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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

Oh8ch;1224664; said:
BTW - Is there anyone who thinks Pryor will take the field at QB before Bauserman against YSU?

Yeah I do. The snap before Pryor comes in Boeckman will take. The next snap after Pryor is out wil be taken by Boeckman. This kid will have at least one package that we use him in every game. Period.
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mercer_buckeye;1224668; said:
Yeah I do. The snap before Pryor comes in Boeckman will take. The next snap after Pryor is out wil be taken by Boeckman. This kid will have at least one package that we use him in every game. Period.

I hope your right. I would like to be in a situation where USC has to prepare for Pryor as a change of pace.
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LOVIN' HIM SOME QUARTERBACK: As a former quarterback, Tressel holds a special place in his heart for the men behind center. After earlier in the summer wondering if the Buckeyes weren't a little light at quarterback with only three scholarship players there, he raved about the play there Saturday, and not just about Terrelle Pryor.

Todd Boeckman is steady, Joe Bauserman is scrappy and Pryor is ... Pryor.

"I feel very blessed to have three guys like that," Tressel said. "You never know what happens down the road as to how you can use them all or if there are injuries or whatever. That is a position where you like to think you're well stocked and I think we are.

"You have a veteran with Todd who has total command of what we're doing. He's been very accurate. He makes good decisions. We are giving him a lot of responsibility on the line of scrimmage. He looks the part of a returning quarterback.

"Joe is as scrappy and competitive as we've had. He has a lot of life in his arm. Terrelle's got extraordinary ability. He throws it probably a lot better than some people might think. Sometimes you get labeled as a guy who can run forever, so that means you can't throw it. Well, he can throw it. He has a lot of presence in the pocket and he can keep the play alive.

Ohio State football: Martin makes some fullback noise - Buckeye Blog by The Plain Dealer's Doug Lesmerises - cleveland.com
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Now when I say this, I'm not directing this at anybody in specific on this site, but just the general feel I get sometimes at The Shoe. I am worried that if Boeckman comes out against YSU and has a so-so game, and then Pryor dazzles, that if Boeckman comes out again against Ohio and has a so-so game, that he may get booed at home. That is the last thing that TB needs. Pryor may be the more talented QB, and he might "wow" us more than Todd will. But Todd's age and experiece will make the difference in pressure situations down the stretch. I know that Todd will be the leader of this team, and I think an experience poised QB is exactly what this offense needs. I hope that Pryor never starts a game this year, because if he does, that's not a good thing for this team.

I only bring this up because I can still remember how much Krenzel would get booed sometimes. It's embarassing. We aren't the yankees.
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Oh8ch;1224664; said:
BTW - Is there anyone who thinks Pryor will take the field at QB before Bauserman against YSU?

"Take the field", yes. Take a snap at QB, no. I think JT will bring in Pryor while Boeckman is under center and put Pryor in motion and have Boeckman pitch him the ball and let Pryor see what he can do...basically a free "improvisation" play. But as for "relieving" Boeckman at QB, Bauserman is still the #2 QB so he'll gets QBs snaps before Pryor. Pryor will get a series or two as the actual QB in the fourth quarter...
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MililaniBuckeye;1231830; said:
"Take the field", yes. Take a snap at QB, no. I think JT will bring in Pryor while Boeckman is under center and put Pryor in motion and have Boeckman pitch him the ball and let Pryor see what he can do...basically a free "improvisation" play. But as for "relieving" Boeckman at QB, Bauserman is still the #2 QB so he'll gets QBs snaps before Pryor. Pryor will get a series or two as the actual QB in the fourth quarter...

This gets my vote too. Pryor will see the field early, but Tressel will keep Joe #2 at QB for at least the first few games.
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Jim Tressel likes his QB situation
Quality, not quantity, at OSU

Todd Boeckman (17) is the returning starter, and highly touted freshman Terrelle Pryor will get plenty of reps in practice.

COLUMBUS - Any conventional mathematical formula is out the window when you sit down and try to calculate Ohio State's net worth at the quarterback position. Addition by subtraction just doesn't cover it here. The Buckeyes have lost two quarterbacks since the end of the 2007 season, and recruited just one who is expected to play this year. But the bottom line on the ledger says Ohio State is richer and deeper, and healthier and wealthier at quarterback. "That's a position in which you'd like to feel like you're well stocked, and I think we are," Ohio State coach Jim Tressel said as the Buckeyes work through their preseason camp and prepare for the Aug. 30 opener against Youngstown State. First, the minuses.
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A national article on the QB situation.


