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2015 Offense Discussion

Not what Im asking at all.

He specifically called out the receivers in saying "when you're not perimeter blocking very good" and he called out the line saying "when you're not getting protected, when you're not balanced or control the line of scrimmage." I get that he needs help. But why not admit that it is him as well instead of saying "its not him."

Those are units, not individual players. He's done the same with quarterbacks... as a unit.
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Not what Im asking at all.

He specifically called out the receivers in saying "when you're not perimeter blocking very good" and he called out the line saying "when you're not getting protected, when you're not balanced or control the line of scrimmage." I get that he needs help. But why not admit that it is him as well instead of saying "its not him."
Because without solid blocking from the O line and the perimeter and it doesn't fall on the QB. If you have guys in your face the minute the ball is snapped and you can't find your reads than I don't see how the QB is to blame. Decker has admitted that the O line must play better in order for this offense to work. EzE can't find holes when none are being created. Odd man fronts usually have the D linemen shooting the gaps, and our O line isn't being aggressive
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Urban said, "We don't have a QB problem." If we don't have a QB problem, then why was Cardale pulled after throwing 2 interceptions in the last game?

The problem I am having is that the past 2 weeks have looked like a QB problem, have quacked like a QB problem, and have waddled like a QB problem - but it is declared it is not a QB problem. It puts me in a situation where I have to either believe what I see or what I am told.

I'm willing to buy into the idea that there are some problems throughout the offensive units, but I do believe the evidence suggests that there definitely is a QB problem as a component of that. The question is whether the QB problem is the primary cause of the overall problem. I don't know, but I do suspect that there are guys in the other units who think the other guy should be playing. They can prove my suspicion wrong by playing their tails off for Cardale this week - and I hope that he sets new school, B1G, and NCAA records. If not, Urban will be answering these same questions for another week - and at some point, he will have to give some different answers.

It's likely that here in a few weeks we will be laughing at the near-panic Buckeye Nation is having over this. I hope so, but it is realistic to be concerned that this QB situation could be something that makes a season filled with promise go sideways.
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Urban said, "We don't have a QB problem." If we don't have a QB problem, then why was Cardale pulled after throwing 2 interceptions in the last game?

The problem I am having is that the past 2 weeks have looked like a QB problem, have quacked like a QB problem, and have waddled like a QB problem - but it is declared it is not a QB problem. It puts me in a situation where I have to either believe what I see or what I am told.

I'm willing to buy into the idea that there are some problems throughout the offensive units, but I do believe the evidence suggests that there definitely is a QB problem as a component of that. The question is whether the QB problem is the primary cause of the overall problem. I don't know, but I do suspect that there are guys in the other units who think the other guy should be playing. They can prove my suspicion wrong by playing their tails off for Cardale this week - and I hope that he sets new school, B1G, and NCAA records. If not, Urban will be answering these same questions for another week - and at some point, he will have to give some different answers.

It's likely that here in a few weeks we will be laughing at the near-panic Buckeye Nation is having over this. I hope so, but it is realistic to be concerned that this QB situation could be something that makes a season filled with promise go sideways.
Is Ed Warriner calling the plays? And if Tim Beck is the OB coach, why isn't he down on the field with his quarterbacks? Something just doesn't seem right.
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Is Ed Warriner calling the plays? And if Tim Beck is the OB coach, why isn't he down on the field with his quarterbacks? Something just doesn't seem right.

Yes, Warinner is calling the plays and Beck is the QB coach.

The issue with putting Warinner in the blood is that he's the line coach. Usually you want your line coach on the ground level making player and scheme adjustments. It's why Herman was successful as both the OC and QB coach. He could go to the box and do a great job as the play calling OC, while Urban controlled the QBs. We have an interesting dynamic this season with a new OC, and new QB coach. Who do we put in the box?
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I'm going to throw this out here with the understanding that it's nuts and way outside the box. But entertain me for a minute.

Urban knows that repeating is hard. He had 2 opportunities at Florida and failed. What was the consensus opinion of the Buckeyes coming into this year? "They are LOADED. Their QBs are 'an embarrassment of riches'. The best collection of talent in the country. They were a year early last year, but 2015 was the year Urban was targeting for a championship run. After a road game at VT, they will not see a team that can beat them until Nov 21. This is the unanimous #1 team and there is a wide gap between them and the next team. They are a huge favorite to repeat." All of that is poison to the psyche of a team trying to play and win a 15th game.

So, what does a coach who has done this before and failed, and who has a psychology degree, do? He plays mind games with his players. He creates difficulty, doubt, anger, controversy, and the like. He lets them go against VT because he had to win that game, but Hawaii and NIU (and more to follow) could be won with a lack of continuity on offense. Buckeye Nation starts doubting this team. Poll voters start abandoning them. Pundits say they don't even belong in the top 10 the way they are playing offense. In the process he gets the real disrespect and doubt he needs to place a giant chip back on their shoulder and have the motivation to take it all the way through 15 games. The only tricky thing is when to stop the intentional discombobulation and begin building them into the world-beaters we know they have the potential to be.

