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'08 WV OL Josh Jenkins (West Virginia Signee)

Tresselbeliever;939301; said:
We all hate disagreeing with Grad...because he's almost always right!:biggrin: And about the comparisons, let's wait until they get suited up first. Economists often joke the leading economic indicators have predicted 11 out of the last 6 recessions. It means that you should always take predictions by economists, let alone recruiting "gurus", very a heavy dose of caution.

He missed on Saine last year at RB, but that is one of the very few times...

RB07OSU said:
That is a very good point. Adams and Brew are two of the top 3 OL in the country imo with Kalil, so I am definetly taking nothing from Jenkins as he is a very good player.

Yep I think that he is a four star, and also as people have pointed out his video is of him playing tackle and not at guard...He is probably due for a redshirt year, to get into college shape, but he will be a good one...
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crazybuckfan40;939501; said:
He missed on Saine last year at RB, but that is one of the very few times...

I'll take that one...but in all fairness, he made tremendous strides from his Junior film that I evaluated to what you see now. That is usually not the case....but I did miss it.

crazybuckfan40;938853; said:
I understand that the competition is horrible, but there are too many things to like here, to just call him solid IMO...He uses his hands very well for a lineman, he is low, he is explosive out of his stance, the side to side movement is there.

That is where I disagree...I don't see that "explosion" that I expected. I see the same explosion, if not more, from Coates. I see good, active feet and a good understanding of leverage. I see solid. As for comparing him to Brewster and Adams...why not? With all of the hype, a kid does need to be compared to great players. Imagine the difference in film if Brew or Adams were facing those WV kids...it wouldn't even be close. Imagine if Josh Jenkins was playing in D-1 Ohio or Florida...how much better would he be?

I'm not saying JJ is not an excellent lineman...I am saying that after all of the hype, the film was not what I expected....especially against inferior competition.

With that said, it is a short glimpse of a handful of plays...in no way am I saying this kid is not worth the effort. He has a tremendous upside and the interior comments are definitely spot-on.

However, I expected more. I'm not taking away from the kid at all, let's make sure the point is understood.

Let me ask you this...Josh Jenkins film vs. Connor Smith's film. Who do you take?

Hype and expectation are tricky sometimes...especially for us outsiders trying to peer inward.
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osugrad21;939538; said:
That is where I disagree...I don't see that "explosion" that I expected. I see the same explosion, if not more, from Coates. I see good, active feet and a good understanding of leverage. I see solid.

Maybe we are looking at diffrerent thinks when talking about explosiveness, but when I see this film, I see him being explosive out of his stance. After rewatching for a second time, it seems that playing at tackle that he is doing more setting up and letting the End run up and out of the play...Then on backside he is just cutting the guy off...When he is straight drive blocking, he is driving his man and opening holes...All the tools are there, and while not in pads at the AA combine he was one if not the most impressive lineman there from reports, and Brewster, Shugarts, Adams, and Painter were all there...

As for comparing him to Brewster and Adams...why not? With all of the hype, a kid does need to be compared to great players. Imagine the difference in film if Brew or Adams were facing those WV kids...it wouldn't even be close. Imagine if Josh Jenkins was playing in D-1 Ohio or Florida...how much better would he be?

I think that Jenkins has the things you look for when translating to higher level of competition. He understands leverage, quick feet, and the essentials of line play...

As far as comparing him to Adams and Brewster, I would say that he not the drive blocker that they are, but like I have said with weight training and a little coaching, I don't think it is crazy to think that he could be just as good as them...

I'm not saying JJ is not an excellent lineman...I am saying that after all of the hype, the film was not what I expected....especially against inferior competition.

With that said, it is a short glimpse of a handful of plays...in no way am I saying this kid is not worth the effort. He has a tremendous upside and the interior comments are definitely spot-on.

However, I expected more. I'm not taking away from the kid at all, let's make sure the point is understood.

Overall I think that we are basically on the same page, with him being a very good lineman and worthy of the attention and effort from the staff, Just that with the hype your expectations were a little high and didnt quite see that...Also his competition comes into play, and sometimes those players can be the most difficult to project...

Let me ask you this...Josh Jenkins film vs. Connor Smith's film. Who do you take?

Honestly I take Jenkins...Connor was one of my favorite lineman on film that I have watched, with his destroying of dlineman, but what his film didnt show and what he needed work with was pass blocking...Mainly b/c Colerain's offense, but Jenkins shows advanced skills in both...

Hype and expectation are tricky sometimes...especially for us outsiders trying to peer inward.

I can agree with this, and honestly from watching him stay low, use his hands, and his feet, I still think that he would make a great DT...
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I agree with cb40. If you look at just the clips of his run blocking from the tackle position, you see where the hype is warranted. He doesn't destroy the guy like Brewster does, but he takes him clear out of the play.

