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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Gatorubet;1950745; said:
I think he was referring to the question of why punish the rest of the people for the acts of two guys? Obviously, because if you could skate for using ineligible players intentionally by just changing coaches and the dolts that got caught, there would be no disincentive to not use ineligible players intentionally, as the program would never be punished - only the individuals.

That is a little bit good grief-ish, although I think you were going somewhere else with that whole post. I'd be clearer, but I've been buried in tons of leeway :p

Just changing coaches? Really? C'mon now...

Spurrier-Zook? How'd that one work out for ya? That is my point...why minimize what has already happened? We just lost the best thing that ever happened to tOSU football for anyone born after 1975.
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osugrad21;1950753; said:
Just changing coaches? Really? C'mon now...

Spurrier-Zook? How'd that one work out for ya? That is my point...why minimize what has already happened? We just lost the best thing that ever happened to tOSU football for anyone born after 1975.
yeah yeah yeah, I get your point. I (and smoov) were talking punishment sorta macro view and you are talking punishment micro (tOSU) view. We were talking the philosophy of punishment in a system, not the bucket of suck that is losing Tress. Disconnect. I see it.

I get that Capo, the bold part. I mean, intellectually I get that, the gut stomp thing not so much, although I've had that over the years too. But the penalties handed out by the NCAA as a real world matter really can't factor in how much you love your coach - or how f'in great he was as a coach - as a reason not to give further punishments...ya know?
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Gatorubet;1950760; said:
yeah yeah yeah, I get your point. I (and smoov) were talking punishment sorta macro view and you are talking punishment micro (tOSU) view. We were talking the philosophy of punishment in a system, not the bucket of suck that is losing Tress. Disconnect. I see it.

I get that Capo, the bold part. I mean, intellectually I get that, the gut stomp thing not so much, although I've had that over the years too. But the penalties handed out by the NCAA as a real world matter really can't factor in how much you love your coach - or how f'in great he was as a coach - as a reason not to give further punishments...ya know?

Agreed...but to go back to an overall view, if there is not a new NOA, how do you honestly justify more penalties based on the facts presented? That was my question.
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osugrad21;1950761; said:
Agreed...but to go back to an overall view, if there is not a new NOA, how do you honestly justify more penalties based on the facts presented? That was my question.
I guess I don't know the history of the 10.1 violations by coaches when it involved knowingly using ineligible players. And, to what extent is the coach viewed as an extension of the university (he is an employee after all) instead of being viewed as "separate" from the university? IOW, I think the NCAA views what Tress did as "the bad thing the Ohio State University employee did" rather than as it has been portrayed here, as "something the coach did" - as if the coach is not a part of the institution...and punishment for the coach is all that is needed (as the coach is the one who broke the rules).

I wish I knew how the schools were punished for the deeds of the coaches in cases where the coach did the 10.1 thing and obtained an on-field advantage.
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Gatorubet;1950766; said:
I guess I don't know the history of the 10.1 violations by coaches when it involved knowingly using ineligible players. And, to what extent is the coach viewed as an extension of the university (he is an employee after all) instead of being viewed as "separate" from the university? IOW, I think the NCAA views what Tress did as "the bad thing the Ohio State University employee did" rather than as it has been portrayed here, as "something the coach did" - as if the coach is not a part of the institution...and punishment for the coach is all that is needed (as the coach is the one who broke the rules).

I wish I knew how the schools were punished for the deeds of the coaches in cases where the coach did the 10.1 thing and obtained an on-field advantage.

Its definitely an issue worth researching. Do Asst Coaches also sign that? Taylor and Blake may end up as saviors for their schools based on the Tressel precedent.
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BuckeyeMac;1950514; said:
Gene S. Says if NCAA hits us with worse sanctions we'll see him on the offensive and a behavior we haven't witnessed yet.

Wonderful. Perhaps he'll accuse them of Buckeye Envy.

No bowl ban and no scholarship losses? Gene Smith is either one clever motherfucker who knows exactly what he's doing, or he's an imbecile of galactic proportions and a lot of students, student-athletes, alumni and others are going to pay for it.

Oh well, I'm sure my worries are utterly baseless, because GS performance has been nothing less than stellar to date.
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ORD_Buckeye;1950778; said:
Wonderful. Perhaps he'll accuse them of Buckeye Envy.