Quarterbacks provide Ohio State a wealth of options

A year ago, Todd Boeckman faced questions about whether he could win the starting quarterback job at Ohio State.

Now the issue is whether he'll share it with coveted freshman Terrelle Pryor, USA TODAY's high school offensive player of the year in 2007.

Pryor arrives as the first Pennsylvania high schooler to pass for more than 4,000 yards and rush for more than 4,000. He turned down Michigan and could get a shot at a national championship with the third-ranked Buckeyes.

Cont'd ...
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CFN unit rankings.


1. Florida
2. Oklahoma
3. West Virginia
10. Purdue
15. tOSU
17, USC
25. Minny
28. Indiana
29. Illinois
31. NW'ern
32. Mich. St.
34. Ntre Ame
39. Wiscy
45. Penn St.
81. TSUN

1. Florida
Everything possible will be done to make sure Tim Tebow doesn't carry the ball 210 times again. While he'll still be the fearless runner he always was, the running backs should take away more of the workload and Cam Newton and John Brantley will be in the rotation more often to get some meaningful work in. Yes, there is a drop-off from a Heisman winner to two unproven backups, but the reserves can play. There's a reason they're playing for Florida.

[SIZE=-1][FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif][SIZE=-1][FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif]2. Oklahoma[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1][FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif]The one major question mark in 2007 for OU was the quarterback situation. This was considered a good enough team to win the Big 12 title, and possibly the national championship, if Paul Thompson could be replaced and if the Sooners could just find someone steady to take over. All sophomore Sam Bradford did was lead the nation in passing efficiency while completing 70% of his throws for 3,121 yards and 36 touchdowns with eight interceptions. On pure talent, Oklahoma might have the best 1-through-3 quarterbacks in the country with all three options, Bradford, Joey Halzle and freshman Landry Jones able to start and shine. It helps to have a good line to play behind, a brilliant running game to count on, and an elite receiving corps to throw to, but Bradford isn't just a cog in the system; he's a big-time player who makes it all go.[/FONT][/SIZE]​

[FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif][SIZE=-1]Cont'd ...[/SIZE]​
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A little off topic, but CFN rates UGA as #8 in their QB unit rankings. Why does everyone think that Stafford is one of the best QBs in college, when his stats are incredibly mediocre? In 2007, his passing stats didn't place in the top 30 in any category. He was the fifth ranked QB in the SEC, barely ahead of Flynn. He had a completion % under 56, and a TD/INT ratio of 1.9/1, and he's ranked ahead of Painter? I. Just. Don't. Get. It.
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generaladm;1235188; said:
A little off topic, but CFN rates UGA as #8 in their QB unit rankings. Why does everyone think that Stafford is one of the best QBs in college, when his stats are incredibly mediocre? In 2007, his passing stats didn't place in the top 30 in any category. He was the fifth ranked QB in the SEC, barely ahead of Flynn. He had a completion % under 56, and a TD/INT ratio of 1.9/1, and he's ranked ahead of Painter? I. Just. Don't. Get. It.

A player's ranking is directly proportional to the amount and quality of highlight film he creates. Consistency is downright boring and also inversely proportional to this ranking. I am convinced that many commentators gather their analysis from College Football Final rather than watching the actual game.
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Yeah, I don't get this, if it's based on potential (which it appears with Stafford,) is OSU with Pryor, Bauserman, and Boeks not top five

I normally have a decent amount of respect for CFN, but this list is a joke.
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4. Missouri[SIZE=-1]Chase
Daniel will once again be in the hunt for the Heisman. With the knowledge of the offense and all his experience, he's a special college player coming off a 4,306-yard, 33 touchdown season. Chase Patton is a decent No. 2 option to count on in a pinch, while Dominic Grooms has the athleticism

I just showed this to my good friend Keith jackson, and he said, "That's the first time I've ever seen a team with two quarterbacks - one named Chase Daniel and one named Chase Patton."

And, hey we ought to feel pretty good. We are almost up there with New Mexico State and Central Michigan.

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