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2015 Offense Discussion

I saw a comment about a newbie QB (domer) from his coach that he should do the ordinary things well so that the extraordinary would not be necessary. It doesn't apply just to QBs but everyone. Urban will figure it out. He has great people around him.
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I fail to accept that one QB hasn't stood out in practice personally. I undoubtedly don't blame Meyer for having trouble deciding which guy to pick (he admitted it was weighing on him after the spring game) but there's no way it was a tie all fall practice. When you have two kids you love you follow the stats and not your gut because stats do not lie.

Everything just has to SLOW AND CALM down IMO. Lets figure out our starting 11, focus on no turnovers and penalties, and then from there bringing back what worked so well the last 4 years which is the zone read. Coincidence we are struggling since removing one if our staples? Me thinks not.

The first thing we need to focus on is not hurting ourselves by getting behind the sticks and especially by turning the ball over and essentially giving the other team points. From my count 31 of the 36 points we've surrendered came after turnovers just think about that for a moment.
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Playing when you're substituted in to try and save the day, is different mindset than starting the game from play 1.

I keep hearing that argument from the JT supporters. Not sure I agree with it, particularly since JT was given the majority of the game to "get warm" and still wasn't showing anything late in the fourth. Regardless, Cardale has some excuses too--he was playing in a downpour; JT was playing when the weather turned nice and sunny yesterday.

I'm not saying JT set the world on fire, but he doesn't have the back foot heave ho's that Cardale does. Cardale was given 3 straight games to start and 1 of them he was decent, and against 2 teams we should've rolled, our offense has looked inept.

Both QBs looked good against VT, and both looked putrid against Hawaii and NIU. Again, not saying Cardale was great in either game, but let's stop pretending JT outplayed him in either game.

And actually after yesterday's game, JT came in and indeed showed that he should start, even with a pick of his own.

:lol:. He did?

He threw a pick, threw another "should've been a pick" in the red zone, rolled into a sack when he had a certain first down had he rolled the other way, missed Corey Smith badly on an easy out route for a first down, stared down Thomas on 4th down such that the telegraphed pass was easily batted away by the DB, threw the ball late to a wide open Marshall that allowed the DB to knock the ball away, underthrew Vannett on another sure first down, etc. And that's just off the top of my head.
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QB is the product of people around them.
Start with coaching. Make a decision stick with it.
OL fix bad snaps, false starts, holds,
Running game Zeek needs to see holes and needs to be patient, OL and WR block better, better flow of calls
WRs need one QB, find the most consistent right now. Leave Braxton out for now. He is not one of the top.
TEs. Use them.
H back #4, no #1 not yet
Absolutely no #1 at QB, not yet
Consistent reliable plays and players before most explosive.
Sit with the players and listen to them.
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What I don't get is our constant talk about how they ran Odd man fronts all game and we weren't prepared for it... I mean REALLY? If I'm Urban that's all i'm practicing as we see the 4-3 with our defense all Fall and know the 4-3 in and out.

We have people like Decker who are saying "we love facing the 4-3" well guess what? We will probably not see it now for the rest of the year... It'll be the 3-4 all year and how we didn't see it coming is beyond me. Why would we prepare for a 4-3 when the 3-4 gives us so much trouble? Especially considering NIU does have a 3-4 package. Personally, I would've anticipated that from NIU and I'm a little confused why we wouldn't have game planned for the 3-4.

We have to find that answer to the 3-4 question.
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What I don't get is our constant talk about how they ran Odd man fronts all game and we weren't prepared for it... I mean REALLY? If I'm Urban that's all i'm practicing as we see the 4-3 with our defense all Fall and know the 4-3 in and out.

We have people like Decker who are saying "we love facing the 4-3" well guess what? We will probably not see it now for the rest of the year... It'll be the 3-4 all year and how we didn't see it coming is beyond me. Why would we prepare for a 4-3 when the 3-4 gives us so much trouble? Especially considering NIU does have a 3-4 package. Personally, I would've anticipated that from NIU and I'm a little confused why we wouldn't have game planned for the 3-4.

We have to find that answer to the 3-4 question.

It really isn't that easy for a defense to change from a 4-3 to a 3-4 for one game. Sure any team can put in a package, but the personnel is usually different and the muscle memory won't be there for a guy that spent his whole career playing on a 4-3 DL.

My memory is 15 years old at this point, but after the snap there really isn't that much of a difference between the 3-4 and the 4-3. Every 3-4 that I played against would stunt the line one way or the other every play and end up in the same place that they would have been in a 4-3. You just never knew which way they were going to stunt on a given down and couldn't really plan your double teams before the snap. As a tackle you had to block what was over you and let the guards and center figure out how to pick up the LBs. I always told myself that if I coached I would run a 3-4 since I think it's easier to do more with less talent since you can counter some of the Jimmys and Joes advantage with movement.

