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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

Nadda;1236776; said:

right Techically he would be considered an RB that will pass every now and then. Thats what Tebows title basically was his first year.

I seem to remember that RB thowing a pass against us in the MNCG that went for six. If we weren't talking about the second coming I'd use some colorful adjectives here.Here's to hoping that young TP burns the soul of some other teams fans like TT did to me.
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Ohio State well stocked at quarterback
Tressel likes attributes Boeckman, Bauserman, Pryor bring to offense
Sunday, August 24, 2008 3:45 AM
By Tim May


Coach Jim Tressel took census of his quarterback population several times during this year's Ohio State preseason camp and he always liked the number. Usually there were three in line.
They were led by returning starter Todd Boeckman, a senior. Then came redshirt freshman Joe Bauserman, 22, whose class standing belies the maturity gained in spending three years in baseball's minor leagues. And there was freshman Terrelle Pryor, the top-rated recruit whose running/throwing talents could, in time, take the offense on a new tangent.
"Blessed is the word that means happy, so I feel blessed that we have three guys like that," Tressel said.
There could have been two more, but five in line would have been a crowd.

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ashlandbuck;1236727; said:
After the Penn state game he looked anything but confident. In his last four games he threw 4 TD's and 6 INT's. Through the Penn State game those numbers were 21 TD's against 7 INTS.
He threw almost as many INT's in the last four games as he did in his first 9 games. In those last four games I saw a Qb who seemed to lose a lot of confidence and at times even had happy feet.
He had a solid year. But don't think those coaches are not concerned about his performance in the last four games.
Which is why I say:

OregonBuckeye;1236774; said:
I think some people don't realize just how long of a leash Todd is on. Neither Joe B. or Pryor will sniff the starting job this year.
And some people don't realize that the leash can be reeled in real quick. Boeckman won't have the same "rebuilding season" luxury this year. We have two guys on defense who would have been first-round picks who blew off the NFL to come back and play their senior season, and they didn't come back to settle for anything less than the national title. We have 20 of 24 starters returning...this season is where we have all our ducks lined up. Tressel will not allow any single player, including Boeckman, to jeopardize it...period. This season is crucial to this program. If Pryor continues to progress, and Boeckman flounders, do not be surprised to see Pryor get far more reps than everyone expected.
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i understand that but to not play just because of his mechanics would be stupid because results are the only thing that matters. look at all the nba players w/ different form, i think that stuff is just stupid really to downgrade a guy because of his form, thats all. if he can get the ball from point a to point b, and he can throw bombs w/ just his arms strength, all the power to him. it doesnt hinder him.
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Our offense can be more multiple and do more with Todd in there than any other quarterback right now. Todd would have to be absolutely horrendous for a large stretch of time for him to be pulled.

And based off of last year's number there is little chance of Todd regressing to that point.
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OregonBuckeye;1237223; said:
Yeah, if you were the coach. But Tressel and the team have a hell of a lot more faith in Todd than you do and won't do something irrational if he has a bad game. This team will sink or swim with Boeckman and no one else.

So, benching Boeckman if he has a shit game, i.e., costs us a game with mistakes, is irrational? If Tressel feels Boeckman's play is a threat to our chances of winning the NC, he'll do what is needed. Son, don't you dare lecture me on what Jim Tressel will do...I've followed Tressel since before you were a gleam in the mailman's eye.
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MililaniBuckeye;1237274; said:
So, benching Boeckman if he has a shit game, i.e., costs us a game with mistakes, is irrational? If Tressel feels Boeckman's play is a threat to our chances of winning the NC, he'll do what is needed. Son, don't you dare lecture me on what Jim Tressel will do...I've followed Tressel since before you were a gleam in the mailman's eye.
I don't think anybody is questioning Tressel, we all believe he'll do what he thinks gives us the best chance to win. I think what people are questioning is the delusion that giving ourselves the best chance to win would mean starting a true freshman quarterback over Todd Boeckman who's already proven he can get us to that game.
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