It's also important to note this is him at tackle. Jenkins appears to be a good athlete, but I don't think he's athletic or as long as Brewster or Adams, so any comparisons between Jenkins and the other two short change Jenkins IMO.
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crazybuckfan40;939592; said:
As far as comparing him to Adams and Brewster, I would say that he not the drive blocker that they are, but like I have said with weight training and a little coaching, I don't think it is crazy to think that he could be just as good as them...

crazybuckfan40;939592; said:
Honestly I take Jenkins...Connor was one of my favorite lineman on film that I have watched, with his destroying of dlineman, but what his film didnt show and what he needed work with was pass blocking...Mainly b/c Colerain's offense, but Jenkins shows advanced skills in both...

Hold on. You guys already emphasized the tackle vs guard point...now we are going to de-emphasize the differences in the drive blocking? Adams is a left tackle...his explosion is evident. Brewster just destroys people everywhere and is a future interior guy. Shouldn't a guard be a potent drive blocker...an explosive drive blocker? Explosion to me is not out of his stance, it is at the point of contact...what happens then. Does he catch? Destroy? Lock up and bury? Those are some of the degress of an offensive lineman. As for Jenkins being as good as them...how many more factors do we need in the equation...with a little weight training and coaching...we are talking natural ability here. Things that are not coached. None of these HS lineman are even close to being finished products. Each of these kids will benefit from those things...so when does that gap close? Beyond coaching, he has a major task in adjusting to talent level. Connor Smith played at the highest level of competition in one of the greatest states of HS football...and dominated.

Jenkins is solid, but the recruiting class will not be diminished if he stays with WVU. To me, folks are looking for a tremendous assessment simply because he has been a major subject this year on the message boards. He is a kid with potential...not a program changer.

Duane Long is as good as they come when assessing OL/DL...I'll fire him an email and get his opinion.

Napoleonbuck;939656; said:
If you look at just the clips of his run blocking from the tackle position, you see where the hype is warranted. He doesn't destroy the guy like Brewster does, but he takes him clear out of the play.

Brewster is destroying Florida competition...Jenkins is running a WV kid out of the play. Which is more impressive there? Let's mention again...Brewster is also a future interior guy.

Napoleonbuck;939656; said:
It's also important to note this is him at tackle. Jenkins appears to be a good athlete, but I don't think he's athletic or as long as Brewster or Adams, so any comparisons between Jenkins and the other two short change Jenkins IMO.

Again, Brewster is not going to be at tackle...how can not being as athletic as the other two short change anyone? Isnt that a major point of the comparison? A future guard vs. a future center seems like a very fair comparison...

Dunno, maybe my expectations were just too high...I'll agree to disagree. We all agree he is a a good looking prospect...just vary on the degrees of how impressive. I guess that is a good problem to have.
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osugrad21;939748; said:
Hold on. You guys already emphasized the tackle vs guard point...now we are going to de-emphasize the differences in the drive blocking?
Not de-emphasizing drive blocking, just saying at times in the scheme it doesnt look like he is trying to drive block...

Adams is a left tackle...his explosion is evident. Brewster just destroys people everywhere and is a future interior guy. Shouldn't a guard be a potent drive blocker...an explosive drive blocker? Explosion to me is not out of his stance, it is at the point of contact...what happens then. Does he catch? Destroy? Lock up and bury? Those are some of the degress of an offensive lineman.

I do not see Jenkins catching in anyway...The one thing that i really see is his feet don't die on contact, they continue to chop and he continues to drive...

As for Jenkins being as good as them...how many more factors do we need in the equation...with a little weight training and coaching...we are talking natural ability here. Things that are not coached. None of these HS lineman are even close to being finished products. Each of these kids will benefit from those things...so when does that gap close? Beyond coaching, he has a major task in adjusting to talent level. Connor Smith played at the highest level of competition in one of the greatest states of HS football...and dominated.

I understand that not one of them are close to finished products, but with Adams and Brewster playing at bigger schools, they have more resources in terms of weight room, coaching etc. That is why I think that a guy like Jenkins who has great technique, which from alot of big guys you just see them high, not using their hands well, much like Barksdale last year...That is why I think that once Jenkins gets here and gets in the weight room, and learns even more technique I think that the gap will close...For the better not for the worse either. I just see Adams and Brewster as guy that will step in as frosh, and Jenkins a guy that will see time later in his career.

As far as Connor Smith, we saw what a level of competition jump did to him at the AA game b/c he didnt have the proper technique due to not pass blocking...Also Connor was a guy that needed a redshirt to get that stuff down, and he has played welll in his time this year...Much a path that I see Jenkins following, but him needing the redshirt for different reasons than Smith...

Jenkins is solid, but the recruiting class will not be diminished if he stays with WVU. To me, folks are looking for a tremendous assessment simply because he has been a major subject this year on the message boards. He is a kid with potential...not a program changer.

I agree here, and we can say this since we have guys like Adams, Brewster, Shugarts, but Jenkins is just going to help this class out, that much more IMO, as he is a guy that will end up being a year behind the other 3 as they will probably not redshirt, and it will help out depth...

