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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

GoodLifeSean;1235279; said:
Yeah, I don't get this, if it's based on potential (which it appears with Stafford,) is OSU with Pryor, Bauserman, and Boeks not top five

I normally have a decent amount of respect for CFN, but this list is a joke.
I'm not sure if I'd have us top 5, but I do believe top 10 is very, very realistic.
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generaladm;1235188; said:
A little off topic, but CFN rates UGA as #8 in their QB unit rankings. Why does everyone think that Stafford is one of the best QBs in college, when his stats are incredibly mediocre? In 2007, his passing stats didn't place in the top 30 in any category. He was the fifth ranked QB in the SEC, barely ahead of Flynn. He had a completion % under 56, and a TD/INT ratio of 1.9/1, and he's ranked ahead of Painter? I. Just. Don't. Get. It.
I call it the Jeff George phenomenon. Dude looks really impressive in workouts, and this (every year) is his year to finally put it all together. Many QBs have benefited from this throughout the years. Akili Smith and Kyle Boller are just two examples.
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Jagdaddy;1235746; said:
Unfortunately Herbstreit's M.O. is to blow sunshine up OSU's a$$ on local media and dog them in the national media: Way to have integrity Herbie . . .
exactly.... I just have to pull out my DVD of the Alamo Bowl, where Herbie chimes in with the "oooh tressel has to get control of these problems... oooh there's a lack of control.... oooh it's bad bad bad". After awhile Lee Corso started sounding rational!

If/when TP has a great year, or career, Herbs will be able to say, "I told you so..."

He ought to be good, and he HAS to be good. IMHO Boeckman is an ugly interception away from being pulled, and then it will be TP and Bauserman. I am a diehard fan but I don't think the coaching staff has felt 100% confident in Boeckman since the MSU game, and after all, Boeckman has lost two of his last three starts, and in the one win he mostly handed it to Beanie.

Now since I've typed these words TB will have a Heisman year... that's cool, too!

Back to TP, he will be good and let's just be thankful that NCAA football is not "One and Done".
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UpNorthBuckeye;1235964; said:
IMHO Boeckman is an ugly interception away from being pulled, and then it will be TP and Bauserman. I am a diehard fan but I don't think the coaching staff has felt 100% confident in Boeckman since the MSU game, and after all, Boeckman has lost two of his last three starts, and in the one win he mostly handed it to Beanie.

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Very interesting pose caught in this pic... foreshadowing...

Where do you think the trophy pose came from..?? lol

Originally Posted by UpNorthBuckeye
IMHO Boeckman is an ugly interception away from being pulled, and then it will be TP and Bauserman. I am a diehard fan but I don't think the coaching staff has felt 100% confident in Boeckman since the MSU game, and after all, Boeckman has lost two of his last three starts, and in the one win he mostly handed it to Beanie.

Not gonna happen. Thats why you respect the vest. TB was 1/2 the reason we got to a NCG last year...period. Tressel knows that, Todd has earned his place in time.

It seems so many here take for granted how RARE it is to make it to the Championship Game. We were lucky last year, So dont assume we're title bound. We all have to keep ourselves in check.
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mstevmac;1236134; said:
Boeckman is too experienced and a confident QB to be benched after one ugly INT. It's going to take A LOT more to happen before he gets benched and TP gets the call

After the Penn state game he looked anything but confident. In his last four games he threw 4 TD's and 6 INT's. Through the Penn State game those numbers were 21 TD's against 7 INTS.
He threw almost as many INT's in the last four games as he did in his first 9 games. In those last four games I saw a Qb who seemed to lose a lot of confidence and at times even had happy feet.
He had a solid year. But don't think those coaches are not concerned about his performance in the last four games.

I'm sure TB isn't an ugly INT from being replaced, but I wouldn't be surprised if TP's role increases greatly as the season progresses. To the point where he is taking as many snaps as Boeckman by the time scUM rolls in to town.
This is not saying that Boeckman will be that bad but rather that TP will be that good. I heard JT say after the Jersey scrimmage that the difference between TP and Troy as freshmen is that TP doesn't look to his legs first. He said that TP wants to do it with his arm. Most Freshmen Qb's with the ability to run as well as TP does will think run very quickly. The fact that he looks through all his reads before running makes him very special. It was obvious that JT is very, very impressed with TP and will get him on the field often.