On the other hand tOSU can practice against the scout 3-4 all they want, but it isn't going to give them the level of competition that they need to properly block it. I don't see them teaching our first team D the 3-4 just to get our offense prepared. There is a big difference between going up against 3rd stringers that are reading plays off a sheet and any first team defense that spent all week (or all camp) working on a scheme. Eventually we will get better, but it might take more reps and some success to get the confidence back.
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I also think the expectations are too high at QB. Cardale and JT neither are perfect and were not perfect last year either. Cardale threw some pretty piss poor passes last year that were helped a ton by receivers. I recall one play where Marshall literally reached over the Bama DB's shoulders to steal the pass off of his back, and the only reason it wasn't picked was because the dumbass DB never looked for the ball. Devin also bailed Cardale out on several deep balls that were literally jump balls and Devin won. JT also had his issues last year in some key spots. Both guys averaged 60% completetions last year, which isn't bad, but that means they miss a little less than half of their passes. We seem to expect them to complete 100% now all of the sudden. We shouldn't expect perfect. Because we aren't going to get perfect. We should expect more than 13 points vs NIU however.

They are both going to make mistakes and miss open receivers occasionally just like the both did last year and just like every other QB in the country will too.

With that said, they both can play better and will.
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I would like to see our OC put in the press box and not on the sidelines where I believe Coach Warriner is added at the present time. I also thing that it might be possible that he has too much on his plate if he is coaching both the OL and being the OC. I have no idea how much of that coaching he delegates to someone else but it would be interesting to know.

I also would not like to see Braxton put in the wildcat all by himself if he cannot throw the ball. I do not know maybe Meyer is setting something up for down the road where they run a reverse or Braxton can throw the ball but they are just holding that back. If the latter is not true, I wish they would put someone back there with him so it gives is a defense subject to think about and not send the QB out to a WR spot where he is semi-worthless.
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I would like to see our OC put in the press box and not on the sidelines where I believe Coach Warriner is added at the present time. I also thing that it might be possible that he has too much on his plate if he is coaching both the OL and being the OC. I have no idea how much of that coaching he delegates to someone else but it would be interesting to know.

I also would not like to see Braxton put in the wildcat all by himself if he cannot throw the ball. I do not know maybe Meyer is setting something up for down the road where they run a reverse or Braxton can throw the ball but they are just holding that back. If the latter is not true, I wish they would put someone back there with him so it gives is a defense subject to think about and not send the QB out to a WR spot where he is semi-worthless.

That is a good idea. Have Warriner up in the booth, let Beck come down on the field with Urban. Maybe Beck could help with talking to his Q/B'S. But something has to give real soon.
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It really isn't that easy for a defense to change from a 4-3 to a 3-4 for one game. Sure any team can put in a package, but the personnel is usually different and the muscle memory won't be there for a guy that spent his whole career playing on a 4-3 DL.

My memory is 15 years old at this point, but after the snap there really isn't that much of a difference between the 3-4 and the 4-3. Every 3-4 that I played against would stunt the line one way or the other every play and end up in the same place that they would have been in a 4-3. You just never knew which way they were going to stunt on a given down and couldn't really plan your double teams before the snap. As a tackle you had to block what was over you and let the guards and center figure out how to pick up the LBs. I always told myself that if I coached I would run a 3-4 since I think it's easier to do more with less talent since you can counter some of the Jimmys and Joes advantage with movement.

On the other hand tOSU can practice against the scout 3-4 all they want, but it isn't going to give them the level of competition that they need to properly block it. I don't see them teaching our first team D the 3-4 just to get our offense prepared. There is a big difference between going up against 3rd stringers that are reading plays off a sheet and any first team defense that spent all week (or all camp) working on a scheme. Eventually we will get better, but it might take more reps and some success to get the confidence back.
We have a 3-4 package so we could practice it at a high level if we wanted. Will it make perfect? Absolutely not but it sure beats preparing for a 3-4 by practicing against a 4-3.

Still no freaking answer on the starting QB after today's press conference though... I hope he knows but just isnt saying because at what point do you NOT need to see it play out at practice due to the fact that you have a full two years of stats to go based on?

Another thing is UM told us Cardale has got the bulk of the snaps as a 1. So how the shit is that fair? Thats also telling to me that CJ is that poor with most of the reps his way and as such JT should be given that same benefit. Seems anything but fair to me
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Successful deep passing plays or going 4 wide will get a team out of 3-4 to nickel or dime real quick.
I feel the answer is also to stop pulling our lineman but instead just use simple blocking on run plays and attack them through the middle quickly. When you pull people that gives a 3-4 defense time to benefit by one of its strengths which is coming from an angle. However if you just come off the ball and go downhill you have 290 pound guards working on 240 pound middle backers.

Another benefit is the linemans ability to release off and go after the 2nd level because there's not as much traffic so running zone read would work as well.
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