it so obvious, I thought that him not doing something stupid and getting killed would have been more of a surprise. The first couple of seasons had amazing intensity and last season was pretty tight also, but this year has been flat thus far. Hopefully, they are clearing the way for some interesting plot twists.

On another note, I thought the weak-kneed President Logan and his pill popping wife were much more interesting than the new President Palmer and his obnoxious sister. I hope these two get more interesting or this is going to be a long season.
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martinss01;719052; said:
this is what i was afraid of actually. every season the danger has to be bigger badder more immediate to the world as a whole. 2 seasons from now jack will be fighting aliens attempting to enslave the world.

increasing the size of the thermonuclear bomb or the body count isn't the only way to increase the suspense.

I just don't understand why shows feel the need to "surprise" their viewers. It leads to them trying too hard and coming up with outrageous situations. (Kim and the cougar)

With that being said, even if you figured out (via credits) that Curtis was toast, it is still a significant part of the show. His character was a well developed part of the cast that fans of the show got to really enjoy. It's like this. My mother is sick (MS) the disease progresses in a predictible and nasty fashion. Does that predictability lessen the remorse that I feel? No.

I also take issue with the bigger nuke comment. The nuke this year is the infamous suitcase bomb. (If you listen to talk radio you will hear theories about these being used against the US soon) The payload in season 2s nuke was much much bigger.

It is a good show and they do learn from their mistakes. They get better each year at finding ways to fill dead space. (ala no Kim v the Cougar type plotlines)

If you want great plot twists watch Battlestar Galactica. Each seasons ending episode has been a WTF type moment with the end of season 2 taking the series in a completely different direction.
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Buckeye Buh Nim;719137; said:
If you want great plot twists watch Battlestar Galactica. Each seasons ending episode has been a WTF type moment with the end of season 2 taking the series in a completely different direction.

I couldn't agree more. Battlestar Galactica was a show I had no intention of ever liking (I'm not into sci fi), but I'm a huge fan now. It's easily one of the best written shows on TV.
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StooGrimson;719182; said:
I couldn't agree more. Battlestar Galactica was a show I had no intention of ever liking (I'm not into sci fi), but I'm a huge fan now. It's easily one of the best written shows on TV.

Sure it doesn't have to do with it being Howard Stern's favorite show?

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Buckeye Buh Nim;719137; said:
With that being said, even if you figured out (via credits) that Curtis was toast, it is still a significant part of the show. His character was a well developed part of the cast that fans of the show got to really enjoy. It's like this. My mother is sick (MS) the disease progresses in a predictible and nasty fashion. Does that predictability lessen the remorse that I feel? No.

i didn't notice the credits actually. it was fairly obvious by the way the plot was moving that he was a walking corpse. not to mention that "well developed" characters whose name don't end in bauer or begin with chloe tend to have short life expectancies.

I also take issue with the bigger nuke comment. The nuke this year is the infamous suitcase bomb. (If you listen to talk radio you will hear theories about these being used against the US soon) The payload in season 2s nuke was much much bigger.

bigger is a relative term. in this case referring to the damage that weapon will actually cause. not necissarily the yeild of the weapon.

It is a good show and they do learn from their mistakes. They get better each year at finding ways to fill dead space. (ala no Kim v the Cougar type plotlines)

If you want great plot twists watch Battlestar Galactica. Each seasons ending episode has been a WTF type moment with the end of season 2 taking the series in a completely different direction.

don't get me wrong, i do still like the show. but i am fearful for its future. and i completely agree about battlestar galactica. you never really seem to completely know exactly where they are going with the story...
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Thump;719186; said:
Sure it doesn't have to do with it being Howard Stern's favorite show?


Heh heh...I love how he spent his entire vacation playing chess, watching porn, and watching Battlestar Galactica. Anyway, Stern's favorite shows also include Dancing with the Stars, Survivor, and American Idol, all of which I despise. Those are three shows that no man should ever watch if he wants to appear non-retarded and hetero.
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martinss01;719192; said:
don't get me wrong, i do still like the show. but i am fearful for its future. and i completely agree about battlestar galactica. you never really seem to completely know exactly where they are going with the story...

I suspect that chloe might not make it to season 7. IIRC, Sutherland is signed for 2 more seasons (after season 6) but he wouldn't mind if they killed his character off. And not all Bauers are safe (Terri in season 1) There is also a movie in the works (should be called "2" imo)

As far as BSG goes, I think they aren't counting on having a show as is past season 4. They do have a pitch for a spinoff kind of show that takes place prior to the current show and is about the Adama family and their rise to power.

And thump I know why Howard Stern likes BSG so much. go to google images and look up Tricia Helfer and Grace Park(not the golfer)
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Well, everyone is a critic and you can't please everyone, but believe me...within the next few episodes, there will be a significant twist that I am pretty sure no one will see coming.......after this shocker is revealed I am pretty sure most of you in this thread will most likely think it is BS. I am not sure how it will play out on screen but I will give the writers credit for taking some risks with the show....:wink2:
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OSUBasketballJunkie;719663; said:
Well, everyone is a critic and you can't please everyone, but believe me...within the next few episodes, there will be a significant twist that I am pretty sure no one will see coming.......after this shocker is revealed I am pretty sure most of you in this thread will most likely think it is BS. I am not sure how it will play out on screen but I will give the writers credit for taking some risks with the show....:wink2:
So we should just trust the writers on this one?
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