No bowl ban and no scholarship losses? Gene Smith is either one clever motherfucker who knows exactly what he's doing, or he's an imbecile of galactic proportions and a lot of students, student-athletes, alumni and others are going to pay for it.

Oh well, I'm sure my worries are utterly baseless, because GS performance has been nothing less than stellar to date.

I'd hate to see the odds on a v-bet for that one. Seriously, this looks like such a pathetically obvious calculated move, he just HAS to have something else up his sleeve...right? right? :paranoid:
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Bucklion;1950783; said:
he just HAS to have something else up his sleeve...right? right? :paranoid:

I don't take comfort in the fact that this is what popped into my head.

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ORD_Buckeye;1950778; said:
No bowl ban and no scholarship losses? Gene Smith is either one clever [censored] who knows exactly what he's doing, or he's an imbecile of galactic proportions and a lot of students, student-athletes, alumni and others are going to pay for it.

...or based on the current NOA, tOSU made the correct response.

If that NOA changes, so does the response.
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osugrad21;1950786; said:
...or based on the current NOA, tOSU made the correct response.

If that NOA changes, so does the response.

Best case, that I can work out is that GS feels that a one year bowl ban and minor scholarship losses are the absolute worst that can come down (regardless of what we do or don't do in the self-imposing stage), so why not self-impose light and cross fingers that they buy it.

Hope he's right, but given performances of the recent past, my confidence level is not high.
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ORD_Buckeye;1950778; said:
Wonderful. Perhaps he'll accuse them of Buckeye Envy.

No bowl ban and no scholarship losses? Gene Smith is either one clever motherfucker who knows exactly what he's doing, or he's an imbecile of galactic proportions and a lot of students, student-athletes, alumni and others are going to pay for it.

Oh well, I'm sure my worries are utterly baseless, because GS performance has been nothing less than stellar to date.

I don't care if the students get the.....well you get the rest.

I think you might be slightly over-dramatizing things here, JUST a bit....yes student-athletes on the FOOTBALL team will be stung somewhat, but we knew that was coming. This won't affect the hockey team or the baseball team or the women's LAX team. As for the rest of it, all of this has happened before, it'll likely happen again.

Good thing you weren't here when Woody gave those kids lunch money, I'm sure you would've had Ohio State getting the death penalty then too.
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ORD_Buckeye;1950778; said:
Wonderful. Perhaps he'll accuse them of Buckeye Envy.

No bowl ban and no scholarship losses? Gene Smith is either one clever motherfucker who knows exactly what he's doing, or he's an imbecile of galactic proportions and a lot of students, student-athletes, alumni and others are going to pay for it.

Oh well, I'm sure my worries are utterly baseless, because GS performance has been nothing less than stellar to date.

I will believe to the end that GS has enough friends in the NCAA brass to know exactly what to offer and how to handle things. I feel he has gone to them with this and they offer him responses. I would be shocked otherwise.
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gnepmatt;1950509; said:
Okay, what if Tressel is Vindicated and is found that the FBI did tell him to keep his mouth shut and keep this away from the national media and the school.. now what? And I hope he is vindicated and hope the ES(ec)PN talking heads shut up about how evil Tressel is and realize how dumb their arguments have been.

Wishful thinking. I read the emails. I heard Tressel's explanation. There is no good defense for keeping it to himself and taking no action. There just isn't.

What bothers me is it was so unnecessary. For it to have gotten to this level was inexcusable, and that falls on our former coach. This could've been dealt with proactively last summer and behind us by October. He would've been the portrait of integrity instead of resigning in disgrace a year later and leaving a black mark on the program. :ohwell:
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I still blame the Tat-5 before Tressel. There was no excuse for what they did. They knew better, and put the entire program in danger with their selfishness and carelessness.

Tressel still [censored]ed up, and he payed for it. That's one of the only mistakes he's made, though. I'll him give credit for that.
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Jaxbuck;1950433; said:
I don't like Smith and I don't necessarily agree with this but its one way of looking at it. He's going all in on how big a deal it really is to lose Jim Tressel.

Honestly, its catastrophic. As fans we may never see another guy like him the way things change. It took 30 years after Woody to find a guy that took us to the promise land. You never really know, it may be at least that long again. :(
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