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'08 WV OL Josh Jenkins (West Virginia Signee)

The Akron game must have him thinking twice about WVU... Our boys need to start blocking soon!!! The recruits have to think they have a shot at the field with the way our starters are currently playing.

I hope he enjoyed the game... we could really use him!!
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el mastiff;925396; said:
Horrible game for a football recruit to attend. Not real impressive when home team boos inept offense in first half. I hope we get another visit from him for a Big Ten game.

According to an old update, Josh was planning to make unofficial visits to Ohio State for the Northwestern and Wisconsin games.

By the way, how many of you fans decided to attend The Ohio State University because of the game day atmosphere at The Horseshoe? Just curious, since so many of you think that game day atmosphere is an important factor for footall recruits.
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LordJeffBuck;925497; said:
According to an old update, Josh was planning to make unofficial visits to Ohio State for the Northwestern and Wisconsin games.

By the way, how many of you fans decided to attend The Ohio State University because of the game day atmosphere at The Horseshoe? Just curious, since so many of you think that game day atmosphere is an important factor for footall recruits.

LJB, I usually don't disagree with you when it comes to football recruiting because you think more logically than most. I did not attend The Ohio State University but I think if a recruit attended a couple games and the crowd did not make much noise if everything else was equal I think the game day atmosphere could sway a recruit from one school to another. I am not saying that this will happen with Josh but I do think it could happen with other recruits especially ones who are not looking at the university as a whole.
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el mastiff;925396; said:
Horrible game for a football recruit to attend. Not real impressive when home team boos inept offense in first half. I hope we get another visit from him for a Big Ten game.

The only time the crowd booed (besides when Akron ran out) is when Tressel ran out the clock in the first half with a couple inside runs with ~ a minute left as opposed to throwing down field.
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LitlBuck;925600; said:
LJB, I usually don't disagree with you when it comes to football recruiting because you think more logically than most. I did not attend The Ohio State University but I think if a recruit attended a couple games and the crowd did not make much noise if everything else was equal I think the game day atmosphere could sway a recruit from one school to another. I am not saying that this will happen with Josh but I do think it could happen with other recruits especially ones who are not looking at the university as a whole.
Game day atmosphere might be a slight factor for some recruits, but it seems that most recruits place far more emphasis on the following (in no particluar order): location, coaching staff, playing time, athletic facilities, chance to win a championship, chance to get to the NFL, history and prestige of the program, and team chemistry; academics might actually figure into the equation from time to time.

Most kids don't make a four-year decision based on a "wild and crazy" game day atmosphere; and those who do, shouldn't.

Shawn Crable told people that he chose Michigan because they treated him like a rock star when he was in Ann Arbor. And gues what? Shawn has played like a rock star ever since. But hey, he had fun on his official visit....
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It was a good environment until we actually kicked off. Everything else was "crazy" as usual but during the game it was really painful to watch and it wasn't as loud as usual imo (I've been to lesser games at home than Akron as well). Regardless this really shouldn't change anything for Josh as LJB is saying (actually as we both have been advocating in numerous threads :biggrin:).
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el mastiff;925396; said:
Horrible game for a football recruit to attend. Not real impressive when home team boos inept offense in first half. I hope we get another visit from him for a Big Ten game.

The only time the crowd booed (besides when Akron ran out) is when Tressel ran out the clock in the first half with a couple inside runs with ~ a minute left as opposed to throwing down field.
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I would like to clarify something, since someone called "bs", on my last post.

Josh Jenkins was there and he was wearing a giant red shirt with a giant buckeye on it. There was gray on the shirt but not a lot, I was just trying to avoid detail for the sake of time.

I didn't recognize the two kids he was sitting with, my guess was two friends he brought along.
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