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'08 WV OL Josh Jenkins (West Virginia Signee)

Parkersburg wears down UHS

Lindamood scores four touchdowns as defending champion Big Reds prevail, 31-21

By Bob Hertzel
For the Times West Virginian

MORGANTOWN ? Parkersburg?s defending Class AAA state champions will return to the title game next Saturday against St. Albans.
Jenkins, who has opened many of the holes that Lindamood has used for 34 touchdowns and 2,377 rushing yards this year, agrees.

?He makes it so easy for me. You only have to hold your block for a second. He makes me look good,? Jenkins, a 6-5, 305 pound tackle who has committed to WVU and says he still plans to attend there, said.

The Times West Virginian - Parkersburg wears down UHS
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Buckeye86;1010866; said:
If he does you can't blame him, WVU is a solid football program with a good to great coach. How good they will be once White and Slaton are gone is still up in the air though.
White and Slaton leaving turns into Devine and Jarred Fayson (definitely leaving UFlorida and looking hard at WV).
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I'm just saying, that Fayson is looking for a school that will let him play QB. Depending on if Pat White stays for his SR season or not, Fayson will have a year fully devoted to learning the offense, and obviously this is all dependent on him deciding on WVU, which is a school he is considering. I don't think it is guaranteed that if White stays one more year at QB that Brown takes over, but rather would fight with Fayson to earn the job. It could be taken from your statement that if Pryor (God forbid) does go to WV then he would have to wait behind Jarrett Brown, yes?
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osugrad21;939748; said:
Dunno, maybe my expectations were just too high...I'll agree to disagree. We all agree he is a a good looking prospect...just vary on the degrees of how impressive. I guess that is a good problem to have.

After watching a little big of Josh's film, I would have to agree. The kid has potential to be an excellent interior lineman when he develops the strength and explosiveness to overpower his opponents. I think part of the reason why that explosiveness isn't showing on the films is that he doesn't yet have the level of strength that guys like Brewster and Adams have. And in the films on several plays it just looks like the play is stalled or something but the whistle hasn't really been blown. However, it would be very interesting to see him play when he develops the power. Offensive line is a game of numbers and hopefully we'll get lucky with a few of the linemen we are bringing in this year...:biggrin:
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