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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

MililaniBuckeye;1190880; said:
The only time that INTs are like punts are when they are not only on long balls but also on third down. Here are his INTs over the last two regular season games (the NCAA page I'm using doesn't have the play-by-play stats for the LSU game):

1. Illinois. Sideline pass intercepted at the ILL 45 from the OSU 42 (13 yards down field) middle of 1st qtr.
2. Illinois. Pass intercepted in the Illinois end zone, from the Illinois 9 yard line on 3rd and goal, OSU's first drive of 3rd qtr.
3. Illinois. Deep pass intercepted by at the ILL 24 from the OSU 36 (40 yards down field) on 1st and 10.
4. Michigan. Pass intercepted at Michigan 33, just over 20 yards down field (play started at OSU 44) on 2nd and 12. Michigan also got more yards (33) on that INT return than they did (32) on their six punt returns.

Only one of those INTs was truly a long ball INT (third Illinois INT) and that was on 1st down, so no way can that be "like a punt".

At first I thought that some of the picks from earlier in the year may have been 'like a punt'. I think that impression came from the Purdue game, where 3 picks were all on deep balls and not returned. But none of those occurred on 3rd down. The only 3rd down long ball that was picked was in the LSU game, and it wasn't like a punt because of significant return yardage.

Boeckman's 8 interceptions from earlier in the year:

Akron: 3rd and 8 from the Akron 21, picked off at the 7, no return. Cost a FG attempt.

Akron: 2nd and 6 from tOSU's 43, picked off at the Akron 16 no return. Like a quick-kick on 2nd down. :wink2:

NW'ern: 1st and 10 at NW'ern 48 after a Chekwa pick. Picked at the 2-yard line, no return. Quick strike after change of possession gone bad.

Purd: 1st and 10 at tOSU's 37. Picked at the Purdue 28, no return.

Purd: 1st and 10 at Purd 38. Picked at the 2 yard-line, no return.

Purd: 2nd and 7 at Purd 46. Picked at the 2 yard-line, no return.

MSU: 3rd and 10 at midfield. Picked at the MSU 46, returned for a TD.

PSU: 1st and 20 at tOSU 45 after holding. Connor picked it at the PSU 39 and returned it 2 yards.

And here are the LSU picks, neither of which were like a punt:

3rd and 10 at tOSU's 31, late in the first half. Deep ball to Small was underthrown, picked at LSU's 42, but returned 34 yards to the tOSU 24.

3rd and 15 at tOSU's 40. Picked at the LSU 43 and returned 4 yards.
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Eh, little bit of this, little bit of that. My point was that most of his picks happen in opponent's territory and give the D a chance to negate it. Of course, INTs are never good. I knew someone would pounce on that. Still, my greater point is TB wasn't that bad last year. If the bad games had come in the beginning or middle of the season, people would be raving about him. Ending on a sour note always taints the memory, but he will build on last year, and it's not as big a leap as everyone makes it out to be. Hey, at least I gave you guys an excuse to look up a bunch of stats. You know you love it! :tongue2:
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generaladm;1190962; said:
Still, my greater point is TB wasn't that bad last year. If the bad games had come in the beginning or middle of the season, people would be raving about him. Ending on a sour note always taints the memory, but he will build on last year, and it's not as big a leap as everyone makes it out to be.

8 INT's isn't that bad...however when is an INT a good thing? I would say never a good thing. Also, after reading BB73 stats: the purdue game is awful. getting picked on deep balls at the two yard line TWICE and one at the 28, that sucks. It says TB didn't learn to 1)either look off or 2)simply not force it.

Purd: 1st and 10 at tOSU's 37. Picked at the Purdue 28, no return.

Purd: 1st and 10 at Purd 38. Picked at the 2 yard-line, no return.

Purd: 2nd and 7 at Purd 46. Picked at the 2 yard-line, no return.

I like the experienced guy in this situation but I'm still at like and definitely not in love, that's all.:tongue2:
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TS10HTW;1191030; said:
8 INT's isn't that bad...however when is an INT a good thing? I would say never a good thing. Also, after reading BB73 stats: the purdue game is awful. getting picked on deep balls at the two yard line TWICE and one at the 28, that sucks. It says TB didn't learn to 1)either look off or 2)simply not force it.

