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2015 Offense Discussion

What are the odds that we see Ohio State try and go physical with our WR's with Thomas and Greene? Remember seeing him transferring in, seeing his size, and immediately thinking Red Zone threat. Anyone have any scoop on Greene and why he hasn't played much at all, despite some issues/openings at the WR position?
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What are the odds that we see Ohio State try and go physical with our WR's with Thomas and Greene? Remember seeing him transferring in, seeing his size, and immediately thinking Red Zone threat. Anyone have any scoop on Greene and why he hasn't played much at all, despite some issues/openings at the WR position?

I believe the fact that we've heard nothing from Greene since he's enrolled, speaks volumes. He may be the low man on the totem pole, and a fan favorite due to his size onlyL but realistically we may have to wait for some of the young pups to step up
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I believe the fact that we've heard nothing from Greene since he's enrolled, speaks volumes. He may be the low man on the totem pole, and a fan favorite due to his size onlyL but realistically we may have to wait for some of the young pups to step up

Only reason I asked is he seemed to be buying in a bit more, and taking the next step in the Spring Game this year. He had 5 rec for 56 yards. Granted, 35 yards of that was one reception. Just thought he might have made some noise going into fall practice.
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Despite being enough to hold on to the No. 1 spot in both polls, few close to the Ohio State football program will tell you they were pleased with Saturday's 20-13 home win over Northern Illinois.

Although the defense once again played like a championship unit, the offense struggled to put up points throughout a contest in which the Buckeyes were 34-point favorites. Both quarterbacks Cardale Jones and J.T. Barrett were given the chance to lead a unit expected by many to be the most explosive collection of talent in the nation, yet ultimately had to rely on a defensive touchdown to come away with a win.

As head coach Urban Meyer met with the media following the game, he reiterated the tone felt by many and acknowledging that the offense has questions that must be answered. But the man who doubles as the program's CEO and ultimate leader of offensive game planning failed to place blame in one specific area, instead saying both the coaches and players must improve.

To many fans, coaching is effectively a code word for the play-calling when things go awry offensively, and every coordinator in program history has been publicly questioned before. Even the beloved and recently departed Tom Herman was criticized during his stint with the Buckeyes, first for the loss to Michigan State in the 2013 Big Ten title game, and again after failing to beat Virginia Tech last fall.

For many, the easy answer for the 2015 offense's struggles lay at the feet of Herman's replacement, Ed Warinner. After reviewing the tape though, that assessment seems unfair.

As we all know by now, the Huskies opened the game up with the same three-man front that gave the Buckeyes some trouble against Hawai'i the previous week. Center Jacoby Boren would almost always have a nose guard lined up directly across from him, while two ends played just outside tackles Taylor Decker and Chase Farris.


To make things difficult though, this unit, often along with an outside linebacker, would slant across the face of the blocker in front of them, away from the strength of the formation. This slant was effective at clogging up inside runs like the 'tight zone' and 'Power-O' that are the foundation of the Buckeye offense, not allowing the guards to get to the second level and block the linebackers.

In the example below, we see right guard Pat Elflein (No. 65) pull left to lead Elliott through the hole. But on his way there, the end to that side has slanted down inside, picking him off and occupying two OSU blockers, which ultimately leaves the inside linebacker free to make an easy tackle.



Much more: http://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio-...study-whats-wrong-with-the-ohio-state-offense
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I guess I'm in the minority but I would give Cardale the start next game. There's this sense from some people that he hasn't played well yet this season but he played very well in the 1st game, unless 300 total yards and 3 touchdowns on the road against a good defense isn't good.

He was underwhelming against Hawaii, but JT wasn't any better.

He was flat bad against NIU and JT was clearly better but J.T. played OK at best in that one.

So in my mind he has played better than JT in the aggregate and should still be the starter.

There's also this sense from some people than all Cardale does better than JT is throw deep and since we don't have a deep threat J.T. should be the starter. For one thing we might be able to develop a deep threat at WR. For another the 9 route is not the only route that Cardale throws better than JT. He throws most routes better than JT. I have no idea why we aren't throwing the intermediate/deep ins to Jalin Marshall we punished Bama & Oregon with.
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I guess I'm in the minority but I would give Cardale the start next game. There's this sense from some people that he hasn't played well yet this season but he played very well in the 1st game, unless 300 total yards and 3 touchdowns on the road against a good defense isn't good.

He was underwhelming against Hawaii, but JT wasn't any better.

He was flat bad against NIU and JT was clearly better but J.T. played OK at best in that one.

So in my mind he has played better than JT in the aggregate and should still be the starter.

