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2013 Preseason and regular polls

He wasn't defending us to begin with.
- Herbie asks why ACC isn't scrutinized
- Palmer says it's b/c FSU blows out all their opponents
- Herbie says he agrees with them completely; he just wanted to ask the question so Ohio State fans can hear the truth (and stop questioning ESPiN's wisdom)
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He wasn't defending us to begin with.
- Herbie asks why ACC isn't scrutinized
- Palmer says it's b/c FSU blows out all their opponents
- Herbie says he agrees with them completely; he just wanted to ask the question so Ohio State fans can hear the truth (and stop questioning ESPiN's wisdom)

Frosty know that without ESPN hes giving hand job interviews to titans players on local Nashville radio. He won't rick the boat and go against the script he's handed. Ever.
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can someone ask him what the hell a war eagle has to do with Tigers?

I swear, that is the weirdest chant I've ever seen for a football team. The legend of a 30-year old eagle collected from a Civil War battlefield being brought to a football game, then circling around the stadium (at which point Auburn supposedly drove down the field for a TD) right before nose-diving to its death in the stadium. What a great omen, let's make it a chant. Supposedly the fans were even chanting War Eagle during that game. How did the people even know it was a war eagle, anyway? Weird legend.
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Seems like Sharp hates the entire Big Ten: Sparty 13th and Wiscy unranked.
Yes, that is Drew Sharp's theme. Anybody but the Big Ten deserves a high ranking. He had Baylor #3 before they got pounded, just switch teams from other conferences up there depending on the flavor of the month, and keep the Big Ten down below where most people normally have them. His Twitter page even remarks in his bio that the Big Ten sucks or something to that effect.
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Yes, that is Drew Sharp's theme. Anybody but the Big Ten deserves a high ranking. He had Baylor #3 before they got pounded, just switch teams from other conferences up there depending on the flavor of the month, and keep the Big Ten down below where most people normally have them. His Twitter page even remarks in his bio that the Big Ten sucks or something to that effect.

Yep, but the AP poll is entirely meaningless so let him be an asshole.

The final polls are public, people can play funny games with their ballots all they want, but if Ohio State holds serve and wins Saturday night, we'll see who has the cojones to manipulate their ballots to fit the mediots narrative.
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The Finebaum show is a pumpkin cess pool.....all of Bamas fine trailer living citizens flock to the phone lines to alert their counterpart that they SUCK!! And ROLL DAMN TIDE Y'ALL!! Or WAR DAMN EAGLE!!

Basically it's good for nothing but to laugh at slack jawed simpletons
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The ACC is no better then the big 10.....Clemson got blown out on their home field and lost to the 2nd best team they played, they are no better then MSU. The rest of the ACC is rubbish, Duke is having a good year but its been very circumstancial
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