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2013 Preseason and regular polls

The real money is in TV ratings. UCF doesn't bring any. Some people here might think UCF is legit, but they don't have the hype machine or the farcical AP ranking to look like a big matchup on paper.
They come from a conference that everyone knows has no business being an AQ anymore.
Alabama, Oregon, Clemson, Baylor... all these schools have the hype machine behind them and, perhaps with the exception of Baylor, large fan bases that have little to do with being alum.
Wherever NIU and UCF go... those bowls are guaranteed to have lower tv ratings

But we'll see how it breaks down after Saturday. I'm still hoping we can drop the Spartans out of the top-14.
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The real money is in TV ratings. UCF doesn't bring any. Some people here might think UCF is legit, but they don't have the hype machine or the farcical AP ranking to look like a big matchup on paper.
They come from a conference that everyone knows has no business being an AQ anymore.
Alabama, Oregon, Clemson, Baylor... all these schools have the hype machine behind them and, perhaps with the exception of Baylor, large fan bases that have little to do with being alum.
Wherever NIU and UCF go... those bowls are guaranteed to have lower tv ratings

But we'll see how it breaks down after Saturday. I'm still hoping we can drop the Spartans out of the top-14.

They don't give a shit about TV ratings this year - the whole system is changing next year with the new contract.
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Key word, next year

Key words - new contract

As in, already signed. As in the ad space has already largely been bought and paid for by the networks for these days. They really don't care at this point, everything changes next year, it's not up for re-bid, so this year's performance doesn't matter in the slightest.

The OB is going to take a large national draw in Bama and a large local draw in UCF. The game could end up being 45-0 at halftime, and there will be no fucks given by the OB organizers after last year's fiasco with NIU and Free Shoes.
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'Bama doesn't have a national draw imo. A recognizable name, yes. A draw... not nationally. I exchange I-Os all the time with people in Seattle and Colorado. Only known 1 guy that rooted for 'Bama - a fair weather native that stayed in the area after being stationed at JBLM
A matchup of them against UCF or NIU will be a relative flop in the ratings. A foregone conclusion to casual onlookers and a major let down after 3 NC trips in a row.
The idea that ratings only matter when a tv contract is up in the air is... umm... quite faulty. Otherwise they wouldn't care about ratings 9 years out of 10.
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'Bama doesn't have a national draw imo. A recognizable name, yes. A draw... not nationally. I exchange I-Os all the time with people in Seattle and Colorado. Only known 1 guy that rooted for 'Bama - a fair weather native that stayed in the area after being stationed at JBLM
A matchup of them against UCF or NIU will be a relative flop in the ratings. A foregone conclusion to casual onlookers and a major let down after 3 NC trips in a row.
The idea that ratings only matter when a tv contract is up in the air is... umm... quite faulty. Otherwise they wouldn't care about ratings 9 years out of 10.

If the system were staying the same, I'd agree with you. But the powers that be within the BCS or Playoff or whatever it'll be called next year simply do not care if the ratings are in the tank. They're getting an entirely new system next year - one that will certainly break records. This year good ratings would be nice, and the Rose Bowl/NCG/Sugar bowl will be huge draws - but if the Orange and Fiesta aren't, that really won't matter going forward. Like I said, the ad space is already bought.
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Mike, go home you're drunk. The Orange Bowl is not taking a mid-major with no fan support over a national 'name' school. Especially one from a conference that the bowl couldn't drop fast enough when presented the opportunity. There are no UCF 'fans' to show up and 'Bama fans aren't going to come in to watch the Tide play a freakin' CUSA team.

Barring major upsets this Saturday (or Sparty falling out of the top 14) it'll be Clemson-'Bama (and in that order).
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Mike, go home you're drunk. The Orange Bowl is not taking a mid-major with no fan support over a national 'name' school. Especially one from a conference that the bowl couldn't drop fast enough when presented the opportunity. There are no UCF 'fans' to show up and 'Bama fans aren't going to come in to watch the Tide play a freakin' CUSA team.

Barring major upsets this Saturday (or Sparty falling out of the top 14) it'll be Clemson-'Bama (and in that order).
UCF gets an automatic bid...does that conference have an auto bowl tie-in?
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Mike, go home you're drunk. The Orange Bowl is not taking a mid-major with no fan support over a national 'name' school. Especially one from a conference that the bowl couldn't drop fast enough when presented the opportunity. There are no UCF 'fans' to show up and 'Bama fans aren't going to come in to watch the Tide play a freakin' CUSA team.

Barring major upsets this Saturday (or Sparty falling out of the top 14) it'll be Clemson-'Bama (and in that order).

UCF isn't C-USA anymore.

UCF gets an auto bid because they are in the AAC or whatever. And I also don't get how anyone can say they don't travel well - the university always sells its allotment when there are big away games (Ohio State/Penn State recently).

The Rose Bowl is basically set - it's going to be Sparty vs. the Pac 12 winner (ASU/Stanford). the loser of the Pac-12 game won't be in the BCS.

The Orange will be Bama and UCF - UCF has to get in. If they didn't, it probably would be Clemson. In the end though, I think the Orange ends up taking them. Not because they want too, but because the other options available aren't good. I don't think Clemson will make it and history says if a team isn't in a conference championship game and loses their last game badly (and Clemson did) the BCS bowls will shy away from them (call it the Oklahoma effect). UCF makes geographic sense and you know the Orange bit the bullet with NIU last year - these bowl organizers are the biggest Good Ol Boys club outside of the Republican Party.

Edit to add: The Sugar got stuck with Cincinnati when they were slaughtered by Florida. I think that will play a factor in the back room deals as well.

The Sugar will get the SEC champ - I think it'll be Missouri and will pick up probably Baylor if they win. If Baylor loses, I could see UCF ending up here because they won't be able to get Bama, but they won't like any of the other options. If Ohio State somehow loses, they'll end up in the Sugar as well over Baylor/UCF.

The Fiesta gets the Big 12 champ (Okie State if they win, Texas if Okie State loses and they win/Baylor if Baylor wins and Okie State loses) and I think has last picks, so NIU will go here.

Just the way I see it.
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