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2010 tOSU Recruiting Discussion

Oh8ch;1503230; said:
If he plays football he takes up a football schollie. You can't walk on when you are under schollie in a "lesser" sport.

I thought that was only if you played in a game. I don't think Oltorik counts as a scholarship player for football.
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Not quite sure the best thread to post this in so i'll just start here...

How "big" of a deal do you guys think the USC game is in terms of recruiting? It seems that every recruit even on our radar(and even some who really aren't) are making the trip up to watch that game. Everyone wants to see USC come to The Shoe this year(and who can blame them). But do you guys think we could potentially lose a recruit or two if we flop like last year? And on the flip side, do you think we could potentially sway a recruit or two in our favor if we have a good showing and come out with a win?

All I know is, it's going to be a heck of a night in Columbus with all the stars out in sight, and two of the premier programs slugging it out in the greatest stadium to hold a football game.
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Magua;1506444; said:
Not quite sure the best thread to post this in so i'll just start here...

How "big" of a deal do you guys think the USC game is in terms of recruiting? It seems that every recruit even on our radar(and even some who really aren't) are making the trip up to watch that game. Everyone wants to see USC come to The Shoe this year(and who can blame them). But do you guys think we could potentially lose a recruit or two if we flop like last year? And on the flip side, do you think we could potentially sway a recruit or two in our favor if we have a good showing and come out with a win?

All I know is, it's going to be a heck of a night in Columbus with all the stars out in sight, and two of the premier programs slugging it out in the greatest stadium to hold a football game.
I think the atmosphere matters more than anything.
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Yeah, I agree, the atmosphere is what the kids want to see most. Just like when Texas came to the Shoe a couple of years ago, we lost, but kids weren't swayed either way of committing or not committing to us. Especially since it was such a good game!
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Sportsbuck28;1506477; said:
I think the atmosphere matters more than anything.

I'd say that's the case in any normal "big" game like this but with what the national percpetion is of Ohio State at this time this really is a program defining game. I don't expect OOS kids to be too impressed if we go out and get stomped.
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I don't necassarily think that this is a program defining game. Say(hypothetically of course) that we do lose this game and win the rest, and win yet another Big 10 championship, go to a BCS bowl game, but this time destroy a team like say Oklahoma, Texas, VA Tech or whoever is in our bowl game. Our public perception will be greatly improved. Its funny how writers talk about our biggest loses being the UF, LSU and USC games, but we get props for losing to Texas in the bowl game! I don't think one game is going to mean so much to our program when its only a 2yr series. Even if we beat USC, tOSU haters r gonna have their excuses for our win(USC's new QB ad replacing so many players). We're screwed in public perception either way. And kids that want to be Buckeyes know that they'll always be in big games and play for a great program!
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pnuts34;1506539; said:
I don't necassarily think that this is a program defining game. Say(hypothetically of course) that we do lose this game and win the rest, and win yet another Big 10 championship, go to a BCS bowl game, but this time destroy a team like say Oklahoma, Texas, VA Tech or whoever is in our bowl game. Our public perception will be greatly improved. Its funny how writers talk about our biggest loses being the UF, LSU and USC games, but we get props for losing to Texas in the bowl game! I don't think one game is going to mean so much to our program when its only a 2yr series. Even if we beat USC, tOSU haters r gonna have their excuses for our win(USC's new QB ad replacing so many players). We're screwed in public perception either way. And kids that want to be Buckeyes know that they'll always be in big games and play for a great program!

We lose to USC and win the Big Ten we'll hear the same old stories of how weak the Big 10 is and how overrated we are. I don't know if this game will completely define our program but it will go a LONG way of getting our national perception back to where it should be.

I was just saying as far a recruiting perspective a win here will ease A LOT of the concerns that some big OOS recruits have.
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No, I understand what u were saying and I definitely agree. But my point also is that if we not only win the Big10 but win a BCS bowl game, that would even out if we were to lose to USC. Don't u think? Or even the opposite way, we stomp USC, and then lose in our BCS game, some of negative perceptions will have been gone because we wouldve won a big game.
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AmeriBuck007;1506551; said:
We lose to USC and win the Big Ten we'll hear the same old stories of how weak the Big 10 is and how overrated we are. I don't know if this game will completely define our program but it will go a LONG way of getting our national perception back to where it should be.

I was just saying as far a recruiting perspective a win here will ease A LOT of the concerns that some big OOS recruits have.

I think you're worried more about the concerns you have. Recruiting OOS doesn't seem to be much of a problem.
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BUCKYLE;1506578; said:
I think you're worried more about the concerns you have. Recruiting OOS doesn't seem to be much of a problem.

I really think the outcome of the game will have a big effect on recruits. A lot of these guys will be coming to the Shoe for the first time. This may be the biggest recruiting weekend ever for Ohio State so I think it's silly to say that recruits won't be turned away if we lose big.

I know the outcome of the game will go a long way in Genron's book and I'm sure it's no difference for a lot of the other guys.
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