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'08 WV OL Josh Jenkins (West Virginia Signee)

RB07OSU;925656; said:
It was a good environment until we actually kicked off. Everything else was "crazy" as usual but during the game it was really painful to watch and it wasn't as loud as usual imo (I've been to lesser games at home than Akron as well). Regardless this really shouldn't change anything for Josh as LJB is saying (actually as we both have been advocating in numerous threads :biggrin:).

Part of this is because the students aren't back yet... JJ acknowledged that they would likely make a difference...
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LordJeffBuck;925648; said:
And gues what? Shawn has played like a rock star ever since.
Take out the word "star" and you got it... :biggrin:

OSUBucks22;926391; said:
Part of this is because the students aren't back yet... JJ acknowledged that they would likely make a difference...
It's a shame that we have to rely on the students to make that much of a difference in atmosphere...
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HI! I'm Josh Jenkins, and this thread is about my recruitment. If you'd like to discuss student sections and crowds, try here.
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Rivals $


My Take: Solid but I was expecting more. Josh is not facing the same level of competition as Brewster, Shugarts, or Adams...that is obvious. He shows good feet and leverage, but the explosiveness I expected is not there in these clips. However, the upside is there.

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Saw Brewster & Adams at the NW Game Sat. I asked them where Josh was...they said they thought he was going to be there (he wasn't) but they don't know what happened to him.

Not trying to speculate anything...just reporting that Josh never made it to the game this week. Anyone know why? Wasn't he listed on the Recruiting Visit List?
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ScarletVader;936551; said:
Agree 21, but you have to remember. He is not built like the other 3 and he was trying to play T instead of G. His build is designed to be a G and not have to cover ends trying to get around him.

What I saw had nothing to do with lateral movement. A serious upgrade in competition will be very good for Josh.

Not taking anything away from the kid at all...he is an excellent HS OL. However, after watching some of the others, I simply expected to be blown away.
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Yep...there is no comparing Parkersburg's schedule to Coffman, Klein, and Edgewater. Adams, Shugarts, and Brew face the top competition nearly every week and dominate. I would definetly say that while Josh is going to be a good one and a top 250 in the country, the 3 we already have look much better on film and look ready to play immediately (especially Brew and Adams imo). Good news is we won't need JJ right away at the guard spot like we will at tackle with Adams and Shugarts...assuming Connor, Browning, Person, and Rehring keep progressing. This is all assuming JJ decides to come here though :biggrin:.
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osugrad21;936447; said:
Rivals $


My Take: Solid but I was expecting more. Josh is not facing the same level of competition as Brewster, Shugarts, or Adams...that is obvious. He shows good feet and leverage, but the explosiveness I expected is not there in these clips. However, the upside is there.

I understand that the competition is horrible, but there are too many things to like here, to just call him solid IMO...He uses his hands very well for a lineman, he is low, he is explosive out of his stance, the side to side movement is there. I think one thing that will help him tremendously is a college weight program, where he can drop some of the excess and add muscle, b/c once he has muscle to go with that technique, I don't have any problem putting him with the other 3 lineman...

Also when comparing him to guy like Brewster and Adams, you are talking about guys that they are saying he is the best lineman since Pace and the best lineman to come out of Florida in 40 years...

I hate posting this, b/c I hate disagreeing with Grad...:biggrin:
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crazybuckfan40;938853; Also when comparing him to guy like Brewster and Adams said:
I hate posting this, b/c I hate disagreeing with Grad...:biggrin:[/SIZE]

We all hate disagreeing with Grad...because he's almost always right!:biggrin: And about the comparisons, let's wait until they get suited up first. Economists often joke the leading economic indicators have predicted 11 out of the last 6 recessions. It means that you should always take predictions by economists, let alone recruiting "gurus", very a heavy dose of caution.
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Another point about his video is that it's him exclusively at tackle. I think Jenkins would be better suited going against big DTs than he would faster DEs, in both run and pass blocking. He isn't as aggressive as Brewster, but he locks on his man and just takes him out of the play. I think if you put him against interior linemen instead of defensive ends, his video would be more impressive.

The athleticism, technique, and attitude are there(he isn't as mean as Brewster, but most people aren't).

I'm wondering what his DT video looks like though.
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crazybuckfan40;938853; said:
Also when comparing him to guy like Brewster and Adams, you are talking about guys that they are saying he is the best lineman since Pace and the best lineman to come out of Florida in 40 years...

I hate posting this, b/c I hate disagreeing with Grad...:biggrin:

That is a very good point. Adams and Brew are two of the top 3 OL in the country imo with Kalil, so I am definetly taking nothing from Jenkins as he is a very good player.
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