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'08 WV OL Josh Jenkins (West Virginia Signee)

bobcat84;1012024; said:
Off the Scout free board someone that would know knows Tres to attend the WV Championship game in Wheeling tomorrow......

OSUBucks22;1012068; said:
Another advantage to finishing your season early... We're in the stands while WVU is still on the field...

casey_buckeye;1013586; said:
Did not see coach Tressel, but Jim Bollman stood in the north endzone most of the game with a coach from Florida and Florida State. Parkersburg won 22-15.
I am pretty sure I saw JoePa in the stands hiding in a blue fright wig. Don't go to Penn State, Josh! :p

Sounds as though whatever this young man has or will decide, he's dealing with the media pressure quite well. If he has something more to say, he has the right do it on his own timeline.
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December 04, 2007

Parkersburg?s Jenkins wins Gatorade honor

Parkersburg senior Josh Jenkins was named the Gatorade West Virginia football player of the year Monday.

The 6-foot-5, 305-pound two-way lineman helped the Big Reds to their second straight Class AAA state championship this past weekend.

Behind Jenkins on the offensive line, Parkersburg rushed for 3,937 yards and averaged 38.5 points per game. At defensive end, Jenkins recorded 48 tackles, two sacks and two forced fumbles. Jenkins, who won the Hunt Award last year as the state?s top lineman, is now a finalist for the national player of the year award, which will be announced later this month.

The Charleston Gazette - Prep Sports
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RoscoeParrish;1017434; said:
Kids are fickle, he may be a Mountaineer today and a Buckeye two months from now for all we know... Brewster's probably texting him as I type this...

I'm sure that Josh will be comfortable with whatever choice he makes. Frankly, as far as football goes, he's in great shape no matter what the choice.
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matcar;1017754; said:
I'm sure that Josh will be comfortable with whatever choice he makes. Frankly, as far as football goes, he's in great shape no matter what the choice.
True, though the opportunity to be a centerpiece of arguably the best Offensive line classes in the country at Ohio State surely has to play in his mind don't you think?
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sandgk;1017758; said:
True, though the opportunity to be a centerpiece of arguably the best Offensive line classes in the country at Ohio State surely has to play in his mind don't you think?

Sure. Just as being the TRUE centerpiece (rather than one of several great lineman) of the WVU offense would play in his mind. I'm sure there's plenty of draw to the Bucks, all I'm saying is there are plenty of good reasons why he might like WVU. He can't make a bad choice from the list he's got.
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#10Troy Smith Fan;1016997; said:
Am I the only way that didn't like the way he was talking in that video, He kinda seems like he is heading to WVU. He said "I'm still committed to WVU, I never de-committed or anything"
I dunno It just didn't sound like he was overly open minded, but who knows.
Jenkins seems to view de-committment as having occurred when he calls WVU and tells them he's not coming. I disagree. I'd say he effectively de-committed the moment he decided he was open to going elsewhere. He may end up going to WVU, but as of now, you can't be committed to a school and simultaneously be trying to make up your mind where you're going to go. That's kind of like being faithful to your wife, except for when you're sleeping with other women.
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Jenkins seems to view de-committment as having occurred when he calls WVU and tells them he's not coming. I disagree. I'd say he effectively de-committed the moment he decided he was open to going elsewhere. He may end up going to WVU, but as of now, you can't be committed to a school and simultaneously be trying to make up your mind where you're going to go. That's kind of like being faithful to your wife, except for when you're sleeping with other women.

I agree. I don't think these kids are committed to any particular definition of the word commitment. Folks who argue he is still committed while he is looking around and thinking it over are playing pretty loose with the term as well.

Once he said he was open a statement that he is now closed or a sig on an LOI is required to put an end to the speculation.
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FWIW..on the bucknuts freeboard a poster named buckicrazy says jenkins is signed sealed to osu...this poster has nailed several of the last osu commits...2 and 3 days in advance...many are speculatiing it is our favorite high school student recruiter.....also said scott is a buckeye
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zincfinger;1018215; said:
Jenkins seems to view de-committment as having occurred when he calls WVU and tells them he's not coming. I disagree. I'd say he effectively de-committed the moment he decided he was open to going elsewhere. He may end up going to WVU, but as of now, you can't be committed to a school and simultaneously be trying to make up your mind where you're going to go. That's kind of like being faithful to your wife, except for when you're sleeping with other women.

That is why his committment to WVU is considered a "soft verbal".

Your analogy breaks down with the wife thing however. A woman isn't your wife until vows have been exchanged. Considering that nothing is official until NLOID (just like a woman isn't a wife until vows have been exchanged), it may have been better to say, "That's kind of like being faithful to your fiancee, except for when you're sleeping with other women".:biggrin:
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buckeyeinfla;1018351; said:
FWIW..on the bucknuts freeboard a poster named buckicrazy says jenkins is signed sealed to osu...this poster has nailed several of the last osu commits...2 and 3 days in advance...many are speculatiing it is our favorite high school student recruiter.....also said scott is a buckeye
FWIW Michael Brewster posted on the Scout premium board on Sunday (verified by Bill Greene). buckicrazy was not his name....
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