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Is there any way that Ohio State can just say "forget it" with ESPN (you're banned from our campus, etc.)?

I thought Luke Fickell was installing a media boycott of the network, but Vrabel was on ESPN today (so obviously not one there).

Just from this incident the past few months and ESPN's vendetta, I wish OSU would just leave it.
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OhioState001;1951917; said:
As if ESPN's hate for OSU could be any more obvious

18. Ohio State violated R.C. ?149.43(B)(2) and R.C. ?149.43(B)(3) when it
summarily denied ESPN's requests as overbroad, without citing legal authority for that denial,
or providing ESPN with the opportunity to revise the request.
19. Ohio Revised Code ? 149.43 (C)(1) permits a party aggrieved by the failure of a
public office to make public records available to proceed with a mandamus action, which may
be commenced in the Ohio Supreme Court pursuant to its original jurisdiction under Section 3
of Article IV of the Ohio Constitution. Ohio Revised Code ?149.43(C)(1) also provides that
the aggrieved party may seek a judgment "that awards court costs and reasonable attorney's
fees to the person that instituted the mandamus action."
WHEREFORE, ESPN requests a Writ of Mandamus ordering Ohio State to make
available copies of all emails, letters and memos to and from Jim Tressel, Gordon Gee, Doug Archie,
and/or Gene Smith with key word Sarniak since March 15, 2007, all documents andemails, letters and memos
related to NCAA investigations prepared for and/or forwarded to the
NCAA since 1/1/2010 related to an investigation of Jim Tressel, any and all emails or documents
listing people officially barred from student-athlete pass lists (game tickets) since January 1, 2007, =
any report, email or other correspondence between the NCAA and Doug Archie or any
oYher_ Ohi9_State athletic department official related to any violation (including secondary
violation) of NCAA rules involving the football program, since January 1, 2005, and a judgment
awarding attorney's fees and court costs associated with bringing this action.


So they can sling more dirt - I will not watch an ESPN show, I will not support ESPN in any way. Football season better be on the BTN. My radio i sgoing to get a workout this year.​
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CHU;1951923; said:
Is there any way that Ohio State can just say "forget it" with ESPN (you're banned from our campus, etc.)?

I thought Luke Fickell was installing a media boycott of the network, but Vrabel was on ESPN today (so obviously not one there).

Just from this incident the past few months and ESPN's vendetta, I wish OSU would just leave it.

Its tough when one network has some much power in college football world.
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While this lawsuit is pending, is there any way Ohio State can refuse to cooperate with ESPN, in any way (meaning no interviews, nothing)?

I honestly don't know what else the network wants at this point (other than more filler). It's honestly at the point I want people dead at ESPN.

Tressel's gone, Pryor's gone, and you just spent 6-7 months attacking Ohio State. What else? You want undergraduate degrees to become invalid?
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GeorgiaBuck2;1951945; said:
All of those [censored]s can go die in a [censored]ing hole for all I care.

[censored] that piece of [Mark May] network.

I honestly wouldn't shed a tear if the ESPiN headquarters were to burn to the ground.

As soon as the mob gets back from visiting Herbie in TN we'll send them that way.
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