When it comes to TB vs. TP I think some people don't realize just how special TP is. You just can't keep great talent off the field.
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I look for Todd to be much more confident this year. I say that because, apparently, the rest of the team looks to him to be one of their leaders as they named him a Captain and I don't see that happening if they didn't feel confident in his role. I also think that now that he has a year of play and another spring and fall of film study, he will have improved. I would also expect that all of the talent around him having the benefit of all that time will have also improved, taking even more weight off of his shoulders. Todd will not have to carry this team, nor will he have to be in the position to win games as often as there are so many weapons. Tressel has already stated that Pryor will see the field, but has not elaborated on that. If we make it to the Championship Game again, it will be with Todd as our starter, taking most of the snaps.

149-237 2282 yds 16 td 4 int Troy Smith 2005

191-299 2379 yds 25 td 14 int Todd Boeckman 2007

Troy improved in the program in his senior year and took the team to the championship game and won the Heisman. While I don't know if Todd will be in the Heisman discussion at the end of the year, I look for his numbers to improve. He very well may lead us to his second national championship game, and if his numbers do improve and his confidence is back, he will be considered one of the best QB's that Ohio State has produced.
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Best Buckeye;1236729; said:
You can keep him from too much time as the qb until he gets his passing mechanics down. Who knows how long that will take?

JT's quotes on TP throughout the Jersey scrimmage press conference......

poised, calm, collected, can really throw, extremely talented, looks to throw first, looks very, very good, can do special things, Had big plays running and passing. Doesn't look like a Freshman.

When asked about getting TP on the field and if he'd feel comfortable putting TP in, JT said.... "Sure, absolutely,you always have all of your weapons ready, especially at the QB position".

I'm sure they work on TP's mechanics, but as far as that keeping him off the field, well, mechanics just won't keep him off of it. No way. Just too much talent there.
He's going to play, early and often.
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ashlandbuck;1236755; said:
JT's quotes on TP throughout the Jersey scrimmage press conference......

poised, calm, collected, can really throw, extremely talented, looks to throw first, looks very, very good, can do special things, Had big plays running and passing. Doesn't look like a Freshman.

When asked about getting TP on the field and if he'd feel comfortable putting TP in JT said.... "Sure, absolutely,you always have all of your weapons ready, especially at the QB position".

I'm sure they work on TP's mechanics, but as far as that keeping him off the field, well, mechanics just won't keep him off of it. No way. Just too much talent there.
He's going to play, early and often.
I didn't say he wouldn't see the field, And there has been comment about the fact that he throws with his arm, not with his mechanics.
No way JT says derogatory things about any player in any case.
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As amazing as a talent TP is, he wont IMO be more relyable than TB this year. He was never a polished passer, and as best buckeye said until he gets the mechanics, and also the offense scheme down, TB will have the leg up on him. What im going to be looking for is how fast he does get the game to slow down for him.

Anyone remember TB being a possible heisman contender mid-last year? It seems to me he just got some first year jitters as even chris wells did sometimes on his first year out. Remember when chris would stumble in plain open field with no one around him lol. As you seen though in his second year on the field he exploded. All we can do is hope TB can explode as well.
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ashlandbuck;1236727; said:
After the Penn state game he looked anything but confident. In his last four games he threw 4 TD's and 6 INT's. Through the Penn State game those numbers were 21 TD's against 7 INTS.
He threw almost as many INT's in the last four games as he did in his first 9 games. In those last four games I saw a Qb who seemed to lose a lot of confidence and at times even had happy feet.
He had a solid year. But don't think those coaches are not concerned about his performance in the last four games.

I'm sure TB isn't an ugly INT from being replaced, but I wouldn't be surprised if TP's role increases greatly as the season progresses. To the point where he is taking as many snaps as Boeckman by the time scUM rolls in to town.
This is not saying that Boeckman will be that bad but rather that TP will be that good. I heard JT say after the Jersey scrimmage that the difference between TP and Troy as freshmen is that TP doesn't look to his legs first. He said that TP wants to do it with his arm. Most Freshmen Qb's with the ability to run as well as TP does will think run very quickly. The fact that he looks through all his reads before running makes him very special. It was obvious that JT is very, very impressed with TP and will get him on the field often.

When it comes to TB vs. TP I think some people don't realize just how special TP is. You just can't keep great talent off the field.

I think some people don't realize just how long of a leash Todd is on. Neither Joe B. or Pryor will sniff the starting job this year.
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