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'08 WV OL Josh Jenkins (West Virginia Signee)

More serious is a question only Jenkins can answer.

That Florida is a late comer is a concern to me. Late comers are always a concern - especially when they are from the SEC.
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I would think Jenkins needs to go a few places to be able to compare universities and football programs. That way he would have a better basis for making a decision. Especially when you're only 17 or 18 years old and these official trips are paid for - why not? I would too.
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a free weekend in FL for October is a good thing...

but if I was Josh... lined up in pads...
and I looked to my left and there was Adams
and I looked to my right and there was Brewster...
and a little bit more to the right and there's Shugarts
and following me to the line is Pryor...
then life is good
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WiseBuck;984519; said:
I would think Jenkins needs to go a few places to be able to compare universities and football programs. That way he would have a better basis for making a decision. Especially when you're only 17 or 18 years old and these official trips are paid for - why not? I would too.

Very wise, WiseBuck...rep for you.
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osubuckeyes2731;984266; said:
Is UF a serious player for Josh Jenkins?

I actually want him to take a few visits (UF, FSU, where ever) as I think once he gets out of WV and sees there are other possibilities other than WVU, he will come to the Brew Crew and the atmosphere of tOSU.

Him taking official visits in my mind is giving tOSU a greater chance.
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im not sure how much stock to put into this but it is from a post on another forum, from a big WVU fan. The title is "Josh Jenkins news and new WVU commit that will be made public soon"

The Rivals board is going crazy over this but I have talked to an old friend at scouts.com (he works for them since they were Insiders.com) and he said he talked to a few OSU commits who let it slip that JJ told them that he was going to switch his commitment from WVU to OSU after his season........he is on pace to graduate in January so he wants to switch his commitment and head to Columbus.

Both these players asked him not to report what they said and he didn't......but he did tell me when we talked last night.

Also I don't like to PAT myself on the back (Being a WHITE guy and all) but my BROTHER has said I'm really good at reading between the lines. I COMMIT myself TO excellence......for my family and WVU.

BTW I can't really tell you yet who the commit is but it's kind of a big deal.......it will be kept quiet so it won't hurt in the recruitment of other top ranked players at the same position.

Also apparently he capitalized my Brother commit to WVU. So thats what them last 2 paragraphs mean.

Once again im not sure how much stock to put into this.
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Parkersburg advances...

The Charleston Gazette - Prep Sports

By Staff, wire reports

Matt Lindamood rushed for 176 yards and four touchdowns to lead No. 3 Parkersburg to a 45-13 win over No. 6 Bridgeport in the second round of the Class AAA playoffs Saturday at Parkersburg.

Defending champion Parkersburg (11-1) will meet No. 2 University (11-1) in the semifinals in Morgantown.

Bridgeport led 6-0 after Sean Snider's 29-yard run on the game's opening drive before Parkersburg scored the next 31 points.

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