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2013 Preseason and regular polls

Baylor doesn't travel well, but I really doubt UCF travels well. Baylor has an electric team that is getting the fans excited which would entice more to make the trip. If I'm a fan of a mediocre school and they suddenly tied for their conference championship, I'm excited and more likely to travel. They may not fill the stadium but will provide much better ratings. Personally I wouldn't watch Bama/UCF, I would watch Bama/Baylor. I assume Bama steam rolls UCF, but fast mobile offenses seem to trip up Bama, so I'm intrigued. Similarly a 2-loss Oregon and Clemson would fill the seats better and provide better ratings.

Even if UCF traveled slightly better, who would want to go to the game? It would be like Florida/Louisville. The Florida fans didn't travel well because they didn't like the matchup. Bama/Baylor or Bama/Oregon and even Bama/Clemson would provide a better matchup and entice Bama fans to travel. More people at least think Baylor and Oregon are somewhat good, they made it though real conferences with a loss or two. UCF struggled in the AAC.

I know that I am quoting Bleacher Report and they basically make up their 'journalism', but in their made-up list of best 50 traveling programs, Baylor comes in at 37 and UCF isn't on the list. So I think Baylor brings in slightly more money in every facet.
UCF would essentially not be traveling. Sooooo moot.
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Baylor doesn't travel well, but I really doubt UCF travels well. Baylor has an electric team that is getting the fans excited which would entice more to make the trip. If I'm a fan of a mediocre school and they suddenly tied for their conference championship, I'm excited and more likely to travel. They may not fill the stadium but will provide much better ratings. Personally I wouldn't watch Bama/UCF, I would watch Bama/Baylor. I assume Bama steam rolls UCF, but fast mobile offenses seem to trip up Bama, so I'm intrigued. Similarly a 2-loss Oregon and Clemson would fill the seats better and provide better ratings.

Even if UCF traveled slightly better, who would want to go to the game? It would be like Florida/Louisville. The Florida fans didn't travel well because they didn't like the matchup. Bama/Baylor or Bama/Oregon and even Bama/Clemson would provide a better matchup and entice Bama fans to travel. More people at least think Baylor and Oregon are somewhat good, they made it though real conferences with a loss or two. UCF struggled in the AAC.

I know that I am quoting Bleacher Report and they basically make up their 'journalism', but in their made-up list of best 50 traveling programs, Baylor comes in at 37 and UCF isn't on the list. So I think Baylor brings in slightly more money in every facet.

UCF fans will want to go to the game. And :lol: @ Bleacher Report....

Oregon fans don't travel well either BTW and they sure as hell aren't traveling to South Florida for a glorified exhibition.
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UCF fans will want to go to the game. And :lol: @ Bleacher Report....

Oregon fans don't travel well either BTW and they sure as hell aren't traveling to South Florida for a glorified exhibition.

I agree. UCF has one of the nations largest undergrad student body population at 50,000. It would be more appealing for those students and the fans throughout the state of Florida to drive a few hours to Miami and catch a game by a future NFL QB & RB that plays for an in state school.

Its not like the state of Florida is loaded with having to travel much this offseason with Florida not bowl eligible and Miami playing like ass. It would be like Miami (OH) playing OSU in the Shoe versus Miami (OH) playing Cal in Berkley. The students and fans are much more suited to travel to an in state game.
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So the Orange bowl would want a team to play Bama in a game, that no one in the country wants to see, with a fan base that can drive down to, and away from, in one day?

Yes. That's how it works. They don't care about TV - especially with everything changing this year. And I want to see UCF anyway, but I guess I'm nobody.

Feel free to argue that angle all you want.

I figure it'll be argued ad nauseum until Sunday night.
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UCF will not go to the Orange Bowl. In this years bowl the section goes Orange, Sugar, Fiesta. UCF and NIU (if they beat BG) will both get an automatic bid. Orange will be able to replace FSU with their first pick, which would likely be Clemson, but could select either Bama or Baylor if they choose to. Then Rose Bowl gets to replace us (presumably) with MSU, but they could select Bama or Baylor. Then Orange gets to pick their BCS team, likely from the remainder of MSU, Baylor, Bama, Oregon (possibly), Clemson. Then Sugar has to pick between NIU or UCF and Fiesta gets whoever the Sugar doesn't want. Ha, we will probably have Auburn v UCF and Okie State v NIU. Then probably MSU/Stanford and Bama/Clemson or Bama/Baylor. A whole load of [Mark May] matchups. Bottom line, Sugar and Fiesta get screwed, Orange gets to pick their entire matchup from all the 1 loss and 2 loss teams.