Boeckman actually had 14 INTs on the season. Not good. But you have to believe that will go down this year. He had his ups and downs as a first year starter. The thing I don't get is why people seem to think that a QB with absolutley no college starting experience would do a better job. With the defection of Henton, TB has got even more pressure on him. Pryor's presumed involvement gives some options, but it's still Boeckman's ship. I, for one, think we are in good hands.
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Taosman;1191867; said:
In 2009 we will be short on numbers at QB. Does someone like Orhien Johnson get reps at QB? The old "pair and a spare" thing.

I would think they'll have to get someone ready for an "emergency" QB. A lot of kids we have coming in played QB in HS. I haven't heard of any offers for 09, but Henton's departure may change that. Might be a good situation to try for a JUCO or 1AA transfer. I'm sure QB will be a focus of the 2010 recruiting class. Whatever the solution, I'm sure the coaching staff is already on it.
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Taosman;1191867; said:
In 2009 we will be short on numbers at QB. Does someone like Orhien Johnson get reps at QB? The old "pair and a spare" thing.

I wouldn't even use the word "short" for 2009... we still have an outstanding newcomer in Bauserman and some other kid named Terrelle. I for one think either will be ready to go.
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Buckeneye;1191959; said:
I wouldn't even use the word "short" for 2009... we still have an outstanding newcomer in Bauserman and some other kid named Terrelle. I for one think either will be ready to go.

I don't think he was questioning JB's or TP's ability to be a stater, it's more the security of having 3 true scholarship QBs on the roster (I know Bauserman is not on scholie, but he would have been under normal circumstances). If one of those two is unable to play, we are going to be very thin at QB. There's also the scout team to think about. I would think the ideal situation is to sign a QB for 09 and have him redshirt. Although, I'm not sure if the recent verbal bonanza allows for that.
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I can recall instances where OSU went an entire season with only two QBs getting game reps. I can't recall a time when we only had two scholarship QBs (agree you have to consider Bauserman a "scholarship" QB) on the roster.

Your emergency guy has to know how to run your basic offense. And as mentioned you also need a scout team QB. I would prefer to see this role go to a walk on. Otherwise you are asking a recruited scholarship athlete (let's say Johnson) to practice at a position where you have no intention of ever playing him. It is not like Johnson would be groomed for a real shot at the job down the road. That will be reserved for the QBs we bring on next year. And being the "emergency" QB is pretty much a full time job. It would be tough to QB reps, run the scout team, and get enough reps at another position to be a serious candidate for another position.
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I can recall instances where OSU went an entire season with only two QBs getting game reps. I can't recall a time when we only had two scholarship QBs (agree you have to consider Bauserman a "scholarship" QB) on the roster.

Your emergency guy has to know how to run your basic offense. And as mentioned you also need a scout team QB. I would prefer to see this role go to a walk on. Otherwise you are asking a recruited scholarship athlete (let's say Johnson) to practice at a position where you have no intention of ever playing him. It is not like Johnson would be groomed for a real shot at the job down the road. That will be reserved for the QBs we bring on next year. And being the "emergency" QB is pretty much a full time job. It would be tough to QB reps, run the scout team, and get enough reps at another position to be a serious candidate for another position.
isnt their some baseball commit who plans on walking? bob todd doesnt need him...
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Bucky Katt;1192061; said:

itownbuckeye said:
Henton's transfer got me thinking. If OSU doesn't sign a QB in the '09 class then Oltorick could potentially be the 3rd stringer for the '09 season. Odds are that the '09 class fills out the 85 available scholarships. Suppose disaster happens with TP & Bauserman both getting hurt and Oltorick has to come in. He is currently on a baseball scholarship but from what I've heard once he steps foot on the football field he would count as a football schollie. However, in this hypothetical situation, OSU already has all 85 spots filled. What happens here? I know the odds on this happening are extremely long but I'm just curious what the rules might be for a situation such as this.

Problem solved.
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