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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Nicknam4;1950802; said:
I still blame the Tat-5 before Tressel. There was no excuse for what they did. They knew better, and put the entire program in danger with their selfishness and carelessness.

Their actions equal 4 game suspensions for themselves. Everything beyond that is a direct result of Tressel's inaction. They put part of their season in danger. He put the program in danger. That's why he [strike]got shitcanned[/strike], [strike]resigned[/strike], retired.
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WolverineMike;1950854; said:
my dad said he read in the Dispatch where Smith said he opted for the vacating of wins over a self imposed 3 year bowl ban because he thinks that's what the NCAA is going to tack on. So he was afraid of a 6 year total ban. Is that true? I did not see that in the links posted, and my dad doesn't read that well :lol:

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SmoovP;1950814; said:
My "Good Grief" response was to this:

I don't know what else to say to that.

And being that I have clearly over-stepped my bounds on what is acceptable for an outsider to say, I'll hush.

If you say so, but after observing you for the past few months, I would assume you would know the opening line was completely tongue-in-cheek.
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Jt and the tat 5 broke rules and deserve a hearing and punishment..its the process that sucks..press conferences ,leaks,self reporting, self punishment , media speculation, pontififying from our own and other fan bases its the most ridiculous way for a billion dollar industry to do bussiness.
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Onebuckfan;1950881; said:
Jt and the tat 5 broke rules and deserve a hearing and punishment..its the process that sucks..press conferences ,leaks,self reporting, self punishment , media speculation, pontififying from our own and other fan bases its the most ridiculous way for a billion dollar industry to do bussiness.

The thing alot of people are forgetting both insiders and outsiders, whether they are doing it purposefully or not, are that the Tat5 have already been punished. They were given their responses already. This next step involves Tressels actions only. They tried to dig up a bunch more shit but they didnt find anything, as far as the public knows. The car stuff and the other stuff are all glitz and glamour with no substance. TP is gone so they get no more from him. Tressel is gone.

The biggest question mark now is will the NCAA think Smith/OSU are genuine in their efforts and is the punishment fitting the crime. Thats the only thing left to debate really. Am I missing something else?

Honestly I'm with Gator on the fact that forfeiting the games from last year dont necessarily hurt my feelings that much. I got all of the joy I could get from each one of those games and no one can take that away. They didnt take the money back. The can put an asterisk by whatever games they want, everyone knows who won. So, really, the only thing I care about are the student-athletes left on the roster and the ones coming in that are still here to pick up the pieces and move on.

I never really understood how it made sense to punish the innocent parties that are left holding the bag after someone F's up a program. NCAA needs to develop some clause that allows them to go after players and coaches that mess up and try to get away with it by leaving.(Not including Tressel here)
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BB73;1950874; said:
Also - BP's Buckeye fans try to avoid calling ourselves 'we' when talking about the team, so I'd appreciate it if you stop using 'you' when talking about tOSU. It tends to sound antagonistic and accusatory, and that will only cause problems.
Really??? "You" is an issue? OK.

Kyle gave me [Mark May] about a past use of "we", so....I'll try to maneuver the pronoun mine field better. [strike]You[/strike] I Know, huh?
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Dryden;1950826; said:
Good point. I'm sure a lot of people thought the machine would just roll on after Woody.

As far as that goes Earl was a 2 point conversion away from a NC in his first year. If Keith Byars stays healthy there is no telling what could have been in 84 and 85. Lets also not forget he was up against Bo in his prime.

Coop had NC contending teams in 95, 96 and 98.

A lot of things had to go the wrong way for those guys to miss that many chances. Just as many went the right way for Tressel to win his NC in '02.

Possibly the greatest bit of fortune Tressel received however, was his tenure coinciding almost exactly with scUM and the rest of the B10 hitting historical lows. As we saw over and over again for a stretch from late '06 to late '09 the OOC elite were significantly better.

My point is losing Tressel obviously is a big deal but the program most certainly will roll on(depending on ones definition of "roll on" I guess). The next guy won't probably won't dominate the B10 the way Tressel did because they are going to get better, the arrival of Nebraska alone is more than Tressel had to deal with. No one will ever dominate scUM the way he did but then again, who has ever gotten the benefit of 3 years of ineptitude like we saw from RR?

IMO Ohio State has too much tradition, name recognition, money and too many natural recruiting advantages to ever fall completely off the CFB map for an extended period of time. NCAA sanctions aside, schools like OSU, USC, Oklahoma, now Florida, Nebraska and Texas are always just a good coaching hire away from NC contending teams.

I think Fickell is in the same kind of spot Tressel and Earl were in where he inherits a load of talent that may have been suffering from some degree of coaching fatigue. Now he gets all that talent and a new level of motivation and commitment from them for the first couple of years. If his complete lack of experience doesn't bite him in the ass that's a great situation to be in.
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sflbuck;1950871; said:
I would like to direct all our Junior NCAA Investigators and Volunteer Committee on Infractions members to the following "case law" involving Southern Indiana University Basketball, a division II institution.


The NCAA found that

1) An assistant coach provided extra benefits directly to a student athlete. Specifically airline tickets to get to and from SIU his first semester.

2) This same assistant committed a 10.1 violation by telling the NCAA that the student athlete paid him back (complete with a phony receipt).

3) The same assistant also committed academic fraud. Specifically he had the head coach's father in law compose a final exam paper for a student athlete.

4) Same assistant committed another 10.1 violation regarding the said academic fraud.

5) Found that the Head Coach failed to maintain a atmosphere of compliance. Said Head Coach, among other things, directed another assistant coach to provide "gas money" to two student athletes, without notifying compliance.

6) Head and Assistant Coaches committed other secondary violations.

For these violation the NCAA handed down the following penalties.

1) Show cause for both the head and assistant coach. (They had already been fired or resigned).

2) One year post season ban. (appears to be self imposed)

3) Vacation of all wins that ineligible athletes competed in.

4) One year of probation.

5) $ 2500 fine to the NCAA.

6) SIU ordered to disassociate themselves from the person that aided in the academic fraud (The Ex Head Coaches Father in Law)

This ruling was handled down February of THIS YEAR.

The only major difference between these penalties and OSU self impose penalties is the 1 year post season ban.

My point is it really that much of a reach to believe that the Gene Smith self imposed penalties for a single 10.1 Violation are going to pass muster with the NCAA when at SIU multiple coaches committed multiple 10.1 violations as well as academic fraud and provided improper benefits directly to student athletes?
Great find sfl. That is really helpful. They throw a one year ban on you and you're done even in a worse case scenario. I don't know if assistants sign the compliance forms too, which may or may not matter.....but if it is about the same violation, that is great news about the type of sanctions you would expect to receive, as you look to have served all but the bowl ban deal. Nice get.
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Great free read from Kyle Lamb

I went through the NCAA major violations database for the last 10 years for all D-1 FBS schools and D-1 basketball schools. I looked at every single case that were designated major violations, but lacked NCAA bylaw 2.8.1 (Responsibility of Institution) which is the bylaw in which a Failure to Monitor or Lack of Institutional control charge is levied.

In this time period, I found 28 cases that were major but lacked a violation of bylaw 2.8.1.

Anyone want to wager a guess how many of those 28 programs received a postseason ban? Anyone?

Answer: ZERO.
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Gatorubet;1950900; said:
Really??? "You" is an issue? OK.

Kyle gave me [Mark May] about a past use of "we", so....I'll try to maneuver the pronoun mine field better. [strike]You[/strike] I Know, huh?

The pronoun thing is apparently something y'all need to work on.
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