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2013 Preseason and regular polls

Now some lady is slobbin on Auburn's knob. They must be pretty damn desperate trying to get Auburn into the NCG on Finebaum's show.

EDIT: Rachel Bauchmann. Last name says it all.
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Now the hacks (including Finebaum) are saying that the only two teams in the country with 'signature wins' are Auburn and Alabama.


And these people get PAID for this?!?
If you want to argue that Auburn is the only team with a 'signature win', I can see where that's coming from...assuming the definition of 'signature win' is "beating the #1 team and defending national champion". I don't agree, but I can see the poor logic.

Alabama on the other hand...who, in Gods name, can he argue is Alabama's signature win? VT? A&M? LSU?
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