There's also this sense from some people than all Cardale does better than JT is throw deep and since we don't have a deep threat J.T. should be the starter. For one thing we might be able to develop a deep threat at WR. For another the 9 route is not the only route that Cardale throws better than JT. He throws most routes better than JT. I have no idea why we aren't throwing the intermediate/deep ins to Jalin Marshall we punished Bama & Oregon with.
JT also hasn't had the opportunity to prep for a team as the starter.. Just saying.
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I guess I'm in the minority but I would give Cardale the start next game. There's this sense from some people that he hasn't played well yet this season but he played very well in the 1st game, unless 300 total yards and 3 touchdowns on the road against a good defense isn't good.
His first half was definitely not something you could describe as good and he didn't gain that much yardage after halftime. His skillset not only stacks the box but adds an extra defender to the early down run calls. The line didn't magically get better when JT got in last week, it just went back to 11 v 11 instead of 10 vs 11.
He was underwhelming against Hawaii, but JT wasn't any better.
Vonn Bell was "underwhelming" vs VT (followed up by great) . Cardale was rough followed up by awful against niu.
He was flat bad against NIU and JT was clearly better but J.T. played OK at best in that one.

So in my mind he has played better than JT in the aggregate and should still be the starter.
I'm fine with folks feeling like it's up in the air but I don't think JT has had much of an opportunity, especially with sitting out the entire offseason. It would be nice if either of them had a single passing play they were executing right now.
There's also this sense from some people than all Cardale does better than JT is throw deep and since we don't have a deep threat J.T. should be the starter. For one thing we might be able to develop a deep threat at WR. For another the 9 route is not the only route that Cardale throws better than JT. He throws most routes better than JT. I have no idea why we aren't throwing the intermediate/deep ins to Jalin Marshall we punished Bama & Oregon with.
I take issue with the playcalling but cardale is regularly failing to hit basic rub routes and dump offs for easy first downs, or staring them down so long that the defense can go grab a burger then worry about closing on the ball on their way back

What does Cardale do better than JT right now other than being large? I know what he can do, but potential never got him off the bench thanks to his inconsistency.
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I guess I'm in the minority but I would give Cardale the start next game. There's this sense from some people that he hasn't played well yet this season but he played very well in the 1st game, unless 300 total yards and 3 touchdowns on the road against a good defense isn't good.

He was underwhelming against Hawaii, but JT wasn't any better.

He was flat bad against NIU and JT was clearly better but J.T. played OK at best in that one.

So in my mind he has played better than JT in the aggregate and should still be the starter.

There's also this sense from some people than all Cardale does better than JT is throw deep and since we don't have a deep threat J.T. should be the starter. For one thing we might be able to develop a deep threat at WR. For another the 9 route is not the only route that Cardale throws better than JT. He throws most routes better than JT. I have no idea why we aren't throwing the intermediate/deep ins to Jalin Marshall we punished Bama & Oregon with.
Once again. I would suggest JT not getting the reps in practice can explain a lot of his issues.
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What are the odds that we see Ohio State try and go physical with our WR's with Thomas and Greene? Remember seeing him transferring in, seeing his size, and immediately thinking Red Zone threat. Anyone have any scoop on Greene and why he hasn't played much at all, despite some issues/openings at the WR position?

Size does not always equate to toughness. Campbell is doing OK (and has good size), the real problem seems to be Smith who whiffed on some easy blocks on Saturday. Definitely need more physical play from the WR group though.
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So I see that Warinner has been taking much of the spears thrown at the offense so far this season. My question is why isn't Beck getting any flak as well? Its not like the guy is just a position coach, he is also an OC that has the responsibility to adjust the offense as needed.

To be honest, I'm not sure why either is getting flak -- other than their units under performing. But in both those cases, they're returning starters from a championship team... shouldn't need to have their hands held. Should be more worried about coaching up the likes of Prince, Collier, Gibson, etc.

Damn good article from 11w on the playcalling... I thought it was being over-emphasized on Saturday. Now I'm sure of it.
Problems weren't play-calling... they were execution. And mostly from the veterans.
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Size does not always equate to toughness. Campbell is doing OK (and has good size), the real problem seems to be Smith who whiffed on some easy blocks on Saturday. Definitely need more physical play from the WR group though.

I've heard Urban call out one guy in particular a couple times. Their name isn't in there and I don't feel like getting flak for it.
Corey has some issues, but he's never been shy about hitting people.
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I take issue with the playcalling but cardale is regularly failing to hit basic rub routes and dump offs for easy first downs, or staring them down so long that the defense can go grab a burger then worry about closing on the ball on their way back.
I noticed both QBs staring down what appeared to be the main receiver in the route on multiple occasions. Each time the QBs got picked there were guys running wide open, but they never came off the primary route. I don't know if that is a lack of reps, something to do with having a new QB coach and OC, or combination thereof...
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I'm fine with folks feeling like it's up in the air but I don't think JT has had much of an opportunity, especially with sitting out the entire offseason.

JT got the lion's share of the NIU game. Also got a good deal of the Hawaii game, until underwhelming to the point of Cardale being re-inserted.

I take issue with the playcalling but cardale is regularly failing to hit basic rub routes and dump offs for easy first downs, or staring them down so long that the defense can go grab a burger then worry about closing on the ball on their way back

I'm trying to figure out if you meant to type JT but instead typed Cardale, or just didn't realized when you typed this that the same analysis applies to JT's performance against NIU.
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