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2015 Offense Discussion

My biggest gripe so far is the coaching staff's infatuation with thinking the "Big Play" has to come on "Route 1"- a soccer term for simply hoofing the ball up the field to a forward to chase/score. Everything for big plays seems designed like the only option to is to go A to C.

How about hitting something in the hands of these 10 playmakers and go a to "B". Let someone else take it to C.

All or nothing is frustrating when it seems they used up a lot of the "All" luck on last year's 3 game run.
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Urban praised Beck this week.
Warriner still on the sideline.
Beck up in the booth communicating quicker and more involved in play calling.
Zeke just getting enough carries to get 100ypg.
Cardale just missed a huge day but WRers are getting deep on people.
Cardale's decision making needs work but shows some improvement.
I don't ever remember , in my time watching OSU football, to have seen a defense get a defensive TD 3 weeks in a row! Can they make it 4?

What I didn't like was McMillen getting blocked out of play and his arm tackling attempts. He still has a lot to learn about playing the middle. About playing in general. But the sky is the limit for his talent.
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Urban said, "We don't have a QB problem." If we don't have a QB problem, then why was Cardale pulled after throwing 2 interceptions in the last game?

The problem I am having is that the past 2 weeks have looked like a QB problem, have quacked like a QB problem, and have waddled like a QB problem - but it is declared it is not a QB problem. It puts me in a situation where I have to either believe what I see or what I am told.

I'm willing to buy into the idea that there are some problems throughout the offensive units, but I do believe the evidence suggests that there definitely is a QB problem as a component of that. The question is whether the QB problem is the primary cause of the overall problem. I don't know, but I do suspect that there are guys in the other units who think the other guy should be playing. They can prove my suspicion wrong by playing their tails off for Cardale this week - and I hope that he sets new school, B1G, and NCAA records. If not, Urban will be answering these same questions for another week - and at some point, he will have to give some different answers.

It's likely that here in a few weeks we will be laughing at the near-panic Buckeye Nation is having over this. I hope so, but it is realistic to be concerned that this QB situation could be something that makes a season filled with promise go sideways.
I just saw came across this post and, as tin-foil hat-y it sounds, it's something has come across my mind as well. Now I don't think there's any intentional sabotage going on either, but I do feel like the coaches are treating these games like glorified scrimmages, at least on offense. Urban has looked oddly cool and calm these past couple of weeks regarding the offensive struggles. The only time I've seen him somewhat visibly upset was during the NIU game and even then he wasn't nearly as upset as I've seen him in the past. It almost feels like he's pulling a Tom Izzo and getting the team to take its lumps now so that they'll be ready in the playoffs. I also LOVE how it feels like this team is somewhat flying under the radar despite the lofty ranking. I honestly think an epic beatdown is coming in November when Sparty comes to town that will make people take notice. Until then? I'm perfectly fine with this team being an under the radar #1 team.
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Urban praised Beck this week.
Warriner still on the sideline.
Beck up in the booth communicating quicker and more involved in play calling.
Zeke just getting enough carries to get 100ypg.
Cardale just missed a huge day but WRers are getting deep on people.
Cardale's decision making needs work but shows some improvement.
I don't ever remember , in my time watching OSU football, to have seen a defense get a defensive TD 3 weeks in a row! Can they make it 4?

What I didn't like was McMillen getting blocked out of play and his arm tackling attempts. He still has a lot to learn about playing the middle. About playing in general. But the sky is the limit for his talent.

Good. Zeke needs to stay with less reps in a game that is well in hand. Outside of state padding, there isn't a reason for Zeke to go over 20 carries in a game under control. You begin risking injury and wear.

Even Zeke said, "This year it’s been a real emphasis it feels like from defenses to cut tackle me. I'm tired of taking those shots to the legs."
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With the way Fournette is playing, we can sadly put to bed any Buckeye Heisman expectations for now...

That said, we're playing smart by only giving Zeke 15 carries in games like this that are well in hand. I'd rather have a healthy and rested Zeke for the playoff run over one that may be nursing a stinger or body fatigue from trying to chase a trophy...

