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'08 WV OL Josh Jenkins (West Virginia Signee)

wadc45;954853; said:
FWIW, his film from last year...the one I saw back on page 1 of this thread...was nasty. Having said that, I certainly will soften my original stance...

...since seeing senior film of both Josh and the likes of Khalif and Brewster and Adams. But that junior film of his was better than any one else's junior film I saw. The question is can he continue to develop. If Brewster is going to get ranked as a center, I still think Jenkins is the best true guard I have seen in this class (and obviously Scout agrees).

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Scout $


By Jardy...everything has been quiet on the recruiting front because Josh is very focused on his season. Josh's coach admits to being a big Mountaineer fan and admits that is where he would like to see him end up.
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Any word on whether J.J. is going to make it back for any other games. I believe he has a visit set up for OSU but it isn't until the regular season is finished (12/01/07). It would be nice to get him here for one of these two upcoming home games in early November. You can only be exposed to OSU FB so many times before you are completely hooked. It happened to me when I was like 4 or 5 and look at me 25 years later. GO BUCKS.
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osugrad21;975552; said:
Scout $

Josh has scheduled visits to Florida (11/1) and tOSU (12/7).
I would think that it would be difficult for him to get to the Wisconsin game if he is going to make an official visit to Florida on Thursday. He has that car problems before driving from his home to Columbus and I don't think he would be able to fly from Gainesville to Columbus if he is making an official visit to Florida. Maybe I'm wrong.
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local paper is predicting JJ to win one of the state's three major awards

Hunt Award

Josh Jenkins, Parkersburg -- Jenkins is now listed as a ?soft verbal' to West Virginia after committing early as a junior. Still, he is the reigning Hunt winner, and will play in the U.S. Army All-American Bowl in San Antonio this December. Jenkins is a physical specimen, a combine wonder and the core of Parkersburg's vaunted line.

Charleston Daily Mail
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