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2013 Preseason and regular polls

The Finebaum show is a pumpkin cess pool.....all of Bamas fine trailer living citizens flock to the phone lines to alert their counterpart that they SUCK!! And ROLL DAMN TIDE Y'ALL!! Or WAR DAMN EAGLE!!

Basically it's good for nothing but to laugh at slack jawed simpletons

What's probably most sad is that my opinion of Finebaum himself has actually gone UP this season with his regular appearances on ESPN. He's obviously got his Bama bias, but he doesn't appear to be completely unreasonable and unabashedly plays up his schtick because it makes him obscene amounts of money. Seeing the simulcast of his show on WatchESPN he's clearly laughing at his regular callers, not with them.

He's college football's Howard Stern, and he's excellent at what he does.

Hearing about his show for years second-hand I couldn't 'get' why people listened. Now I do. It's hilarious. He's got 100,000 Harvey Updykes at who all named their children something like Bear Bryant, Crimson Tide, or Allie Bama at the ready, and he gives them free reign to make absolute asses out of themselves. Phyllis is pure comedy gold every time he puts her on.
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I listened to Tim Brando on the way to work this morning. He gave us no credit whatsoever and said that Florida State would absolutely roll us and that the ACC is much tougher than the Big Ten. :pissed::shake:

Not surprising. Urban Meyer backed his car over Tim Brando's dog or something, because Brando never has nice things to say about Urban. I don't know the backstory, but Brando's made it personal.
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Not sure if anyone caught the ESPN ticker yesterday after the BCS release regarding the Top 2 BCS teams recent final weekend W-L record.


Good job bundling the Buckeyes with FSU , who has 4 of those 5 losses, to make the Buckeyes look bad. Also, how convenient that ESPN starts 7 years ago - the year that the SEC went on a heavy win streak in the BCS National Championship.

And lets be honest, they wouldn't have put that stat up there if it were FSU-Auburn.
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What's probably most sad is that my opinion of Finebaum himself has actually gone UP this season with his regular appearances on ESPN. He's obviously got his Bama bias, but he doesn't appear to be completely unreasonable and unabashedly plays up his schtick because it makes him obscene amounts of money. Seeing the simulcast of his show on WatchESPN he's clearly laughing at his regular callers, not with them.

He's college football's Howard Stern, and he's excellent at what he does.

Hearing about his show for years second-hand I couldn't 'get' why people listened. Now I do. It's hilarious. He's got 100,000 Harvey Updykes at who all named their children something like Bear Bryant, Crimson Tide, or Allie Bama at the ready, and he gives them free reign to make absolute asses out of themselves. Phyllis is pure comedy gold every time he puts her on.

The schtick of his show is brilliant cant argue with that.....especially in the south.

And yea Phyllis from Mulga is pure comedy. As are most of the regular slap sticks who call in to rant about their regular nonsense.
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Not sure if anyone caught the ESPN ticker yesterday after the BCS release regarding the Top 2 BCS teams recent final weekend W-L record.

View attachment 8569

Good job bundling the Buckeyes with FSU , who has 4 of those 5 losses, to make the Buckeyes look bad. Also, how convenient that ESPN starts 7 years ago - the year that the SEC went on a heavy win streak in the BCS National Championship.

And lets be honest, they wouldn't have put that stat up there if it were FSU-Auburn.

FSU had 4 last-week losses to Florida from 2006-2009, when Florida was coached by Urban Meyer.
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Not sure if anyone caught the ESPN ticker yesterday after the BCS release regarding the Top 2 BCS teams recent final weekend W-L record.

View attachment 8569

Good job bundling the Buckeyes with FSU , who has 4 of those 5 losses, to make the Buckeyes look bad. Also, how convenient that ESPN starts 7 years ago - the year that the SEC went on a heavy win streak in the BCS National Championship.

And lets be honest, they wouldn't have put that stat up there if it were FSU-Auburn.

And the really funny part is Ohio State has NEVER been one of those top 2 teams. Ever. Think of the teams Ohio State has had in that time-frame. The only time they've lost on that last regular season weekend was 2011 to scUM.

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Nevermind. After running the numbers for OSU (vacated 2010) and FSU (vacated 2006 & 2007) there is no way the numbers in that ESPN graphic fit. Then I realized those numbers aren't for this years Top 2, they are for whoever the BCS Top 2 are before the final standings. E.g., Missouri and West Virginia in 2007, Oklahoma in 2008, Florida in 2009, etc ...

In other words, recent history dictates one of Ohio State or Florida State would likely lose in their CCG. The seven year cutoff was probably chosen because that's when the title game was added after the original four BCS bowls.
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Nevermind. After running the numbers for OSU (vacated 2010) and FSU (vacated 2006 & 2007) there is no way the numbers in that ESPN graphic fit. Then I realized those numbers aren't for this years Top 2, they are for whoever the BCS Top 2 are before the final standings. E.g., Missouri and West Virginia in 2007, Oklahoma in 2008, Florida in 2009, etc ...

In other words, recent history dictates one of Ohio State or Florida State would likely lose in their title game. The seven year cutoff was probably chosen because that's when the title game was added after the original four BCS bowls.

and if you think about it, it's kind of a meaningless stat at this point. The last regular weekend was the one they were already seeing results from within the BCS - not the "championship weekend" which is still coming up.

ESPiN is doing their damnedest to keep the toothless hicks in bammy happy.
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These are the BCS 1 & 2 before the final standings going back through 2006, and their last game result (Ohio State '06, Alabama '11, and Notre Dame '12 did not play a game during 'championship week'). 7 seasons, 6-5 record for the BCS 1 & 2.

2006 Ohio State & USC (L)
2007 Missouri (L) & West Virginia (L)
2008 Alabama (L) & Oklahoma (W)
2009 Florida (L) & Alabama (W)
2010 Auburn (W) & Oregon (W)
2011 LSU (W) & Alabama
2012 Notre Dame & Alabama (W)
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The good news is, Ohio State has seemingly survived their "upset special" game already and has hopefully gotten it out of their system.

Needless to say, it would be highly disappointing if the defense performed even close to as badly again.
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