Lol you think this team can make a playoff run? Maybe some time down the road they will start looking like a championship football team, but they sure don't right now.
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That goes to show what you know, Systems_id. ESPiN commentators are pointing out that MSU should be #1 due to their win over #7, I mean #12, I mean #13, uh, I mean unranked but well-dressed Oregon.
Indeed. Honestly, as many offensive problems we've had recently, I'd take the Buckeyes by 2TDs if they played Sparty tomorrow. Offensive consistency is the only thing stopping Ohio State from being a complete team.
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Much of the offense's recent struggles have been placed at the feet of the O-line as a rash of penalties, bad snaps and general lack of execution have gotten numerous possessions off-schedule.

Yesterday, the Slobs appeared to have had enough of the negative chatter and paved the way to 511 total yards on 7.3 yards per play including 223 rushing yards on 6.6 per pop. The crew surrendered just one sack on well over 40 dropbacks and ensured Elliott would crack the 100-yard mark (16/124, TD) for a ninth straight game.

Fundamentally speaking, Jacoby Boren's shotgun snaps were on point and the unit had just one false start (Chase Farris) though two more came from tight end Nick Vannett with one of those looking like maybe Boren blew the snap count since virtually everyone moved except the center.

Up 24-6 at the half and getting the ball to start the 3rd quarter, the line was clicking on a 14 play, 75-yard touchdown march to largely break Western Michigan's spirit. The offense gained positive yards on all six rushing plays highlighted by Zeke's untouched six-yard march to the end zone while the pass protection was solid throughout.

In particular, Boren and Pat Elflein were dominant in pulling situations creating huge running lanes for the skill guys. The only fairly consistent blemish was Farris appearing to struggle in pass pro a few different times but overall it looked like the Slobs got their groove back.

Entire article; http://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio-...trides-in-38-12-victory-over-western-michigan
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Good. Zeke needs to stay with less reps in a game that is well in hand. Outside of state padding, there isn't a reason for Zeke to go over 20 carries in a game under control. You begin risking injury and wear.

Even Zeke said, "This year it’s been a real emphasis it feels like from defenses to cut tackle me. I'm tired of taking those shots to the legs."

I was saying all off season that Zeke wouldn't come close to the Heisman, because the coaches will be smart enough to over play him in meaningless games, and they'll use the depth we have. I laugh at the SEC teams that are one trick ponies(LSU, Alabama, UGA) who cant pass the ball to save their lives for a first down and only have a running game. I rather have a healthy Eze in the playoffs, asker offense doesn't need a RB to solely carry the ball, which makes them very dangerous.
Sparty hasn't really impressed me this season. A guy at my gym is a MSU fan, and
Was quite cocky after that Oregon win, and had a lot to say after our NIU win. I told him their offense doesn't show much to scare the Buckeyes. Losing Langford will prove to be bigger than they imagine, and I don't think Cook can win it on his own with the few weapons he has. Burbridge is nice, but I'll take a full season of Apple against him, and after that the WR corps aren't showing much.
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Lol you think this team can make a playoff run? Maybe some time down the road they will start looking like a championship football team, but they sure don't right now.

I didn't think the Buckeyes would be in the playoffs last year this time. Ohio State doesn't need to beat teams by 21 points to get in, they just have to win anyn way possible.

Besides, no other team in college football is playing at an extremely high level. Ole miss went to the wire with Vandy, TCU got lucky last seconday against Texas Tech, MSU doesn't look any better than Ohio State. So yeah, I do think they can get in the playoffs at this point.
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i don't think it's a coincidence either that Beck was more involved and we all the sudden did better. IMO If I was a coordinator or a head coach I would insist on my play caller being in the booth as the view up there is just better in terms of seeing the field and knowing where you want to attack. I think by giving more responsibilities to Beck and less to Warriner is good because the Slob boss needs to be with the slobs and nothing more during possessions.
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