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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

generaladm;1190962; said:
Eh, little bit of this, little bit of that. My point was that most of his picks happen in opponent's territory and give the D a chance to negate it.
They still killed drives and weren't "like a punt". I'd agree with you that a deep INT on 3rd down is not really worse than a punt (provided the return yardage is minimal), but virtually all of TB's pick were drive-killers.

generaladm;1190962; said:
Still, my greater point is TB wasn't that bad last year.
Up until the Wisconsin game, I'd agree. Actually, I'd say the second half of the MSU game was where his potential for jitters came into view. He had a good game at Penn State the following week, but from the Wisconsin game on, he didn't seem to be a confident leader of the offense.
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Turning the ball over, regardless of how deep in opposing territory is never acceptable. The whole point of having the damn ball is to score, not hand it over to your competition.

Tressel has ball security at #1 priority the day he took over. Its also true field position is right up there on the list, but turn-overs are the biggest.
They kill drives, momentum, emotions and eventually games.
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MililaniBuckeye;1192112; said:
They still killed drives and weren't "like a punt". I'd agree with you that a deep INT on 3rd down is not really worse than a punt (provided the return yardage is minimal), but virtually all of TB's pick were drive-killers.

Up until the Wisconsin game, I'd agree. Actually, I'd say the second half of the MSU game was where his potential for jitters came into view. He had a good game at Penn State the following week, but from the Wisconsin game on, he didn't seem to be a confident leader of the offense.

Well, technically, any turn over is a drive killer, but some are worse than others. I agree that the 2nd half vs. MSU was pretty bad, MSU really stepped up the pressure. I'll point out that Beanie also coughed up the ball, but was lucky enough to get it back. TB did recover well in that game, but at that point, running out the clock was in order anyway. Against UW, he didn't have a bad game at all: %60.7 completion, 2 TD, no turnovers. Apart from Beanie's great runs and very few 3-10 yd gains, the ground game was not there. Saine and Mo did nothing and Beanie often got stopped for no gain. I do remember TB showing a little of the "happy feet" in that game, but he was the best thing going until Beanie exploded.
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Tressel also talked about his quarterback situation, admitting that having just three players there - starter Todd Boeckman, former minor league baseball player Joe Bauserman and incoming freshmen Terrelle Pryor -- "is probably too thin."

By he also admitted he wasn't surprised that both Rob Schoenhoft and Antonio Henton chose to transfer after the arrival of Pryor.

"I think that's fairly normal," Tressel said. "That's a tough position, quarterbacks and kickers, where there's only one of them in the lineup. You hope they stay healthy."

Tressel can't watch the players work out during the summer, but - and what else would he say? - he said he's heard positive reviews on Pryor. He also said Pryor texted him to ask for Bauserman's phone number so they could watch film together.

As for filling out the quarterback position for the scout team and in case of emergencies, Tressel said the Buckeyes had four options with quarterback experience in high school: senior walk-on receiver Ben Kascandi, incoming freshmen defensive backs Zach Domicone and Orhian Johnson, and incoming baseball recruit Ross Oltorik, who will join the football team as a preferred walk-on.

Ohio State football: Tressel updates on Eugene Clifford, Mike Adams and Terrelle Pryor - Cleveland Sports News – The Latest Breaking News, Game Recaps and Scores from The Plain Dealer
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generaladm;1192126; said:
Against UW, he didn't have a bad game at all: %60.7 completion, 2 TD, no turnovers.

And a grand total of 10 first half points, and his second TD pass wouldn't have been caught by 99% of the WRs in college...

generaladm;1192126; said:
Apart from Beanie's great runs and very few 3-10 yd gains, the ground game was not there.

You can't be serious. Just how many 3-10 yard gains do you want? Beanie rushed for 169 yards on 21 carries. Playing your "Apart from Beanie's great runs" game, take away his TD runs of 31, 30, and 23 yards (84 yards total), he still rushed for 85 yards on 18 carries (4.7 ypc). Oh yeah, in the second half alone, he had runs of 5, 9, 5, 9, 11, 7, 6, and 11 yards in addition to his three TD jaunts (he did have a couple carries that netted only a yard or two and one was even for a loss, IIRC), so I'd say the ground game was there, and it's name was Beanie.

But back to the subject of the thread, Boeckman didn't have quite the game that the stats would suggest. He had one solid drive--the game's opening drive--and after that he was not that much of a factor.
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MililaniBuckeye;1205734; said:
And a grand total of 10 first half points, and his second TD pass wouldn't have been caught by 99% of the WRs in college...
You can't be serious. Just how many 3-10 yard gains do you want? Beanie rushed for 169 yards on 21 carries. Playing your "Apart from Beanie's great runs" game, take away his TD runs of 31, 30, and 23 yards (84 yards total), he still rushed for 85 yards on 18 carries (4.7 ypc). Oh yeah, in the second half alone, he had runs of 5, 9, 5, 9, 11, 7, 6, and 11 yards in addition to his three TD jaunts (he did have a couple carries that netted only a yard or two and one was even for a loss, IIRC), so I'd say the ground game was there, and it's name was Beanie.

But back to the subject of the thread, Boeckman didn't have quite the game that the stats would suggest. He had one solid drive--the game's opening drive--and after that he was not that much of a factor.

Sorry, I forgot the subject of this thread was "Todd Boeckman is the root of all evil". Going back over the game summary, in the first half, Beanie rushed 6 times for a net of 26 yds. The other backs combined for 2 carries netting -1 yard. TB actually out rushed Saine and Mo despite the 13 yd loss on a deflected pass recovery. Not sure what was up with the play calling, but I don't see how you can fault a QB for "only" getting 10 points in a half when he "only" got 25 yds of run support. As for Robiskie's circus catch, did Gonzo's catch in the 05 UM game make Troy a bad QB? It was just a tad high and underthrown, IIRC.

Now the second half was just the opposite. TB had only 7 attempts, plus a couple of rushes and a sack. Of course it didn't matter much because the D started forcing turnovers, and Beanie only needed to get inside the 35 to score. Mo and Saine even kicked in for 5 yds. Again, I don't know what the logic behind the play calling was, apparently "balanced" was not the word of the day. But as far as TB goes, he definitely did more good than harm that game. His grand total of 10 first half points kept us from going into the locker room down 10-0. He did show his tendency for happy feet at times, but overall it was a solid game.
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Pryor signed with the Buckeyes? When did this happen? Great, I was hoping a QB with no experience and never playing a single game could outplay a 6 year veteran who has been through the fire... Wheww, I feel better about the season already.
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