NightmaresDad;1260219; said:I guess I just would like to discuss a player's performance without being seen as "bashing" said player if I perceive obvious and unacceptable flaws in said performance. Just discussing pros and cons, do the pros outweigh the cons, are the cons fixable, are the cons coachable, etc.
I don't understand why you think you can't. Do you need to call Boeckman a name? Do you need to speak in absolutes about his future prospects? Do you need to make quips about him needing splinters in his ass, or do you otherwise need to say things that malign the kid?
If not, then you have no worries. There are MAJOR misunderstandings about what gets people temp-banned, and I don't really understand why. Frankly, I'm more frustrated by that confusion than I am the comments of those few who do buy time-outs.
not bannable:
"I think Boeckman is a liability in big games when the pressure is on because he locks on receivers, looks flustered in the pocket, and can be clumsy and unaware on the move when he gets poor protection from the line. I'd like to see us give Pryor a chance, because I'm not convinced Boeckman can get us through the big games." (Not a great post, but not bannable. Why don't we expand upon this with specific examples from the game? Contribute to the conversation, instead of just making declarations.)
"Chokeman should never be allowed on the field again, he shouldn't even suit up, or if he does, should never leave the bench because he sucks."
Here's a link with a basic list of fallacies:
List of fallacies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Avoid those, absolutes, and petulance without substance -- and I don't see how you or anyone would get banned.
Qualify statements.
"I think X." This isn't enough, knowing what you think means little if I don't understand why you think it. Expand. "Y and Z lead me to believe X."
"X is forever or absolute." More shit, of the worst type. "Based on X, it's hard to imagine Y." Fine. "Right now, I can't get my head past X." Fine.
You can say basically anything you want as long as you qualify it, and in the process, CREATE conversation as opposed to stifling it.
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