For the record, I don't believe that is what is happening here - that Urban has orchestrated these struggles. But I do believe he can use them to take this team to that world-beating place. It's a theory, anyway.
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I'm going to throw this out here with the understanding that it's nuts and way outside the box. But entertain me for a minute.

Urban knows that repeating is hard. He had 2 opportunities at Florida and failed. What was the consensus opinion of the Buckeyes coming into this year? "They are LOADED. Their QBs are 'an embarrassment of riches'. The best collection of talent in the country. They were a year early last year, but 2015 was the year Urban was targeting for a championship run. After a road game at VT, they will not see a team that can beat them until Nov 21. This is the unanimous #1 team and there is a wide gap between them and the next team. They are a huge favorite to repeat." All of that is poison to the psyche of a team trying to play and win a 15th game.

So, what does a coach who has done this before and failed, and who has a psychology degree, do? He plays mind games with his players. He creates difficulty, doubt, anger, controversy, and the like. He lets them go against VT because he had to win that game, but Hawaii and NIU (and more to follow) could be won with a lack of continuity on offense. Buckeye Nation starts doubting this team. Poll voters start abandoning them. Pundits say they don't even belong in the top 10 the way they are playing offense. In the process he gets the real disrespect and doubt he needs to place a giant chip back on their shoulder and have the motivation to take it all the way through 15 games. The only tricky thing is when to stop the intentional discombobulation and begin building them into the world-beaters we know they have the potential to be.

For the record, I don't believe that is what is happening here - that Urban has orchestrated these struggles. But I do believe he can use them to take this team to that world-beating place. It's a theory, anyway.

Not a bad theory. It's a mangerial ploy to create conflict. Conflict is good when it breeds healthy competition and results in positive change. It has to be able to be controlled though so that things don't get out of hand and the manager has to be very confident that the people involved can handle it. The way they run summer practice is how he finds out who can handle what and you can see the tests he puts them through by what he talks about in the practices that got highlighted on Scarlet and Gray Days. He doesn't use those leadership methods as a talking point, he takes them seriously and works his guys constantly. Once he's gone and books are written about him people will finally appreciate just how amazing he is as a master motivator.

My honest and personal opinion is that the stress got to him at Florida because the "methods" used and "win at all costs attitude" in SEC territory go against his moral character of how to build young men and leaders. The type of conflict the boys are going through now at OSU would have people threatening to burn his house down at Florida and it was just too much for him to deal with. Sooner or later something will come out about his personal dilemma down there I'm sure.
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I'm going to throw this out here with the understanding that it's nuts and way outside the box. But entertain me for a minute.

Urban knows that repeating is hard. He had 2 opportunities at Florida and failed. What was the consensus opinion of the Buckeyes coming into this year? "They are LOADED. Their QBs are 'an embarrassment of riches'. The best collection of talent in the country. They were a year early last year, but 2015 was the year Urban was targeting for a championship run. After a road game at VT, they will not see a team that can beat them until Nov 21. This is the unanimous #1 team and there is a wide gap between them and the next team. They are a huge favorite to repeat." All of that is poison to the psyche of a team trying to play and win a 15th game.

So, what does a coach who has done this before and failed, and who has a psychology degree, do? He plays mind games with his players. He creates difficulty, doubt, anger, controversy, and the like. He lets them go against VT because he had to win that game, but Hawaii and NIU (and more to follow) could be won with a lack of continuity on offense. Buckeye Nation starts doubting this team. Poll voters start abandoning them. Pundits say they don't even belong in the top 10 the way they are playing offense. In the process he gets the real disrespect and doubt he needs to place a giant chip back on their shoulder and have the motivation to take it all the way through 15 games. The only tricky thing is when to stop the intentional discombobulation and begin building them into the world-beaters we know they have the potential to be.

For the record, I don't believe that is what is happening here - that Urban has orchestrated these struggles. But I do believe he can use them to take this team to that world-beating place. It's a theory, anyway.

Well put. I'm with you in that I don't think it's exactly what he's doing, but he will definitely take advantage of the situation. I do think that he's using the early season to experiment and vet some areas of the offense. For instance, when the announcers say "they should just feed Zeke" for two weeks straight. Well, Urban knows that his team could cruise to an easy win by doing that. Instead he is trying out more pro style plays, intermediate passing, stuff like that. If it works well, he has even more tools for the toolbox, if it doesn't (and it hasn't) he creates 'adversity' for a loaded team full of future NFL talent. Win-win.

I wonder if last week things got a little bit out of hand with all of the turnovers. Wouldn't be surprised to see the offense come out swinging today.
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Is it just me, or has the pivot motion been absent for the last couple weeks? The offense definitely looked better today, but it doesn't look like an Urban Meyer offense to me. It feels like half the pages in the playbook fell out.

Actually I think they run too much motion especially with the H-back. Sometimes tey are so worried about lining up and getting said player in motion that they just don't go out and execute the damn play
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With the way Fournette is playing, we can sadly put to bed any Buckeye Heisman expectations for now...

That said, we're playing smart by only giving Zeke 15 carries in games like this that are well in hand. I'd rather have a healthy and rested Zeke for the playoff run over one that may be nursing a stinger or body fatigue from trying to chase a trophy...
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