Duane Long is as good as they come when assessing OL/DL...I'll fire him an email and get his opinion.

Would be curious to see what he has to say...

Dunno, maybe my expectations were just too high...I'll agree to disagree. We all agree he is a a good looking prospect...just vary on the degrees of how impressive. I guess that is a good problem to have.

Yep and I will do the same...
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crazybuckfan40;939858; said:
Not de-emphasizing drive blocking, just saying at times in the scheme it doesnt look like he is trying to drive block...

That is not the point of why I mentioned that, The parameters changed for various angles. It was as much for Napoleon as you...if we are assessing him as a future guard, his drive blocking is the main focus instead of his perimeter blocking. No?

crazybuckfan40;939858; said:
I do not see Jenkins catching in anyway...The one thing that i really see is his feet don't die on contact, they continue to chop and he continues to drive...

Nor did I say he did...I mentioned that as a specific example of assessment.

crazybuckfan40;939858; said:
I understand that not one of them are close to finished products, but with Adams and Brewster playing at bigger schools, they have more resources in terms of weight room, coaching etc. That is why I think that a guy like Jenkins who has great technique, which from alot of big guys you just see them high, not using their hands well, much like Barksdale last year...That is why I think that once Jenkins gets here and gets in the weight room, and learns even more technique I think that the gap will close...For the better not for the worse either. I just see Adams and Brewster as guy that will step in as frosh, and Jenkins a guy that will see time later in his career.

As far ast have the Connor Smith, we saw what a level of competition jump did to him at the AA game b/c he didnproper technique due to not pass blocking...Also Connor was a guy that needed a redshirt to get that stuff down, and he has played welll in his time this year...Much a path that I see Jenkins following, but him needing the redshirt for different reasons than Smith...

Isn't this exactly the point? He is good, but not great. Solid but not spectacular. He can possibly help down the line, but he is not one of those prospects that jumps off the screen at you.

crazybuckfan40;939858; said:
I agree here, and we can say this since we have guys like Adams, Brewster, Shugarts, but Jenkins is just going to help this class out, that much more IMO, as he is a guy that will end up being a year behind the other 3 as they will probably not redshirt, and it will help out depth...

Not once was it said that Jenkins would not help. Im not sure where that perspective comes from. I used the word "solid" in the assessment. Solid as in good...but not spectacular.

Basically, we are running in circles now. Im not even sure if you are understanding my point now.

Josh is good. I would like to have him. However, his film was not up to the enormous amount of hype heaped on him.

I'll have that response from Duane soon.
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Yep I think we are running in circles...And I agree he does not jump off the screen like Brewster, Shugarts, and Adams...

I guess I was just impressed by his technique and felt with coaching, and weight room that he has a big gap in terms of where is potential is to where he is on that film...
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Parkersburg star among All-America ?Ones to Watch'
Parkersburg senior Josh Jenkins, a two-way lineman for the unbeaten Big Reds, is among the linemen in the "Ones to Watch" on the 2008 Parade All-America Team.

Entering Friday's game against Parkersburg South -- a 48-7 Parkersburg victory -- the defensive end had 24 tackles, two sacks, two tackles for loss and had caused two fumbles for the defending Class AAA state champions.

The 6-foot-5, 295-pound Jenkins, who has given a verbal commitment to West Virginia University, is one of only 24 offensive linemen nationwide to be listed by Parade Magazine.

Charleston Daily Mail
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I have a hard time evaluating J.J. on film. Is the talent in WV that bad? It appears that every DE he is matched up against is like 180 lbs or smaller. He looks good when he gets moving but technique-wise, hard to tell. I'm sure he knows he can just blow people off the ball b/c of the size advantage every game. Any thoughts? How he stacks up against the other OL recruits OSU already has coming in? I've seen a lot of variance in the ratings between recruiting sites and how they all rank.
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I have a hard time evaluating J.J. on film. Is the talent in WV that bad? It appears that every DE he is matched up against is like 180 lbs or smaller. He looks good when he gets moving but technique-wise, hard to tell. I'm sure he knows he can just blow people off the ball b/c of the size advantage every game. Any thoughts? How he stacks up against the other OL recruits OSU already has coming in? I've seen a lot of variance in the ratings between recruiting sites and how they all rank.
You could go back and read through this thread the last couple of pages, but the opinion of this site's best evaluators has JJ a good notch below Shugarts, Adams, Brewster.
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FWIW, his film from last year...the one I saw back on page 1 of this thread...was nasty. Having said that, I certainly will soften my original stance...

I really like the potential of the Block O but Jenkins is the best O-lineman in the '08 class, IMO. He is a future first-rounder if there ever was one. I know OL are hard to project but this one is easier than most...he is dominant.

...since seeing senior film of both Josh and the likes of Khalif and Brewster and Adams. But that junior film of his was better than any one else's junior film I saw. The question is can he continue to develop. If Brewster is going to get ranked as a center, I still think Jenkins is the best true guard I have seen in this class (and obviously Scout agrees).
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