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2013 Preseason and regular polls

I listened to Tim Brando on the way to work this morning. He gave us no credit whatsoever and said that Florida State would absolutely roll us and that the ACC is much tougher than the Big Ten. :pissed::shake:

I istened to that douche as well. I heard him say he might call a basketball game and he would be "fair and impartial". I immediately looked up Gene Smith's email address and requested that he be banned from the Schott. Based on his bias toward Ohio State and specifically Urban Meyer. Guy turns my stomach. Waiting for Gene to respond...:urban1:
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they'll prob play UCF

but your point still stands

That was my original thought. But I think NIU is actually a better team than UCF this year, as a result of the last couple of weeks where UCF struggled against Temple and USF, two teams that would be lucky to win a game in the FCS. It's one thing at the beginning of the season, but another animal at the end. Sugar Bowl and Fiesta Bowl are both stuck with one of them and it's a toss up for who the Sugar Bowl would select.
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That was my original thought. But I think NIU is actually a better team than UCF this year, as a result of the last couple of weeks where UCF struggled against Temple and USF, two teams that would be lucky to win a game in the FCS. It's one thing at the beginning of the season, but another animal at the end. Sugar Bowl and Fiesta Bowl are both stuck with one of them and it's a toss up for who the Sugar Bowl would select.

UCF will go to the Orange bowl.

And USF and Temple would at least be .500 in FCS so I don't quite know where you're going there....
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UCF will go to the Orange bowl.

And USF and Temple would at least be .500 in FCS so I don't quite know where you're going there....

UCF will not go to the Orange Bowl. In this years bowl the section goes Orange, Sugar, Fiesta. UCF and NIU (if they beat BG) will both get an automatic bid. Orange will be able to replace FSU with their first pick, which would likely be Clemson, but could select either Bama or Baylor if they choose to. Then Rose Bowl gets to replace us (presumably) with MSU, but they could select Bama or Baylor. Then Orange gets to pick their BCS team, likely from the remainder of MSU, Baylor, Bama, Oregon (possibly), Clemson. Then Sugar has to pick between NIU or UCF and Fiesta gets whoever the Sugar doesn't want. Ha, we will probably have Auburn v UCF and Okie State v NIU. Then probably MSU/Stanford and Bama/Clemson or Bama/Baylor. A whole load of shit matchups. Bottom line, Sugar and Fiesta get screwed, Orange gets to pick their entire matchup from all the 1 loss and 2 loss teams.
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Stewart Mandel gets it...


The point is, both teams have played similarly challenging schedules to date, and Ohio State's final opponent is stronger than Florida State's. That's one of many reasons I'm uncomfortable with the Auburn-should-jump-Ohio-State rationale. If that's the case, shouldn't the Tigers jump 'Noles, too? If the answer is no because Florida State has been more dominant, I agree. But for all the nitpicking of the Buckeyes this season, last week's Michigan game was Ohio State's first truly close call of the year.
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UCF will not go to the Orange Bowl. In this years bowl the section goes Orange, Sugar, Fiesta. UCF and NIU (if they beat BG) will both get an automatic bid. Orange will be able to replace FSU with their first pick, which would likely be Clemson, but could select either Bama or Baylor if they choose to. Then Rose Bowl gets to replace us (presumably) with MSU, but they could select Bama or Baylor. Then Orange gets to pick their BCS team, likely from the remainder of MSU, Baylor, Bama, Oregon (possibly), Clemson. Then Sugar has to pick between NIU or UCF and Fiesta gets whoever the Sugar doesn't want. Ha, we will probably have Auburn v UCF and Okie State v NIU. Then probably MSU/Stanford and Bama/Clemson or Bama/Baylor. A whole load of [Mark May] matchups. Bottom line, Sugar and Fiesta get screwed, Orange gets to pick their entire matchup from all the 1 loss and 2 loss teams.

UCF is going to the Orange bowl. Clemson won't get into the BCS unless there are a ton of upsets.
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Oh..well in that case, good luck in your attempt at being right.

He'll need it. :biggrin:

UCF is going to the Orange bowl. Clemson won't get into the BCS unless there are a ton of upsets.

Orange bowl got screwed last year with the last pick, that's why they have first pick this year. They may not choose Clemson, but they will get the first pick at the BCS eligible teams, so why wouldn't they pick Baylor and Bama? They will be the only available good 1-loss teams that don't have a specific tie in. They only choose Clemson if they want to keep their ACC tie. Similar as I would expect MSU to get into the Rose Bowl with 2 losses over a 1-loss team.

Barring any upsets UCF will be be in the Sugar Bowl. NIU in the Fiesta Bowl.
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He'll need it. :biggrin:

Orange bowl got screwed last year with the last pick, that's why they have first pick this year. They may not choose Clemson, but they will get the first pick at the BCS eligible teams, so why wouldn't they pick Baylor and Bama? They will be the only available good 1-loss teams that don't have a specific tie in. They only choose Clemson if they want to keep their ACC tie. Similar as I would expect MSU to get into the Rose Bowl with 2 losses over a 1-loss team.

Barring any upsets UCF will be be in the Sugar Bowl. NIU in the Fiesta Bowl.

Orange Bowl is going to pick Bama and UCF. It isn't about matchups, it's about asses in the seats. Baylor doesn't fucking travel well and they'll have two losses after Texas beats them Saturday anyway.

No one cares about conference tie-ins except the Rose Bowl when it comes to At-large picks.
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Orange Bowl is going to pick Bama and UCF. It isn't about matchups, it's about asses in the seats. Baylor doesn't fucking travel well and they'll have two losses after Texas beats them Saturday anyway.

No one cares about conference tie-ins except the Rose Bowl when it comes to At-large picks.

Baylor doesn't travel well, but I really doubt UCF travels well. Baylor has an electric team that is getting the fans excited which would entice more to make the trip. If I'm a fan of a mediocre school and they suddenly tied for their conference championship, I'm excited and more likely to travel. They may not fill the stadium but will provide much better ratings. Personally I wouldn't watch Bama/UCF, I would watch Bama/Baylor. I assume Bama steam rolls UCF, but fast mobile offenses seem to trip up Bama, so I'm intrigued. Similarly a 2-loss Oregon and Clemson would fill the seats better and provide better ratings.

Even if UCF traveled slightly better, who would want to go to the game? It would be like Florida/Louisville. The Florida fans didn't travel well because they didn't like the matchup. Bama/Baylor or Bama/Oregon and even Bama/Clemson would provide a better matchup and entice Bama fans to travel. More people at least think Baylor and Oregon are somewhat good, they made it though real conferences with a loss or two. UCF struggled in the AAC.

I know that I am quoting Bleacher Report and they basically make up their 'journalism', but in their made-up list of best 50 traveling programs, Baylor comes in at 37 and UCF isn't on the list. So I think Baylor brings in slightly more money in every facet.
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