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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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OHSportsFan9;1951465; said:
I found out first-hand today that it is impossible to discuss this situation with people.

So true. It seems I'm the only one in my family who can sit back and look at the larger picture with some context. Everyone else seems to think they should have given themselves a two or three year bowl ban, a like 20 per year recruiting reduction, and don't deserve to play the game ever again. They can be just as bad or worse than those self-righteous mediots clamoring for worse sanctions than U$C. Every time I mention that no other institution has received anywhere near what people claim they should get for similar or even worse violations, it turns to "It doesn't matter, they should be setting an example, etc."

Really is ridiculous what all the grandstanding and baseless accusations has caused normally "rational" fans of the program (I would say that typically applies to my family) to think of the situation.
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OHSportsFan9;1951465; said:
I found out first-hand today that it is impossible to discuss this situation with people.

I was in cbus at the fairgrounds the last couple of days (Goodguys Car Show). One of the vendors was an Alabama fan, graduated form there I take it. He started by saying he wasn't unhappy that it happened to OSU but he undertstood it because of what Alabama went through. Then I heard 5 minutes worth of the SEC has the best football, the best defense, the best players etc...blah blah blah...Nick Sabin...blah blah blah. Florida kicked our butts, LSU did the same, blah blah blah. He wanted to know why OSU gets so much attention? He was a hater and pretty much glotted the whole time we talked. I simply said I want to move ahead and try to put this behind us. The guy wore me out in the hot sun. I really feel that this is going to reap it's reward after the clouds blow over, and like Alabama, we will find out what it takes with a new coach and a new attitude.
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I cant talk to folks at work-but my family...my dad in particular still doesnt see what the big deal was....he rolls his eyes anytime someone acts outraged at Tress's transgressions...his quote to his retired golf buddies "give me a fucking break, let me know when the pay for play scheme is uncovered and I might be slightly upset....over not running to compliance creating a media shit storm when he was told his kids traded crap for chump change and tattoos?....spare me the fake moral outrage"
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utgrad73;1951477; said:
I was in cbus at the fairgrounds the last couple of days (Goodguys Car Show). One of the vendors was an Alabama fan, graduated form there I take it. He started by saying he wasn't unhappy that it happened to OSU but he undertstood it because of what Alabama went through. Then I heard 5 minutes worth of the SEC has the best football, the best defense, the best players etc...blah blah blah...Nick Sabin...blah blah blah. Florida kicked our butts, LSU did the same, blah blah blah. He wanted to know why OSU gets so much attention? He was a hater and pretty much glotted the whole time we talked. I simply said I want to move ahead and try to put this behind us. The guy wore me out in the hot sun. I really feel that this is going to reap it's reward after the clouds blow over, and like Alabama, we will find out what it takes with a new coach and a new attitude.

another quote from my dad to an Alabama fan at a wedding saying the same shit...."nice bowl game against Utah...you won a National championship after sucking for 15 years and getting caught cheating three times....are you going to eat that piece of cake?"
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bassbuckeye07;1951480; said:
another quote from my dad to an Alabama fan at a wedding saying the same shit...."nice bowl game against Utah...you won a National championship after sucking for 15 years and getting caught cheating three times....are you going to eat that piece of cake?"

Being a typical Gump he probably said "If by piece of cake you mean the whole daggum cake, then yes sir. I suppose I will. Roll Tide."

My mom lives in Alabama...insufferable. Seriously.
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Everyone is ignoring a very serious question.

When fans all over the country finally finish spinning over OSU's self imposed sanctions, what are we going to do with all that butter?

It is not unendurable. It is flat fun.
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Oh8ch;1951489; said:
Everyone is ignoring a very serious question.

When fans all over the country finally finish CHURNING over OSU's self imposed sanctions, what are we going to do with all that butter?

It is not unendurable. It is flat fun.


Lots of toast and muffins. We will have gorged ourselevs on self pity and will be ready to take it to the next level. Whatever that is.
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utgrad73;1951477; said:
I was in cbus at the fairgrounds the last couple of days (Goodguys Car Show). One of the vendors was an Alabama fan, graduated form there I take it. He started by saying he wasn't unhappy that it happened to OSU but he undertstood it because of what Alabama went through. Then I heard 5 minutes worth of the SEC has the best football, the best defense, the best players etc...blah blah blah...Nick Sabin...blah blah blah. Florida kicked our butts, LSU did the same, blah blah blah. He wanted to know why OSU gets so much attention? He was a hater and pretty much glotted the whole time we talked. I simply said I want to move ahead and try to put this behind us. The guy wore me out in the hot sun. I really feel that this is going to reap it's reward after the clouds blow over, and like Alabama, we will find out what it takes with a new coach and a new attitude.

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Gatorubet;1950903; said:
Great find sfl. That is really helpful. They throw a one year ban on you and you're done even in a worse case scenario. I don't know if assistants sign the compliance forms too, which may or may not matter.....but if it is about the same violation, that is great news about the type of sanctions you would expect to receive, as you look to have served all but the bowl ban deal. Nice get.
Still a good get, but I finally read all of tOSU response, and the original of the NCAA report that sfl brought to everyone's attention. Just to be accurate, I note than while one included a failure to monitor, it did not include a repeat offender status issue under NCAA Bylaw

That repeat status was admitted by tOSU, which makes the decision whether to use it as an excuse to slap additional sanctions including scholarship restrictions more subjective - as the repeat offender status is admitted. It sure as hell is not mandatory, and I'm not saying that, just that a look at 10.1 violator precedent without adding violator status to the search is not as conclusive as I had thought. TOSU response correctly notes that the major violation probation that you are under was in basketball, not football, that the acts themselves for the basketball offense were years and years before the 2006 violation ruling, and that it was all Tressel's doing, institutional wise, and he is gone.

So I'm not saying that you will be punished worse than the self imposed stuff, just that the last discussion of the 10.1 stuff never involving scholarship reductions may not be accurate unless the repeat violator status is thrown in that search too.

Also, just saw that tOSU says in its response that Cicero has had disciplinary proceedings started against him for the breach of client confidentiality in sending those e-mails.
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Gatorubet;1951499; said:
Also, just saw that tOUS says in its response that Cicero has had disciplinary proceedings started against him for the breach of client confidentiality in sending those e-mails.

I'm sure the Ohio Supreme Court Justices will be very understanding if Attorney Cicero's disciplinary proceeding comes before them.
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sepia5;1951517; said:
I'm sure the Ohio Supreme Court Justices will be very understanding if Attorney Cicero's disciplinary proceeding comes before them.

Since its not his first disciplinary proceeding, he'll probably get suspended 2 years with 6 months or a year stayed on conditions. And that's if they can prove he breached confidentiality.
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OH10;1951528; said:
Since its not his first disciplinary proceeding, he'll probably get suspended 2 years with 6 months or a year stayed on conditions. And that's if they can prove he breached confidentiality.

Is there any question? I thought he had a consultation with or actually represented the owner of the tattoo parlor.
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I would just like to know how in the world can anybody say we need to vacate the bowl game. The NCAA could have said no at any time during the process but yet they didn't. We all know the reason why, it's the same as to why there will not be a bowl ban when all of this comes down and if there is one it will only be one year. The NCAA knows who brings more butter to dinner each New Year's and the Buckeyes, and their fans, are up there.
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