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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1951966; said:
Chance are ESPN will win their suit. The Ohio Supreme Court prefers to have public records released.

Yeah, but FERPA can be tricky.

The stuff about Sarniak I can see falling under FERPA if TP is involved in the emails at all.

The other stuff though (ticket lists, etc.) would be something that the court might agree with the complainant on.

Believe it or not, I'm interested in Gator's thoughts. :biggrin:
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OH10;1951848; said:
Depends on what was confidential and/or whether his client gave him permission to send the email with that information. Cicero could claim he did and it would be his word against the word of a convicted felon.

Good luck making that argument if you don't have an informed waiver of confidentiality in writing, especially when the confidential information relates to an ongoing criminal investigation! I'm feeling pretty ethical right now, as I just had to do a mandatory professional responsibility CLE course on Saturday. :bonk:
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MaliBuckeye;1951971; said:
Yeah, but FERPA can be tricky.

The stuff about Sarniak I can see falling under FERPA if TP is involved in the emails at all.

The other stuff though (ticket lists, etc.) would be something that the court might agree with the complainant on.

Believe it or not, I'm interested in Gator's thoughts. :biggrin:

Are the emails about Sarniak, or to and from Sarniak?

My assumption is that it's a bit of both. If the emails are to and from Sarniak yet supposedly protected by FERPA in this instance, then to what extent was FERPA violated already in the emails themselves?
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MaliBuckeye;1951915; said:
ESPN is now suing Ohio State, claiming that they falsely used FERPA to keep from releasing emails between Tressel and Sarniak.

Suit info here.

There's rumors afoot that they did this with Texas and USC in the past as well, although no indication of what the result was (if this did happen).

bassbuckeye07;1951916; said:
Hopefully we will get some home cooking here.....fuck espn

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1951966; said:
Chance are ESPN will win their suit. The Ohio Supreme Court prefers to have public records released.

Remember, Ohio voters, your Supreme Court Justices are elected!
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I just wish I knew what else ESPN's wants.

BTN isn't going anywhere and ESPN seems fine with erroneous facts regarding Ohio State (and just running with the story).

In the end, BTN and Ohio State aren't going anywhere. If it's Gene Smith they want, take him!
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I'm surprised there was a lawyer in this town that wasn't too busy with Bengals cases to mess with this bullshit.

I for one appreciated the part where they argued that FERPA doesn't prohibit the release of student records, only outlines the consequences for doing so (which is possible loss of federal funding up to and including the ability for students to use federal financial aid at the institution). Basically, it read to me like they were arguing that an institution's responsibility to provide info to journalists supersedes their responsibility to remain financially solvent.
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MaliBuckeye;1951940; said:
Dispatch is interested in the same information-

ESPN lawyer John Greiner, based in Cincinnati, said in the court filing that the events surrounding OSU football are sad.
"But that sadness does not mean that the events should be secret," the filing says.

TP is no longer a student there, is he protected by FERPA at this point?

What is sad is the events get magnified everytime the media gets ahold of news. They are the reason this has increased to epic proportions. The Dispatch is no better, they don't give a (Mark May) about the football program, they do care about circulation. No one will ever call them a group of Homers IMO.
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