Good analysis, I'm sure that the Sugar Bowl is hoping BG knocks NIU out of a BCS game so they can chose a "big time" team.
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So the Orange bowl would want a team to play Bama in a game, that no one in the country wants to see, with a fan base that can drive down to, and away from, in one day?

Feel free to argue that angle all you want.

I think Bama/Baylor isn't necessarily a game everyone wants to see. The last big game the nation watched of Baylor, Baylor got steamrolled 49-17 to an inferior team.sition to take down a

UCF sports a QB that has thrown for 3,038 yards and 22 TDs (not much different than Teddy Bridegwaters). Their lone loss was a close one against #12 SoCarolina 25-28, and handed #8 Louisville their only loss of the season in Louisville 38-35. Their defense is ranked 17th nationally, they are 27th in passing yards (Alabama is 62nd), and average only 4 points less per game than Alabama.

I wouldn't discount a team like UCF to play tough against Alabama.
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Yes. That's how it works. They don't care about TV - especially with everything changing this year. And I want to see UCF anyway, but I guess I'm nobody.

I figure it'll be argued ad nauseum until Sunday night.

Blah Blah Blah. If I lied and said I thought UCF was going to be in the Orange bowl would you feel better about yourself? I honestly don't give a flying pumpkin where UCF plays a bowl at. I do however find it amusing that people think that the Orange bowl wants a team with a fan base that can spend all of 4 hours in Miami.
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More fans may go, because they can drive down, but that isn't going make a ton of money, because they'll all leave in tears at halftime and drive back to Orlando, not spending any money in Miami.

I just remembered ESPN touting for the first half of the year, "can't we just get to the Oregon/Bama game we were robbed of last year, that's what EVERYONE wants to see". Ha, the Orange Bowl should give it to them. :lol:
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More fans may go, because they can drive down, but that isn't going make a ton of money, because they'll all leave in tears at halftime and drive back to Orlando, not spending any money in Miami.

You're allegedly in tampa - no one is driving down from Orlando to Miami and not staying at least one night. And the bowl organizers really don't give a good goddamn when the people leave, so long as the tickets are bought and the hotels booked.
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You're allegedly in tampa - no one is driving down from Orlando to Miami and not staying at least one night. And the bowl organizers really don't give a good goddamn when the people leave, so long as the tickets are bought and the hotels booked.

Tampa is 4 hours from Miami, Orlando is about 3 and a half. I'm crazy enough to do it in a day, but I've also done the drive from Tampa to NE Ohio in a day, it's a long day. 2-4 nights beats 1.

The university is required to buy the tickets anyhow, so they are sold whether or not anyone buys them from the University.
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Tampa is 4 hours from Miami, Orlando is about 3 and a half. I'm crazy enough to do it in a day, but I've also done the drive from Tampa to NE Ohio in a day, it's a long day. 2-4 nights beats 1.

The university is required to buy the tickets anyhow, so they are sold whether or not anyone buys them from the University.

They aren't going to do that on New Year's Day :lol: Some might, most won't.
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Here's the thing, barely any of UCF's fans are primarily UCF fans. We're talking about a very large university in the middle of tourist and transplant/retirement central. They can't even fill up their stadium unless it is an SEC team (and that was a ton of USCe fans, to boot; or they offer free/$5 admission and have the Disney College Program bus over a couple hundred college kids to fill seats for TV, yes, they do that). Most of UCF's "fans" will be focused on their "home" school's bowl game before any bowl UCF is in. And yes, I know several people that make day trips to Miami. They're just not as good of a revenue pick as you're making them out to be. I've gone to games, I've seen their fan base, I live among them (and lived with them).
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